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sphinx-new-tab-link nikkie

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Hello! ● Please call me nikkie ● Python is a tool that feels very natural to me / Pythonはとても手に馴染むツー ルです ○ Thank you, Guido-san, for creating Python. ● I enjoy reading Python documentation, as well as the documentation for libraries implemented in Python / PythonやPythonで実装されたライブラリの ドキュメントを読むのが好きです

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When reading documentation in a browser e.g. Sorting HOW TO ● Click a link to Wikipedia (external site) ● Wikipedia opens in the same tab ● To compare it side-by- side, always ⌘ + Click 😣

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backup Click

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backup same tab 😣

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The Sphinx documentation generator ● Many documents are made with Sphinx ● I developed a Sphinx extension that opens external site links in a new browser tab / 外部サイトのリンクをブラウザの別のタブで開くSphinx拡張 を自作しました ● called sphinx-new-tab-link ○ I wanted it so badly / 喉から手が出るほどほしかった!

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● Click a link to PyPI (external site) ● Open PyPI in a new tab without ⌘+Click🎉 e.g. x-new-tab- link/guide.en.html With sphinx-new-tab-link

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backup Click

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backup NEW TAB!!

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A lot of thank-you / 先人にありがとう ● implementation from StackOverflow / 実装方法はStackOverflowから ○ since I couldn't find it on PyPI, I published sphinx-new-tab-link ● learned how to develop Sphinx extensions at PyCon / PyConでSphinx拡張の 開発方法を知る ○ About tests Sphinxを通して考える、「拡張」の仕方 (PyCon JP 2022) ● an issue and a pull request, sphinx-new-tab-link now supports dirhtml 🙌 ○ Does not seem to work anymore with dirhtml builder #6

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Try sphinx-new-tab-link! Thank you With ● reStructuredText ● Python files (sphinx.ext.autodoc) ● Markdown (MyST-Parser) 2 steps pip install sphinx-new-tab-link # extensions = ["sphinx_new_tab_link"] Even if it's not from Guido-san, I'm always happy to receive feedback /(Guidoさん以外からも)フィードバ ック歓迎です

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Appendix ● Self-introduction ● How sphinx-new-tab-link works ● Links

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Self-introduction / お前、誰よ ● nikkie にっきー, Twitter @ftnext, Blog (はてなブログ) ● Use Python since 2017, private & work ● Data scientist at 株式会社ユーザベース ● PyCon JP 2021 Chair🪑 (座長) ● ○ develop: sphinx-new-tab-link, hayasaka, e.t.c. ○ maintain: Uberi/speech_recognition

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.. reStructuredText External link: `Example `_ Example Example How sphinx-new-tab-link works

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Links ● ● Recent state: sphinx-new-tab-link リリース1周年! Sphinx拡張公開で広がっ ていく世界に、ありがとう ● With Python files & autodoc: sphinx.ext.autodocでdocstringを元に作った HTMLの中の外部リンクも、sphinx-new-tab-link を使ってブラウザの新しい タブで開けることを確認しました ● With Markdown: Markdownの原稿をSphinxで変換して作ったHTMLの中の外 部リンクも、sphinx-new-tab-link を使ってブラウザの新しいタブで開けるこ とを確認しました