Scaling AI on a Budget:
A Startup’s GPU Optimization Journey
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- Quick Intro
- Steps to reduce costs and speed
- Next Steps
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Elephant in the room
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- Role: CTO of Designstripe
- Previous Experience: (RBC, InVue
- Tech Stack: NestJS/NextJS, Langchain,
and Mongo
- Other: Married, Father and unpaid Uber
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- Designstripe is a smart design platform, like a combination of Canva and
ChatGPT, that creates ready-to-publish social media content, customizable
and pre-branded for your business
- Key Features:
- Social Post
- 3D Mockups
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AI Models and GPU
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Architecture Overview
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Poll 1
Got too excited doing the Macarena
and elbowed myself
Mistook the closet door for the
bathroom door at 3 am and got a black
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Optimization Steps
- HPA with PubSub
- Docker Optimization
- Image Streaming
- Separate Nodes for Environments
- Multiple Workloads
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HPA with PubSub
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
- Configure a custom metric on your
Google Workload (deployment)
- External Metric we use:
- Subscription num_undelivered_messages
- Target Total Value = 1
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Docker Optimization
Docker Optimizations
- Remove unnecessary build files
- Multi-state build
Container Registry
- Migrated to Artifact Registry
- Single Region Artifact
Artifact Registry
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Poll 2
Son’s aim with his XBox controller has
gotten a lot better
Tried to prove to my spouse that I could
still do a cartwheel
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Artifact Registry - Image Streaming
- Mounts the container data layer
- Starts container without full image
- Streams the image on demand
- Leverage Multi-level caching
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Nodes Pools
- Single GPU per Node
- Nvidia CUDA Image is 5GB
- Model weights can get huge
- Disk Pressure will be a factor
- Need to separate your Node Pools
by workload
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Multiple Workloads
- Reduced our memory consumption to have
2 renders on 1 GPU
- LLMs can run multiple workloads on a
single GPU (nvidia-smi)
- Multi-Instance GPU on GKE