Load Testing with
1,000,000 Users
Sebastian Cohnen, @tisba
stormforger.com, @StormForgerApp
WebPerfDays Barcelona 2014
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The year is 2014…
• Still no global IPv6 rollout
• But we finally have .technology, .domains, .xyz
and .guru TLDs
• TV Shows are getting interactive
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• alias "QuizReto", "QuizClash", …
• Mobile Quiz Game/App
• >30M players worldwide
• >14M in Germany
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Let’s make an interactive
TV show out of it!
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"Quizduell im Ersten"
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Behind the Scenes
• In-App Web View using AngularJS
• HTTP & JSON API written in Go
• Hosted on Google App Engine
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Show Premiere
• May, 12th 2014
• ~1.6M viewers
• 200,000 pre-registered players
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Nothing worked… :-/
• The very first round of “Team Germany” failed
• Bad press; much speculation
about hackers, [D]DoS etc.
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Disaster Recovery
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I was called in
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During the next days…
• large scale load testing to provide insights
• profiling, debugging, refactoring, …
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The Challenge?
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• This is what makes the show “interactive"
• API polling every 1-10 sec
• “server-side DDoS orchestration” (synchronized
state polling & you have to answer questions within
15 sec)
TV Synchronicity
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pre launch load tests:
up to 85k rps (~250k Users)
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pre launch load tests:
up to 85k rps (~250k Users)
New load tests:
Up to 330k rps (~1M Users)
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Call* before load
testing with 1M Users!
*even Google
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May 21st 2014:
First try with App…
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• Google DoS Protection
• Understand Google App Engine’s tuning & scaling
• Runtime environment on App Engine is not
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The Actual Problem
• Customer insisted on last minute changes to the
backend, mostly real-time statistic related
• no time to load test again prior to show premiere
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And the moral of this story…
Do continuous load testing!*
*e.g. with stormforger.com :)
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Sebastian Cohnen (@tisba), stormforger.com
Article: http://bit.ly/Loadtest1MUsers
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Test Setup
• 50 Load Generators (AWS EC2 Ireland)
• 800 cores, 1.5 TB RAM, lot’s of bandwidth
• 3.3 TB data moved in over 2B requests
• 1M User, 330k rps peak