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Matthias Haeussler @maeddes Kubernetes and/or Cloud Foundry How to run your Spring Boot Microservices on state-of-the-art cloud platforms

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Novatec Cloud Consultant Stuttgart Cloud Foundry Meetup Organizer

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Cloud Abstraction Layers Virtual Machines Container Applications Functions - Size/Footprint - Startup time - Coupling - Abstraction - Flexibility - Distribution

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry &

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry What this talk is not about ❏ Everything below container level ❏ Platform infrastructure ❏ Vendor-specific implementations

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry What this talk is about app app deploy recovery (auto) scaling external configuration service bindings (aggregated) logging zero-downtime deployment

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Cloud Foundry Basics app buildpack cf push app Applications Services container route cf bind-service

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Kubernetes Basics - Part I - Container Dockerfile runtime app app runtime base container runtime app

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry runtime app Kubernetes Basics - part II - Kubernetes runtime app kubectl run pod replica set runtime app runtime app pod v2 replica set v2 deployment service/ingress endpoint

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Technology Stack

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry You can configure more, But you need to know more

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Much simpler, But does it give me all I need?

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry ❏ “Live” editing of the running config with “built-in” Zero-Downtime deployment behaviour ❏ Large functional scope with Very granular configuration possibilities ❏ different levels of service exposure and easy service discovery ❏ very robust and resilient core ❏ popularity - exploding CNCF ecosystem, big oss community, everywhere available the advantages of Kubernetes

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry ❏ Very granular configuration possibilities ❏ Skill demand beyond app dev level (Docker & K8s) ❏ Container handling - build, maintain, registry ❏ Aggregated Logging ❏ requires more from ecosystem: helm, istio, prometheus, etc the problems with Kubernetes

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry ❏ simplicity ❏ “Containerless” - power of containers without interacting with them ❏ Fast “app to platform” path - developer productivity ❏ Buildpacks ❏ maturity level the advantages of Cloud Foundry

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry ❏ Buildpacks ❏ Reduced configuration possibilities ❏ “Manual” Blue/green deployment and staging ❏ Imperative commands ❏ “boring” the problems with cloud foundry

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Future wish: Simplicity of cloud foundry with functional scope of kubernetes

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry options

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry eirini Pluggable container orchestration for Cloud Foundry, and a Kubernetes backend

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry cloud foundry architecture

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry Thanks! Let’s stay friends :-) @maeddes Stuttgart-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup

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Matthias Haeussler / Novatec - @maeddes #springio19 #cloudfoundry

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Matthias Haeussler @maeddes Thanks! Q&A