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Integration and end-to-end testing with TestСontainers Nikolay Kuznetsov @nikolayk812 ContainerDays, Hamburg, 26 June 2019

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About me ● Go developer at Zalando Helsinki ● Java developer at Infobip, DevExperts ● C developer at Samsung, Motorola

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Why integration testing?

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Trade-offs Test Runtime

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Integration testing evolution ● In-memory mocking ● Local DBs ● Vagrant ● Docker, Docker Compose ● Docker API

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How to start Docker containers for integration test? ● Shell scripts ● Maven plugin ● Docker Compose ● … ● MiniKube, Kubernetes

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Shell scripts

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Maven plugins

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Docker Compose

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TestContainers ● ● Wraps docker-java library ● Docker environment discovery ● Host port randomization ● Containers clean up on JVM shutdown ● Waiting strategies

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As simple as static PostgreSQLContainer postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer(); static GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:5.0.5") .withExposedPorts(6379);

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Docker environment discovery

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Host port randomization ● To prevent port conflicts ● Enables parallel builds ● API to get a host port

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Containers cleanup

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Waiting strategies

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Why end-to-end testing? ● Test business flows which go through multiple microservices before production deployment ● Replace a legacy service with a new implementation, make sure business flows hold

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E2E setup Item Service User Service Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

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Hints ● Host port forwarding Testcontainers.exposeHostPorts() ● Fixed host port for remote debug GenericContainer.addFixedExposedPort() ● Disable Ryuk set env TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED=true

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Alternatives to E2E testing Goal is to minimize chances of breaking production ● Staging environments Handling team boundaries? ● Canary deployment ● Contract testing Spring Cloud Contract

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Modules ● 10+ DB modules ● MockServer ● LocalStack = Atlassian’s local AWS cloud stack ● Toxiproxy ● Kafka

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Takeaways ● ● Balance between flexibility, speed and features ● Works on Mac, Linux, Windows

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Thank you! @nikolayk812 nikolayk812