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repository platforms Brianna Marshall UW-Madison Libraries | February 24, 2016 a digital scholarship mini-talk :

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about Brianna Marshall Lead, Research Data Services –  Education + training –  Consultations –  Data management plans (DMPs) @UWMadRschSvcs

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re·pos·i·to·ry rəˈpäzəˌtôrē/ noun a central location in which data is stored and managed. "the metadata will be aggregated in a repository”

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Image courtesy of Flickr user davelawler (CC BY NC ND)

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repository competition is fierce Traditional –  Institutional –  Funder –  Discipline/subject Hybrid –  Commercial –  Academic social networks –  Data papers

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institutional repositories •  Most originally started to store ETDs or other publications •  Variety of hosting / support options •  Transitions to handling new formats

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funder repositories •  Created and supported to provide access to federally funded research •  OSTP Memo open access requirement for publications + data

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disciplinary repositories Browse repositories at Re3Data:

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commercial repositories •  Discipline agnostic •  Some free; others charge per file size •  Journal integrations •  Collaboration functionality •  Emerging enterprise options

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academic social networks •  Profile sites for sharing research outputs •  Finding collaborators •  Similar in looks + func;onality •  Ongoing debate over their use (#deleteacademiaedu)

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data papers •  Similar to journals for publica;ons, just with a specific focus on data •  OEen peer reviewed

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striking similarities to emerging journals, eh? Image courtesy of Flickr user 97496178@N03

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In an nutshell, different: •  Names •  Scopes + focuses •  Business models •  Preservation commitments Yet increasingly similar functionality… Image used courtesy of Flickr user 56781833@N06

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Image courtesy of Flickr user pwnEd365 (CC BY ND)

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we need to pay more attention to researcher behavior + incentives.

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“I just need a place to put stuff.”

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what else do researchers want?

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compliance impact legacy ease collaboration Image courtesy of Flickr user randihausken (C

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ease Image courtesy of Flickr user notionscapital (CC BY)

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collaboration Open Science Framework:

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legacy Image courtesy of Flickr user see-through-the-eye-of-g (CC BY)

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+1 safeguarding university research outputs.

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it’s about intentionality. Image courtesy of Flickr user mozzarellahead (CC BY)

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so, repository services that: -  are relevant -  are supported -  are sustainable

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…requiring institutional: -  agility -  creativity -  commitment

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the boundaries of library involvement in research are being rewritten.

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Image courtesy of Flickr user nanagyei (CC BY) the path forward is hazy (at best)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user chrischabot (CC BY) let’s dig in

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and while we build our own systems Image courtesy of parksdh (CC BY)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user firstdown (CC BY NC ND) we can help scholars make sense of an increasingly crowded landscape.

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Image courtesy of Flickr user pastwa (CC BY)

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Image courtesy of Flickr user vcalzone (CC BY)

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build a pipeline? Image courtesy of 73364851@N03 (CC BY)

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linking repositories

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things to think about •  Disciplinary differences •  Academic status differences (grad/ECR vs. unaffiliated researcher vs. faculty) •  Relationship between publishing + repositories •  Changing academic incentives, altmetrics •  Duplication across systems •  Digital preservation

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discussion points •  What is the future of the institutional repository? •  Here at UW, what is the role of MINDS@UW? •  How can librarians learn more about repositories and broader changes in scholarly communication? •  What are good strategies for engaging departments in discussion on these topics?

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thanks! Brianna Marshall [email protected] Research Data Services @UWMadRschSvcs