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Strategies for Commending the Awesome @cassiemc Cassie McDaniel

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Story Inspiration How-to

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“” I don’t want to be the token woman speaking at a conference, but I do want to be a woman speaking at a conference to show other women it’s not scary. – Pearl Chen

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For me, the way in to technology was not through science and math, it was through making. It was through art, it was through design. “” – Martha Ladly Beginnings

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writing Writing

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Gender issues are so often just under the surface that they aren't visible and therefore fester or change dynamics in unseen, indescribable ways. “” – Ayla Newhouse What is Women && Tech?

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How do you open source design? ?

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mauricio calero

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rachelle sabourin

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rachelle sabourin

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David waldman

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David waldman

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pam lau

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Jon lim

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jon lim

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You just get so much more out of a project by having a network effect, rather than just working alone on something. It’s nice when collaboration makes something better. “” – Pearl Chen The team

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40 OUT OF *** Audrey Kuo *** Brenna O'Brien *** Brett Bergmann *** Cassie Kaiser *** Cassie McDaniel david waldman *** Ivonne Karamoy katrina keilhauer keith loo kelly seagram *** Lucia Mariani-Vena 22 volunteers

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3am / launch night

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Twenty years from now, it would be great to say that we built this thing and it had a positive impact in the world. “” – Dessy Daskalov Building a committed team

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= $€ £

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611 subscribers

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My stance towards technology is engaged; it's critical but not fearful. “” – Nora Young Feedback

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I'd prefer a slightly different slogan. [...] I feel like "We're really not complaining" is a bit insulting to those who really are highlighting the problems with sexism in technology fields. “ ” @gilrain Thanks! We think you're right and we're already looking at changing that bit. @cassiemc “ ”

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Slide 54 text If they are celebrating awesomeness? “ ” @timc ... “ ”

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Sharing stories from startup women is great, although I’m not a fan of the reverse sexism. “ ” @mibbitier We do have several men on our team (more men than women, in fact) and don’t at all intend “reverse sexism”. @cassiemc “ ” Reverse sexism? Check your privilege. “ ” @mediacrisis “Privilege?” Check your cultural Marxism. “ ” @NotMyMorals

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Slide 56 text – I wholeheartedly approve of this message. Awesome. Now how do we New York this? – Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit “”

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Twitter feedback

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It seems so obvious to me, [science is] how the world works! Why wouldn’t you be fascinated with the mechanisms that create everything? “” – Ariel Garten The process

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30 hours per interview

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Design-centric Free-flowing Beautiful Inefficient Time-consuming Unicorns make babies here Humans, elves and dwarves live happily together. There are trolls, though. Must work with rules Efficient use of time Limited set of beauty Inflexible Beauty = loss of data sharing Unicorns are for hippies Middle Earth CMS Heavy

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Design-centric Middle Earth CMS Heavy Where we live is outside in another dimension, timeline and reality. x “ ”

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If you don't have the confidence and the courage to take risks in your own career you're not going to get very far. “” – Martha Ladly Funding

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$1000. In cash. In a paper bag. To do something awesome. ... That's it.

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rachelle sabourin

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Yay sponsors and supporters!

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Income Microsoft Camp Tech Supplies Food Marketing/promotion Domain and hosting Parking Tickets 4000 500 427.68 282.84 112.56 66.95 21.50 Total Total Expenses $4500 $911.53

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People talk about having it all, but I just said I’m not gonna think about that anymore. I’m just going to do what I do. “” – Lucia Mariani-Vena Think lean

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Hack for Her

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Think lean Scope Events Scholarships Art-directed templates Podcasts Swag School presentations Poster series Infographics for every post Pay writers & photogs Animations World’s best app Connect mentors T-shirts Chapters around the world

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Think lean Scope Events Scholarships Art-directed templates Podcasts Swag School presentations Poster series Infographics for every post Pay writers & photogs Animations World’s best app Connect mentors T-shirts Chapters around the world

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Distributed responsibility Distributed responsibility Think lean

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Think lean established hierarchy Mutually

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Honest and realistic time-frames Think lean

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Listen to your audience (but not too hard) Think lean

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Will we be around forever? No. I think once the industry is more equal, we’ll stop having the need for groups like Ladies Learning Code. “” – Heather Payne Next Steps

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How can you help?

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@cassiemc Thank you