Slide 4
Slide 4 text
KIP (Kafka Improvement Proposal)
● KIPとは?:
○ Kafka Improvement Proposalの略称
○ Kafkaの機能に大きな変更や追加を行う際はKIPベースで実施する
● 大きな変更("major change")とは?:
○ Any major new feature, subsystem, or piece of functionality
○ Any change that impacts the public interfaces of the project
● public interfaceの例
○ Binary log format
○ The network protocol and api behavior
○ Any class for which the build generates Javadoc. This includes (but is not limited to; look
for javadoc {} sections in build.gradle for the complete list):
■ org/apache/kafka/common/serialization
■ org/apache/kafka/common
■ org/apache/kafka/common/errors
■ org/apache/kafka/clients/producer
■ org/apache/kafka/clients/consumer (eventually, once stable)
○ Configuration, especially client configuration
○ Monitoring
○ Command line tools and arguments