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Google Cloud Platform What’s Next in Networking? Kubernetes Contributor Summit May 1, 2018 Tim Hockin @thockin (c) Google LLC

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Google Cloud Platform Coming soon to a kubernetes near you kube-proxy with IPVS • beta now, try it out CoreDNS eats kube-dns • beta now, try it out Pod “ready++” • Allow external systems (e.g. load-balancers, policy) to participate in rolling updates

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Google Cloud Platform Ingress Ingress is the lowest-common-denominator API Users are not happy with it • Too many annotations, most non-portable In 2018 we expect more from an L7 proxy! Exploring ways to revamp it • Maybe we can up-level the baseline • Maybe we can find a better model

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Google Cloud Platform Istio Maturing rapidly New APIs are pretty nice - some good ideas in there • I’m not above stealing! Can’t be a default requirement Can be made to fit better, easier, more completely

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Google Cloud Platform Topology and Node-local Services Clear demand for node-local Just a special-case of topology? Probably should not be part of Service proper Maybe should be a client-side choice?

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Google Cloud Platform Multi-network Tackling scenarios like NFV A Pod can be in multiple networks at once Need deeper changes like multiple pod IPs Caution to not repeat old mistakes SIG-Network WG designing a PoC

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Google Cloud Platform Net plugins vs. device plugins Some crazy person made a GPU that is also an infiniband device These plugin APIs do not coordinate today Difficult to even work around How to schedule multi-network availability?

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Google Cloud Platform Net plugins, gRPC, Services Tighter coupling between net plugins and kube-proxy could be useful Maybe Services are an artifact of the net plugins? Other plugins are using gRPC, why not this?

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Google Cloud Platform IPv6 Beta now No support for dual-stack (v4 and v6 at the same time) Need deeper changes like multiple pod IPs

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Google Cloud Platform Services v3 Services + Endpoints “grew organically” • Kind of a grab-bag of features Need to start segmenting the “core” API group Opportunity to rethink and refactor • Endpoints -> Endpoint • Split the grouping construct from the input mechanisms • EOL troublesome features?

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Google Cloud Platform DNS Reboot We abuse DNS We messed up our DNS schema Changing it is hard (if we care about compatibility - which we do) Can we fix DNS spec or use “enlightened” DNS servers?

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Google Cloud Platform Probably more Sorry...