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QueryFilter: Model Filtering Junior Grossi @ Darkmira Tour PHP 2018 April 2018

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About me @junior_grossi

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Resume PHPMG group organizer Software Engineer at InterNACHI (PHP/Laravel) Creator of Corcel PHP Ph.D. in Information Science ‑ UFMG 2018 (in progress) Master's in Information Science ‑ UFMG 2015 Specialization in Web Developmenet ‑ PUCMG 2013 MBA in Business Management ‑ FGV 2009 Bachelor's in Computer Science ‑ PUCMG 2007 Zend Certified Engineer ‑ 2011

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Contact GitHub: Twitter: Blog:

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Talk's dynamics 35' talk + 5' questions = 40' 20% slides + 80% live coding

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What's QueryFilter ? Code abstraction for filtering objects based on the `URL. From Laracasts:

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/posts?title=foo&status=bar Select Post which title contains foo ; Select Post which status is bar .

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Example Listing posts in JSON format Posts from WordPress Using Corcel PHP Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP app Laravel 5.6 app to handle all the logic

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composer require jgrossi/corcel

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Listing posts in JSON public function index() { $posts = Post::newest()‑>limit(10)‑>get(); return PostResource::collection($posts); // json }

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Filtering by Request public function index(Request $request) { $query = Post::query()‑>newest()‑>limit(10); if ($request‑>filled('title')) { $value = $request‑>get('title'); $query‑>where('post_title', 'like', "%$value%"); } if ($request‑>filled('status')) { $query‑>where('post_status', $request‑>get('status' } $posts = $query‑>get(); return PostResource::collection($posts); }

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Filtering by QueryFilter SOLID's Single responsibility principle ... a class should have only a single responsibility. Dependency/Method Injection ... is a technique whereby one object supplies the dependencies of another object.

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Show me the code Talk is cheap. Show me the code. ‑‑ Linus Trovals

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After 20 minutes of live coding...

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QueryFilter is a concept

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Update: Talk's code‑query‑filter

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Composer Packages cerbero/query‑filters kblais/query‑filter

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Thanks! Questions? GitHub: Twitter: Blog: