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Microservices on Multi-Cloud Masahiro @kazeburo Nagano MANABIYA Teratail developer days 2018/03/23

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Me • ௕໺խ޿ • @kazeburo • גࣜձࣾϝϧΧϦ
 Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) νʔϜ • BASE, Inc ٕज़ΞυόΠβʔ • झຯ͸DBͷ Restore

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Agenda • ϝϧΧϦʹ͍ͭͯ • ϝϧΧϦͷ Infrastructure History #1 - Multi-Cloud • ϝϧΧϦͷ Infrastructure History #2 - Microservices on Multi-Cloud • Microservices on Multi-Cloud ͷ՝୊

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ϝϧΧϦ • ೔ຊ࠷େڃͷϑϦϚΞϓϦ • 3෼Ͱ؆୯ʹग़඼ 1) ࣸਅΛࡱΔ 2) ঎඼৘ใΛهೖ 3) ग़඼ϘλϯΛԡ͢ • ҆৺҆શͳܾࡁɾऔҾ • ΤεΫϩʔ(͓ۚͷ΍ΓͱΓ͸౰͕ࣾؒʹհࡏ) • ಗ໊഑ૹ

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ถࠃ/ӳࠃ ΁ͷల։ JP UK US

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KPI μ΢ϯϩʔυ਺ GMV(૯औҾֹ) 1ԯDLҎ্(JP+US+UK) ݄ؒ100ԯԁҎ্ ग़඼਺ 1೔100ສ඼Ҏ্

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γεςϜ֓ཁ ग़඼! DB Search 5-දࣔ ݕࡧ൓ө ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Amazon Mechanical Turk On-Demand Workforce Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific େྔͷϦΫΤετ ϦΫΤετԠ౴ DB Search ߪೖ! ਺ඵʙ30ඵ ਺ඵʙ ը૾ ܾࡁ AI ߴ଎ʹฒߦͯ͠େྔͷτϥϯβΫγϣϯΛѻ͏

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Infrastructure in 2017 DNS: Amazon Route53 CDN: Akamai, CloudFront Storage: Amazon S3 Analysis: Google BigQuery / Monitoring: Mackerel JP UK US

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Infrastructure in 2018 DNS: Amazon Route53 CDN: Akamai, Fastly, ImageFlux(JP) Storage: Amazon S3 Analysis: Google BigQuery / Monitoring: Mackerel, DataDog JP UK US + +

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Infrastructure History #1 2013 - 2017 / Multi-Cloud

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Infrastructure History (1) • 2013/07 JP ϦϦʔε • ͘͞ΒΠϯλʔωοτͷʮ͘͞ΒͷVPSʯ1୆ʹWeb΋DB΋ࡌͤͨߏ੒Ͱ։࢝ • Infrastructure ઐ೚ऀ͕͍ͳ͍தͰɺ։ൃऀʹ਎ۙͳج൫Λબ୒ • ϦϦʔεޙ2ϲ݄Ͱʮ͘͞ΒͷΫϥ΢υʯʮઐ༻αʔόʯ΁Ҡߦ

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ʮ͘͞Βͷઐ༻αʔόʯ • Metal as a Service • ෺ཧαʔόΛΫϥ΢υͷΑ͏ʹѻ͑Δ • ෺ཧαʔόͳΒͰͷύϑΥʔϚϯε • ωοτϫʔΫͱϋʔυ΢ΣΞͷอक͸
 ͘͞ΒΠϯλʔωοτ༷͕୲౰ • ʮ͘͞ΒͷΫϥ΢υʯͱ઀ଓ͕Մೳ • ίετύϑΥʔϚϯεʹ༏ΕΔ

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Infrastructure History (2) • 2014/09 US ϦϦʔε • AWS (Oregon) ʹͯαʔϏεߏங • JPϦϦʔε͔Β͠͹Β͘ܦͪɺ։ൃऀʹAWSܦݧऀ͕૿Ճ • ͦΕͰ΋ Infrastructure ઐ೚ऀ͸গͳ͘ɺRDS΍ElastiCache౳ϚωʔδυαʔϏεΛ ར༻ͯ͠αʔϏεΛߏங • USࠃ಺ͷ MaaS Λݕ౼͕ͨ͠ɺUSͰͷαʔϏεͷ੒௕͸༧૝͕೉͘͠ɺΫϥ΢υͷॊ ೈ͞Λ JP ΑΓ΋ॏཁࢹ

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Infrastructure History (3) • 2015/11 SREνʔϜൃ଍ • JP/US ͷΞʔΩςΫνϟΛվળ͠ɺαʔϏεͷ৴པੑͱεέʔϥϏϦςΟͷ޲ ্ʹͱऔΓ૊Ή • 2017/03 UK ϦϦʔε • ৽͍ٕ͠ज़ͱͯ͠ʮGCPʯ্ͰαʔϏεΛߏங

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Multi-Cloud in 2017/03 JP UK US ઐ༻αʔό EC2 GCE IaaS Λத৺ͱͨ͠ Multi-Cloud (Hybrid Cloud) ͨͩ͠ɺͦΕͧΕͷαʔϏεΛΈΔͱ୯ಠͷCloudΛར༻

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Multi-Cloud Operations • ՄೳͳݶΓڞ௨ͷΞʔΩςΫνϟΛ࠾༻ • ଞͷΫϥ΢υʹଘࡏ͠ͳ͍ϚωʔδυαʔϏεͷϦϓϨΠε • Consul/Local DNSͷಋೖ • ΦϖϨʔγϣϯͷڞ௨Խɾগਓ਺Ͱͷӡ༻ͷ࣮ݱ • JP ͷن໛Ͱ࣮੷ͷ͋Δߏ੒ɻUS AppStoreͰ3Ґ࣌ͷτϥϑΟοΫΛ҆ఆͯ͠ॲཧ • Ansible playbookɺDBͷϚΠάϨʔγϣϯ࡞ۀͷڞ௨Խ

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Architecture nginx nginx nginx DNS-RR App App App App App App MySQL MySQL memcached memcached util util cloud cloud JP nginx nginx nginx App App App App App App MySQL MySQL memcached memcached util util GCE cloud load balancer GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE GCE UK γϯϓϧͳ3૚ߏ੒ Ϋϥ΢υͰ΋EC2/GCE (αʔό) Λ
 த৺ʹߏ੒ ɾ USಠࣗͷαʔϏε΍
 খن໛DBʹ͸ RDSΛ࢖͏͜ͱ΋ UKͰ͸Cloud Load BalancerΛར༻

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Internal DNS App App App App App App DNS DNS unbound unbound unbound unbound unbound unbound DNS unbound Consul DNS *.consul *.local • શͯͷαʔόʹunboundΛಋೖ • ϩʔΧϧΩϟογϡʹΑΔύϑΥʔϚϯε޲্ • resolv.conf ΑΓো֐ʹڧ͍ • αʔϏεͷՄ༻ੑͱॊೈੑΛ֬อ • ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ͸IPΞυϨεͰͳ͘ϗετ໊Λར༻ • ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯίʔυͷมߋͳ͠ʹߏ੒มߋ͕Մೳ • Internal LB୅ସͱͯ͠consul Λ͔ͭͬͨ৑௕Խͱෛՙ෼ࢄΛଟ༻

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Infrastructure History #2 2018 - / Microservices on Multi-Cloud

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Microservices • αʔϏεͷ Resilience Λ޲্ͤ͞Δ • ࡉ͔͍୯ҐͰͷεέʔϦϯάɺো֐ͷ෼཭ • νʔϜɾ૊৫ͷ Scalability ΛߴΊΔ • 1000໊Ҏ্ͷΤϯδχΞ૊৫Λࢤ޲ • αʔϏε։ൃͷ଎౓Λ͞Βʹ͍͋͛ͯͨ͘Ί

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US Re-Architecture • US marketʹΑΓ࠷దԽ͢΂͘ Client ΛFull Renewal • MicroservicesͷroutingΛߦ͏API GatewayΛGolangͰ࣮૷ • AWS্ͷMonolith APIΛWrap • ؇΍͔ͳҠߦΛ࣮ݱ API Gateway search personalization offer gRPC JSON over HTTPs Protocol Buffers over HTTPs gRPC gRPC Monolith API

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API Fork • 3ͭͷRegionͰڞ༗͍ͯͨ͠Monolith APIͷίʔυΛ US,UK ͱ JP Ͱ෼཭ • ࣗregionͷมߋ͕ଞregionʹӨڹ͢Δ͜ͱΛ཈͑Δɻௐ੔ɾQAίετ࡟ݮ • ΑΓ֤ࠃͷࣄ৘ʹ͋ͬͨ։ൃΛ֤ࠃͰߦ͏ • US,UKͷݱ஍࠾༻΋ਐల

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API Gateway in JP • Monolith API͔Βݺ͹ΕΔ
 Microservices ͸͢Ͱʹӡ༻த • JPͰ΋MicroservicesΛ͞ΒʹਐΊΔͨΊ API GatewayΛಋೖ • Golang͕ͩɺUSͱ͸ҟͳΔ࣮૷ • Clientͷมߋ͸ͳ͘Protocol͸ҡ࣋ • DNS cacheɺRequest bufferingͳͲͷ௥Ճ API Gateway JSON over HTTPs JSON over HTTPs ServiceA ServiceC ServiceB

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Infrastructure in 2018 JP UK US + + ͦΕͧΕͷRegionʹ͋Θͤͨ
 Microservices on Multi-Cloud

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Microservices Tech Stack • Container / Docker • Kubernetes • Spinnaker

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Container / Docker • Container • Ϧιʔεͷ෼཭ɾ੍ޚ • VMΑΓܰྔͳOS؀ڥΛ࣮ݱ • Docker • ϙʔλϏςΟͷ࣮ݱ • DockerfileʹΑΔҰ؏ͨ͠Πϝʔδͷ࡞੒

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Container use case Github PR Daily job BigQuery (app-log) index Container Registory DEPLOY!! Application͚ͩͰ͸ͳ͘ ML΍RecommendͷσʔλΛؚΉContainerΛ࡞੒ ෳࡶͳMiddleware΋҆ఆͯ͠ఏڙ container for keyword suggest service

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Kubernetes • Container ͷ Orchestration Platform • ࣗಈScalingɺࣗಈhealing • Container ӡ༻ίετͷ࡟ݮ • GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) Λத৺ʹར༻ • k8s͕MicroservicesͷKey factor • AWS EKS/Fargateͷݕূ • ͘͞ΒͷΫϥ΢υɺk8s on Metalͷݕ౼ɾݕূ

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Spinnaker • Continuous Delivery Platform • Developed by Netflix • googleͳͲͷڠྗɾOSSԽ • Deploy pipelineΛఆٛ͠ɺࣗಈ࣮ߦ͢Δ • Multi-Cloud ରԠ • k8s, ECS, OpenStack... • SpinnakerʹΑΔContinuous Delivery

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Microservices on Multi-Cloud ͷ՝୊

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Microservices on Multi-Cloud Pros/Cons • Pros: Service ʹద࣮ͨ͠ߦ؀ڥͷબ୒ • σʔλϕʔεɾMLܥαʔϏεͳͲ৽͍ٕ͠ज़Λૉૣ͘औΓࠐΉ • ։ൃऀ͕ٕज़બ୒ݖΛ΋ͭ͜ͱͰɺΦʔφʔγοϓΛΑΓڧ͘ • Cons: Ϋϥ΢υؒ࿈ܞͷޮ཰ੑ • ωοτϫʔΫίετ • Ϋϥ΢υؒͷڑ཭ • Cons: αʔϏεͷՄ༻ੑҡ࣋

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Distance between clouds ੴङ DC Cloud Service Mircoservices Infrastructure ઐ༻αʔό Monolith API Infrastructure 1,000 km

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Distance between clouds $ ping -c 3 PING (x.x.x.x) 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from (x.x.x.x): icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=18.6 ms 64 bytes from (x.x.x.x): icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=18.4 ms 64 bytes from (x.x.x.x): icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=20.6 ms ੴङ(ઐ༻αʔό) ▶︎ ౦ژ(Google Cloud Load Balancer) $ ping -c 3 PING (x.x.x.x) 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from (x.x.x.x): icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=1.09 ms 64 bytes from (x.x.x.x): icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=1.08 ms 64 bytes from (x.x.x.x): icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=1.14 ms ౦ژ(͘͞ΒͷΫϥ΢υ) ▶︎ ౦ژ(Google Cloud Load Balancer) 18-20 ms 1 ms ಉ͡DC಺Ͱ͋Ε͹ 0.1 ms

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Distance between clouds by HTTPS $ ./ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.13.3 Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 01:59:15 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 22 Expires: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 02:59:15 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=3600 Cache-Control: public Via: 1.1 google Alt-Svc: clear DNS Lookup TCP Connection SSL Handshake Server Processing Content Transfer [ 1ms | 19ms | 165ms | 20ms | 0ms ] | | | | | namelookup:1ms | | | | connect:20ms | | | pretransfer:185ms | | starttransfer:205ms | total:205ms

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How to beyond the distance • 3 way handshakeΛආ͚ΔɻTLS ͷ handshake ΋ආ͚Δ • HTTP/1, HTTP/2 ͷKeepAlive Λ׆༻͢Δ • ChoconͰͷConnection Aggregation

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chocon • GoͰ࣮૷ͨ͠γϯϓϧͳ
 Proxy Server • OSSͱͯ͠ެ։ • • 1೥Ҏ্ͷՔಇ࣮੷

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chocon % curl -H ‘Host:’ *.ccnproxy-https IN CNAME chocon.local. ಺෦DNSΛ׆༻͢ΔͱURLͷϗετ໊Λมߋ͢Δ͚ͩ chocon Web Client ʹproxy http http or https keepAlive Private Network % curl

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After Chocon $ ./ /dev/null HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: max-age=3600,public Content-Length: 22 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 00:43:49 GMT Expires: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 01:43:49 GMT Server: nginx/1.11.5 X-Chocon-Req: bSCzJrCMZ9wbRN8TYhZ3wV Body stored in: /tmp/httpstat-body.390174181496278775 DNS Lookup TCP Connection Server Processing Content Transfer [ 1ms | 1ms | 19ms | 0ms ] | | | | namelookup:1ms | | | connect:2ms | | starttransfer:21ms | total:21ms pingͱಉ౳ͷ଎౓

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Durability, Availability • Multi-CloudͰ͸Մ༻ੑ͸Լ͕Δ • ͲͷΫϥ΢υ͕མͪͯ΋αʔϏεͷܧଓʹӨڹ • Քಇ཰ 99.99% ͱ 99.95% ͷΫϥ΢υΛ࢖͍ͬͯΔ৔߹ɺՔಇ཰͸ 99.95%ʹͳΔ • MicroservicesͰ͸ಛఆͷαʔϏε͕མͪͯ΋શମʹӨڹ͠ͳ͍ͤ͞ͳ͍ • Өڹ͕཈͑ΒΕΔMicroservices͸ಛఆͷCloudͰӡ༻ • ߴ͍Մ༻ੑ͕ඞཁͱ͞ΕΔMicroservices͸Multi-CloudͰల։

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Massive Computing Resource Service Mesh Service Mesh J Infrastructure in the near future? Security / DDoS mitigation API Gateway A B C D D E CloudA CloudB F CloudC (Monolith API) H K L M

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ॊೈͰ৴པੑͷߴ͍ Infrastructure Λ Microservices ͱ Multi-Cloud Ͱ࣮ݱ

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