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Vincent Salamanca-Gagnon Android Developer, Transit Parsing Inline Strings Building a Small Cross-Platform Library

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Outline • Demonstrate library use case • Design decisions • Implementation of a string parser • Learn something new

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DevFest Montreal 2024

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DevFest Montreal 2024

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DevFest Montreal 2024

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DevFest Montreal 2024

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DevFest Montreal 2024

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DevFest Montreal 2024 buildAnnotatedString { }

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DevFest Montreal 2024 buildAnnotatedString { append("DevFest Montreal ") }

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DevFest Montreal 2024 buildAnnotatedString { append("DevFest Montreal ") withStyle( style = SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold) ) { } }

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DevFest Montreal 2024 buildAnnotatedString { append("DevFest Montreal ") withStyle( style = SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold) ) { append("2024") } }

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Issues • Ressources? • Accessibility? • User preference? • Dynamic?

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Design Guidelines • Avoid code duplication between platforms • Make it easy to extend and flexible • Minimize API surface • Performance

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Design Guidelines • Avoid code duplication between platforms • Make it easy to extend and flexible • Minimize API surface • Performance

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Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) • Kotlin ❤ • Incremental Adoption • Flexible API boundary

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Flexible API Boundary

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Design Considerations • Avoid code duplication between platforms • Make it easy to extend and flexible • Minimize API surface • Performance

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Design Considerations • Avoid code duplication between platforms ✅ • Make it easy to extend and flexible • Minimize API surface • Performance

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Design Considerations • Avoid code duplication between platforms ✅ • Make it easy to extend and flexible • Minimize API surface • Performance

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JSON? • Flexible ✅ • Typed ❌ • Ordering ❌ • Performance ? {"menu": { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } } }

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HTML • Markup language ✅

My First Heading h1>

My first paragraph. p> < / body> < / html>

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HTML • Markup language

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Domain Specific Language (DSL) Stop: Sherbrooke 8 : 10PM Stop: bold> Sherbrooke • Minimal ✅ • Flexible/Extensible ✅ • Typed ✅ • Performance*

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Keywords • • • • • • …

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Stop: bold> Sherbrooke

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Stop: bold> Sherbrooke

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Stop: Sherbrooke 8 : 10PM

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Stop: Sherbrooke 8 : 10PM Stop: Sherbrooke 20 : 10 Stop: Sherbrooke 8 : 10PM

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String Parser

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Our Library

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Stop: < / bold> Sherbrooke Stop: < / bold> Sherbrooke

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Tokens content NAME> • TAGBEGIN: • TAGCLOSE: NAME> • PARAMETER: between | • CONTENT: Text between tags

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Token Class sealed class Token { data class TagBegin(val name: String, val position: Int) : Token() data class TagEnd(val position: Int) : Token() data class TagClose(val name: String, val position: Int) : Token() data class Parameter(val value: String, val position: Int) : Token() data class Content(val text: String, val position: Int) : Token() }

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Lexer Class class Lexer(private val input: String) { private var position: Int = 0 private val length = input.length fun lex(): List { val tokens = mutableListOf() return tokens } }

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Lexer Class class Lexer(private val input: String) { private var position: Int = 0 private val length = input.length fun lex(): List { val tokens = mutableListOf() while (position < length) { val currentChar = input[position] if (currentChar == '<') { tokens.addAll(readTag()) } else { tokens.add(readContent()) } } return tokens } }

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private fun readContent(): Token.Content { val startPos = position val content = StringBuilder() return Token.Content(content.toString(), startPos) } readContent()

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private fun readContent(): Token.Content { val startPos = position val content = StringBuilder() while (position < length && input[position] != '<') { content.append(input[position]) position++ } return Token.Content(content.toString(), startPos) } readContent()

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private fun readTag(): List { val tokens = mutableListOf() val startPos = position position++ // Skip '<' return tokens } readTag()

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private fun readTag(): List { val tokens = mutableListOf() val startPos = position position++ // Skip '<' if (input[position] == '/') { position++ // Skip '/' val name = readName() tokens.add(Token.TagClose(name, startPos)) expectChar('>') position++ // Skip '>' } else { } return tokens } readTag()

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val name = readName() tokens.add(Token.TagBegin(name, startPos)) while (position < length && input[position] != '>') { } tokens.add(Token.TagEnd(position)) position++ // Skip '>' readTag()

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readTag() val name = readName() tokens.add(Token.TagBegin(name, startPos)) while (position < length && input[position] != '>') { if (input[position] == '|') { position++ // Skip '|' val param = readParameter() tokens.add(Token.Parameter(param, position)) } else if (input[position].isWhitespace()) { position++ // Skip whitespace } else { throw ParsingException("Unexpected character '${input[position]}' in tag", position) } } tokens.add(Token.TagEnd(position)) position++ // Skip '>'

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readName() private fun readName(): String { val nameBuilder = StringBuilder() while (position < length && input[position].isLetterOrDigit()) { nameBuilder.append(input[position]) position++ } if (nameBuilder.isEmpty()) { throw ParsingException("Tag name cannot be empty", position) } return nameBuilder.toString() }

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class ParsingException(message: String, val position: Int) : Exception("$message at position $position”) // ParsingException: Expected '>' at the end of tag at position 26 ParsingException

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Result [ Content(text="Hello, ", position=0), TagBegin(name="bold", position=7), Parameter(value="param1", position=13), Parameter(value="param2", position=20), TagEnd(position=26), Content(text="world", position=27), TagClose(name="bold", position=32), Content(text="!", position=38) ] Hello word < / bold>!

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Parser • Add structure • Validate syntax • Output Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

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Grammars • Terminals → Text Image Date • Non-Terminals → Bold Light Color • Start Symbol

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Grammars Production rules • Non-Terminal -> Terminal | Non-Terminal

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AST Hello word 8 : 10am color> bold>

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StringElement interface StringElement data class TextElement(val content: String) : StringElement data class BoldElement(val content: List) : StringElement

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Design Considerations • Avoid code duplication between platforms ✅ • Make it easy to extend and flexible ✅ • Minimize API surface • Performance

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Walking the tree [ StyledElement(content = "Hello, ", styles = {}), StyledElement(content = "world", styles = {Style.BOLD}), StyledElement(content = “8:10AM”, styles = {Style.BOLD, Style.COLOR}), … ]

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API // commonMain fun parseStyledText(input: String): List { val tokens = Lexer(input).lex() // Lexing val ast = Parser(tokens).parse() // Parsing val styledElements = ast. fl atMap { element -> fl attenAST(element) } // Flattening return styledElements }

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API // commonMain fun parseStyledText(input: String): List { val tokens = Lexer(input).lex() // Lexing val ast = Parser(tokens).parse() // Parsing val styledElements = ast. fl atMap { element -> fl attenAST(element) } // Flattening return styledElements } // Android @Composable fun InlineStringComposable(input: String) { val styledElements = parseStyledText(input) val annotatedString = buildAnnotatedString { styledElements.forEach { element -> // render styled element } } }

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Design Considerations • Avoid code duplication between platforms ✅ • Make it easy to extend and flexible ✅ • Minimize API surface ✅ • Performance

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• Memory allocation • No code • Combine Lexer/Parser • Caching Performance

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Going further • 100% KMP • JIT • Test Coverage • Versioning

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References • Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom

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Thank you

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Questions Vincent Salamanca-Gagnon @vinsg_ [email protected] Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom