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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 4 TOPICS

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 4 TOPICS

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4 TOPICS

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 4 TOPICS

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. Trait 1: He Aligns Expectations

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. Trait #2: He Establishes a Strategy

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What does success look like for Q3 2021?

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What Does Success Look Like? 1. Keep your strategy short.

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What Does Success Look Like? 1. Keep your strategy short. 2. Socialize the strategy.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. Trait #3: He Creates Community

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Community 1. Assign accountability partners.

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Community 1. Assign accountability partners. 2. Schedule check-ins.

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Community 1. Assign accountability partners. 2. Schedule check-ins. 3. Share knowledge.

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Community 1. Assign accountability partners. 2. Schedule check-ins. 3. Share knowledge. 4. Celebrate.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. Trait #4: He Embraces Technology

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. Trait #5: He’s Empathetic

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. Tactic #1: Exploit the Subject Line

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Forgettable Proposal for Vandelay Industries Memorable Let’s Cut Costs by Automating Vandelay’s Work- flow Processes Above Average Our Proposal for Vandelay’s Accounts- Payable Department

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You Get the Following Email ISO: Producer of Chemical Packaging A Pro Replies This Way We Want to Be Your New Producer of Chemical Packages! Everybody Replies This Way RE: ISO: Producer of Chemical Packaging

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. Tactic #2: Tell People About Yourself

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Get Rejected I understand you’re looking for a container company. That’s us! Here’s our website. Get Hired I understand you’re looking for a container company. That’s us! Founded in 1979, PackGen is the leader in composite, pop-up-style, packaging containers. We work with everyone from chemical producers to catalyst providers, from refineries to food processors. We’re known for innovative design and long- lasting quality. For more info, check out our website.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. Tactic #3: Follow-up Strategically

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The 2 “R”s of Following-Up 1. Recognize that your prospect is busy.

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The 2 “R”s of Following-Up 1. Recognize that your recipient is busy. 2. Recap, in one sentence, what you need.

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F.Y.I. Follow-Ups 1. Connect with them on LinkedIn.

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F.Y.I. Follow-Ups 1. Connect with them on LinkedIn. 2. Send them an article that’s relevant to the industry.

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F.Y.I. Follow-Ups 1. Connect with them on LinkedIn. 2. Send them an article that’s relevant to the industry. 3. Compliment a blog post their company recently published.

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F.Y.I. Follow-Ups 4. Share something noteworthy that one of your other clients did.

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F.Y.I. Follow-Ups 4. Share something noteworthy that one of your other clients did. 5. Ask if they’ve seen something that one of their competitors is doing?

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Checking-in. Touching base. Circling back. Not sure if you got my last email? I suspect you’re still reviewing proposals. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s any additional info I can provide. I’m so excited about this project, I thought I’d see if you had an E.T.A. for the kickoff? Sorry to nag you; just want to stay on your radar. When the time is right, I’m ready to re-engage. Most People Do This Smart People Do This

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. A Case Study

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Hi guys, Anyone know someone who can put together (script, shoot, and edit) a two-minute video in the next two weeks? Budget is $12K. Thanks a lot. Inquiry

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Reply #1 My firm probably could do this. If you’d like to chatI’m at (212) 586- 3434. Website is http://RickBarr

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Reply #2 Kenny Bania told me you’re looking for a video. Short turnarounds are rarely a problem (although I do have a video for another client this weekend). Would love to know more, though.

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Reply #3 Ruthie Cohen emailed me that you may need a short video project. I am Tim Whatley from Videographers to the Stars. Let me know if we can help. Our demo reel is at

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Reply #4 Hey Leo, Wanted to introduce you to Jonathan Rick. He is currently looking for a production team to help him with a video that needs to be wrapped in the next two weeks. The budget is also fixed at $12K. Jonathan can fill you in on the rest. Hopefully you two can figure something out.

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Reply #5 I can suggest an utterly brilliant award-winning filmmaker and producer. He turns things around quickly, offers ridiculously affordable rates, and has won numerous awards. Unfortunately, he’s booked up for the next month —but I’d be happy to introduce you if you think you’ll have work beyond the project below.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. Tactic #4: Develop a Newsletter

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Content for Your Newsletter ► Service ► Client ► Paper

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. Tactic #1: Give People a Choice

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I’ll have my webcam on, but don’t feel obligated to do so on your end. In fact, I’m including in the invite a number you can call using only your phone.

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I’ll have my webcam on, but don’t feel obligated to do so on your end. In fact, I’m including in the invite a number you can call using only your phone.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. Tactic #2: Dress for Success

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. Tip #3: Get a Headset

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. Tip #4: Send an Invite

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Most People Do This Do you have time for a call? Smart People Do This Do you have time for a 15-minute call?

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Most People Do This What time works for you? Smart People Do This Do any of these times work for you?

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Most People Do This I’m available at 1:15 PM and 4:30 PM. Smart People Do This I’m available between 1 – 1:30 PM and 4:30 – 5:30 PM.

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What Most People Do Microsoft Teams What Smart People Do 390200624808,, 380169853# // com/l/meetup-join/ 19%3ameeting_N2JkM DdhZmUtMjg2NC00N mM4LWI1MjktNTFhN 2I3ZTdiNTZm What Very Smart People Do 390-200-624-808,, 380-169-853# // com/l/meetup-join/ 19%3ameeting_N2JkM DdhZmUtMjg2NC00N mM4LWI1MjktNTFhN 2I3ZTdiNTZm

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. Tip #5: Make Small Chat

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What a Prospect Says Good. How are you? How a Salesman Should Respond Pretty great. I just got back from a weekend of hiking with my sons — it’s one of our annual summer traditions.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. Tip #6: When You’re Part of a Team

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Internal Chemistry

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Like Attracts Like

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. How to Sell Like a Pro

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. Secret #1: Explain Why You’re Different

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PackGen has earned our reputation for innovation and dependability. For example, we were the first manufacturer to offer a Semi- Rigid, Self-Standing, Pop-Up-Style Intermediate Bulk Container to ship hazardous waste materials. We strive to deliver superior quality products, to continually add value for our customers, and to uphold the core principles that have kept us strong since 1979.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. Secret #2: Offer Free Advice

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Get Rejected Stop leading with your services. Get Hired Start leading to your services.

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. Secret #3: Tailor It

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Get Rejected 11 Myths and 11 Maxims Every Professional Should Know About Business Writing Get Hired 11 Myths and 11 Maxims Every Manufacturer Should Know About Business Writing

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1. The Traits of a Post-Covid Salesman 2. How to Sell via Email 3. How to Sell via a Video Call 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. You Decide

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Jonathan Given your attendance at our recent webinar, I’d value what you think about the midterms’ policy implications. BGOV is a resource that delivers intelligence on legislative issues. We’re helping professionals like you track the ever-changing legislative agenda, committee makeups, and the lame-duck session. When do you have 30 minutes in the next two weeks? Best regards, Jacopo Peterman PITCH #1

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Jonathan, Would 2 free hours of tech support come in handy? We help local businesses with technology. If you have any computer headaches right now, I’d like the opportunity to show you what we can do. PITCH #2

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Hi Jonathan, Over the last 11 years, we’ve partnered with an array of firms and agencies on their clients’ video initiatives. From technology to healthcare, from the Fortune 500 to government entities, we’ve delivered T.V. ads, YouTube spots, documentaries, interviews, reels, and more. I was hoping my organization could share how we’ve helped in these different capacities, so that when your next need for video arises, you have a partner you can reach out to. Do you have some time in the next month, so that a couple members of our leadership team could come in and present to your team? Let us know when and we’ll make it happen. PITCH #3

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Jonathan, I just saw your ad in Politico today, so I thought I'd reach out to see if you’d be interested in a quick phone call. My firm, Kramerica Industries, was founded by a former writer for the Wall Street Journal, and we specialize in writing and placing op-eds on policy issues. We currently work with over 30 Fortune 500 companies and many top trade groups in the U.S. And I think our op-ed services could be very effective at branding your spokespeople as thought leaders in diagnostics — and promoting your technologies and research. Is there any chance you might be interested in getting together in the next week or so? Best, Darin PITCH #4

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TEST ME! JJonathanRick.comm