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Vault em kubernetes Carol Valencia

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tópicos - Desafios - Introdução vault - Vault na prática - Aplicação em kubernetes usando vault

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desafios ● Credentials stored & transmitted in Plaintext format ● Credentials almost never get renewed once it is issued or manual renewal ● No PKI Certificate Management ● API Keys are hand generated and never renewed ● No SSH Key storage ● Lack of automation for secrets deployment ● …….

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Vault features ● Secure Secret Storage ● Dynamic Secrets (Secret as a Service) ● Data Encryption ● Leasing and Renewal (Key Rotation) ● Revocation ● Audit Control ● Integration with a wide variety of Databases and Tools ● …...

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Secure secret storage ● Basic Credentials ● Tokens, TOTP ● PKI Certificate Management (It’s easy to be your own certificate authority) ● LDAP ● SSH Keys

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Dynamic secrets ● No need to write down, store, or share passwords ● Enables very short lived passwords, less exposure if compromised ● For distributed applications, every instance gets unique credentials ● Constantly changing and expiring usernames/passwords are much harder to brute force ● Automatic password rotation/expiration

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Vault http api/cli

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Vault storage backend ● Azure ● CockroachDB ● Consul ● DynamoDB ● Etcd ● Filesystem ● FoundationDB ● Google Cloud Storage ● In-Memory ● Manta ● MySQL ● PostgreSQL ● Cassandra ● S3 ● Swift ● Zookeeper

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Vault authentication

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Vault authentication

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Vault authorization

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Vault authorization

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Vault secrets

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Vault agent

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Demo vaults com kubernetes - Minikube - Helm - Vault: Hashicorp - Storage: mariadb

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Demo vaults com kubernetes - Kubernetes: minikube start - Service Account: kubectl apply -f app-vault/vault-auth-sa - Config: kubectl create configmap example-vault-agent-config --from-file=./configs-k8s/ - Vault policies & secrets: bash - Deploy app: kubectl apply -f pod-example.yml --record - Test application: curl http://localhost:8080 - Validate secret: vault kv get secret/myapp/config

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Demo Github: Video:

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resources - hashicorp-vault-7d2fdeed08f2 - ntity/vault-agent-k8s-demo - -

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Linkedin: Carol Valencia Github: krol3 Email: [email protected]