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Auto Release TakuSemba CyberAgent.Inc

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Release Step ɾpublish APK for alpha ɾpublish APK for production ɾmake a release note

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Release Step ɾpublish APK for alpha (Auto) ɾpublish APK for production (Manual) ɾmake a release note (Auto)

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Release Step ɾpublish APK for alpha (Auto) ɾpublish APK for production (Manual) ɾmake a release note (Auto)

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apply plugin: ‘' android { playAccountConfigs { defaultAccountConfig { serviceAccountEmail = 'your-service-account-email' pk12File = file('key.p12') } } defaultConfig { // ... playAccountConfig = playAccountConfigs.defaultAccountConfig } } build.gradle

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apply plugin: ‘' android { playAccountConfigs { defaultAccountConfig { serviceAccountEmail = 'your-service-account-email' pk12File = file('key.p12') } } defaultConfig { // ... playAccountConfig = playAccountConfigs.defaultAccountConfig } } build.gradle apply plugin: ‘'

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apply plugin: ‘' android { playAccountConfigs { defaultAccountConfig { serviceAccountEmail = 'your-service-account-email' pk12File = file('key.p12') } } defaultConfig { // ... playAccountConfig = playAccountConfigs.defaultAccountConfig } } build.gradle defaultAccountConfig { serviceAccountEmail = 'your-service-account-email' pk12File = file('key.p12') }

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apply plugin: ‘' android { playAccountConfigs { defaultAccountConfig { serviceAccountEmail = 'your-service-account-email' pk12File = file('key.p12') } } defaultConfig { // ... playAccountConfig = playAccountConfigs.defaultAccountConfig } } build.gradle defaultConfig { // ... playAccountConfig = playAccountConfigs.defaultAccountConfig }

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play { track = 'alpha' userFraction = 1 untrackOld = false errorOnSizeLimit = false uploadImages = true } build.gradle

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./gradlew tasks --all

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./gradlew app:bootstrapReleasePlayResources

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./gradlew app:bootstrapReleasePlayResources

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my app does blah blah blah…

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my app does blah blah blah… and more blah…

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./gradlew app:publishListingRelease my app does blah blah blah… and more blah…

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No content

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this release does something…

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./gradlew app:publishApkRelease this release does something…

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Release Step ɾpublish APK for alpha (Auto) ɾpublish APK for production (Manual) ɾmake a release note (Auto)

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Release Step ɾpublish APK for alpha (Auto) ɾpublish APK for production (Manual) ɾmake a release note (Auto)

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release note

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curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Authorization: token abcdefg’ \ -d '{ "tag_name": "release-3.0.15", "target_commitish": "release", "name": "release-3.0.15", "body": "Description of the release", "draft": true, "prerelease": false }'

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curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Authorization: token abcdefg’ \ -d '{ "tag_name": "release-3.0.15", "target_commitish": "release", "name": "release-3.0.15", "body": "Description of the release", "draft": true, "prerelease": false }' \

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curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Authorization: token abcdefg’ \ -d '{ "tag_name": "release-3.0.15", "target_commitish": "release", "name": "release-3.0.15", "body": "Description of the release", "draft": true, "prerelease": false }' -d '{ "tag_name": "release-3.0.15", "target_commitish": "release", "name": "release-3.0.15", "body": "Description of the release", "draft": true, "prerelease": false }'

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No content

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with CI

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When release tag pushed If TAG=$(git describe --exact-match --tags HEAD) if echo ${TAG} | grep -v release-; then echo "tag: " ${TAG} echo "failed: tag name does not contain 'release-'." exit 1 fi DIFF=$(git diff origin/release..${TAG}) if [ -n "$DIFF" ]; then echo ${DIFF} echo "failed: between origin/release and " ${TAG} " has diffs" exit 1 fi

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Auto Release