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Hong Kong WordPress Meetup 15th Aug 2018

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Chiaki KOUNO ● Website Developer ● Work with WordPress since 2005 日 普 広 Chiaki KOUNO @chiaki_kouno

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Let me share about

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What’s WordCamp? Contributor Day After Party Conference Day

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Conference Day Plugin Theme Security Design Marketing

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Contributor Day 佈景主題 Review中! Study&Review

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After Party 我係製作Plugin 同佈景主題嘅 人。 Communication

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Good Opportunity! Contributor Day After Party Conference Day

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WP User Designer Developer Marketer Blogger 48 Countries 128 Times in 2017 Attendees Scale Volunteers from WordPress Users Organizers

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Hello, I’m WAPUU! Born in JAPAN

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Hello, I’m WAPUU!

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WordCamp World Wide

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Over 2,000 Attendees! Serbia, Belgrade Nashville, Tennessee December 7th-9th June 14th-16th Top Scale WordCamp

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WordCamp in Asia 2018 ● Thailand - Bangkok 2月 ● Japan ○ Osaka 5月 ○ Ogijima(男木島) 6月 ○ Tokyo 9月 ● Philippines ○ Iloilo 8月 ○ Manila 9月 ● Taiwan - Taipei 10月 ● Nepal ● INDIA ● Pakistan ...

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○ September ■ 14th - Contributor Day ■ 15th - Conference Day ○ Shinjuku, Tokyo ○ 1,000 Attendees WordCamp Tokyo 2018

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○ 6 English Sessions! Business Development for Enterprise WordPress A deep dive into WordPress performance Gutenberg design matters: creating open source Gutenberg: Evolution of the Editor in WordPress WordPress Translations Demystified WordPress Internationalization Workflows WordCamp Tokyo 2018

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9月 See you in Tokyo!

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10月 See you in Taipei!

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Someday also in Hong Kong?

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