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THE BIG REWRITE @molsjeroen

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@molsjeroen PART 1 The brave step Photo: DasUngesagte

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@molsjeroen THE BRAVE STEP ➤ Our App is in a bad state ➤ We’re constantly firefighting ➤ Team is unhappy ➤ We should start over

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@molsjeroen PART 2 Reality kicks in Photo: Clement127

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@molsjeroen REALITY KICKS IN ➤ More features than anticipated (feature complete) ➤ Plans overly optimistic ➤ Requirements hidden in source code ➤ Designs keep on changing ➤ Requirements keep on changing ➤ Loss of development capacity to old app ➤ Underestimating qualities of previous team ➤ Risky big bang launch

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@molsjeroen PART 3 Ship ship ship Photo: Chris Christian

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@molsjeroen SHIP SHIP SHIP ➤ Pressure increases massively ➤ Shortcuts are taken ➤ Technical debt accumulates ➤ Are you really better off than before?

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@molsjeroen PART 4 A better way Photo: Clement127

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@molsjeroen A BETTER WAY ➤ Refactor the code step by step ➤ Work as a team towards a clear goal ➤ Fast and reliable CI in place ➤ Automated tests ➤ Modularise your app to enable riskier changes ➤ Master your tools ➤ Release often and frequently ➤ Have faith

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@molsjeroen WRAP UP Photo: Clement127

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@molsjeroen SUMMARY ➤ Rewrites are risky and time consuming
 ➤ Reduce risk as much as possible ➤ Minimise time to market & maximise user value ➤ Refactor to make code incrementally better ➤ Modularise to enable bigger, riskier changes
 ➤ Automate your testing ➤ Release release release

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@molsjeroen IMAGE CREDITS ➤ Almost all images - clement127 ➤ Intro slide - Kenny Louie ➤ Moon lander - DasUngesagte ➤ Spaceship - Marshal Banana ➤ Captain - Chris Christian ➤ Juggler - Markus Lütkemeyer

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@molsjeroen FURTHER READS ➤ The big rewrite - Chad Fowler ➤ The big rewrite - Jo Van Eyck ➤ Paying technical depth - Jeroen Moons ➤ Things you should never do - Joel Spolsky

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@molsjeroen MANY THANKS ➤ Jeroen Mols (Belgium) ➤ @MolsJeroen ➤