4 Sep 2020 @makash 2
Akash Mahajan
@makash – my twitter
akashm.com – my website
securitypost.in – group blog
Author of 2 technical books
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4 Sep 2020 @makash 3
5 simple rules for writing well
1.Write the way you speak
2.Write keeping someone in mind
3.Write in active voice
4.Use simple words
5.Use short sentences
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Write the way you speak
Make sure you are true to your thoughts
and not writing to impress some others
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Write keeping someone in mind
This will ensure that you speak to that
person instead of getting confused about
who your audience is
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Write in active voice
Difference between – “Akash is writing a
blog post” instead of “A blog post will be
written by Akash”
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Use simple words
Difference between - “Use simple words” instead
of “Inculcate simplicity in your prose”
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Use short sentences
Convey 1 point per sentence.
If you use conjunctions you will end up writing
long sentences because they allow you to join
multiple short sentences and potentially confuse
your readers.
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Final thing to remember
I am not an expert on writing. If writing a certain
way allows you to express your thoughts and you
find an audience, you are all set