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Data Engineering Behind Data Science World กมลพรรณ ลิ้วประเสริฐ (ฝน) PhD Student @ Chula Google Developer Expert - Cloud Women Techmakers Ambassador CP39

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Warm up 🔥

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Andrej Karpathy, “Building the Software 2.0 Stack,” Spark+AI Summit 2018, video, 17:54, Chip Huyen, “Designing Machine Learning Systems”

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Data มาจากไหน ?

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No content

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Why we need a data engineer?

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Data Science Hierarchy of Needs Data Engineers Data Analysts Data Scientists

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Application Analytics

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Application Workload ✅ For application and backend services ✅ Transactional data ✅ Read / Write / Update (ACID) ✅ E.g. Database ✅ For query, dashboards and analytics ✅ Historical data ✅ Write once, read many ✅ E.g. Data Warehouse, Data Lake, Data Mart Analytics Workload OLTP OLAP

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- เมื่อไร “Data Engineer” มี Technology ใหม ๆ เกิดขึ้นมากมาย แตอาจจะยังไมไดรับความ นิยมในตอนนี้ Brief History of Data Engineer ‘06 ‘10 ยุค Big Data (20xx) 1983 ยุค Database ‘15 1979 1989 ‘14 ‘13 ‘12 ‘11 เริ่มมี Job Data Engineer MapReduce paper ‘04 ‘18 ‘19 10

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การสรางและดูแล Data Infrastructure ● Database ● Data Lake ● Data Warehouse ● Cloud / on-premise Infrastructure ● Data Pipeline Azure Blob Storage Amazon S3 Google Cloud Storage Amazon Redshift Google BigQuery Azure Synapse Snowflake Apache Hive Database Data Lake Data Warehouse Cloud / on-premise 11

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DE ในแต่ละบริษัทเป็นอย่างไร

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ยกตัวอย่าง Tech stack Data Engineering

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Techstack ของบริษัทดัง หาได้จาก blog / newsletter

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ตัวอย่าง Techstack ของบริษัทในไทย

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ตัวอย่าง Techstack ของบริษัท (2)

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แหลงเรียน Data Engineer ฟรี [FREE WIKI] Data Engineering Wiki [FREE PDF] Data Engineering Cookbook [ZOOM COURSE] Data Engineering Zoomcamp g-zoomcamp [NEWSLETTER] Start Data Engineering (ฟรี) รวม Talk จาก Meetup และ Conference ตาง ๆ Channel ที่แนะนำ: - DataTalksClub - Data Council - PyData - Andreas Kretz - Seattle Data Guy - The Cloud Girl - Google Cloud Tech 18

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Next Action for Data Engineer Learn Do 1. Go through the Quickstart 2. Understand its fundamentals 3. Know their objectives Bash Python Java / Scala (optional) SQL Programming Languages Frameworks Platforms

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DE Trend ● Data Mesh / Data Fabric ( ) ● Data Observability ● Data Reliability Engineering ● Self-service Analytic System - Analytics Engineering ● Reverse ETL

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MARCH 2023 HOW IT’S GOING (2023)

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Bonus: ML Engineering

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นิยาม AI System แบบง่าย AI System = * Software Engineering DevOps Data Engineering Data Science ML/AI Research ML Engineering Software + Model + DATA

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High-level of ML Systems 1. Data ▸ Data Engineering Pipelines ▸ Data Quality is a key 🔑 2. Model ▸ Machine Learning Pipelines ▸ Train, Evaluate, Test 󰙤 3. Software ▸ Model Serving & Predictions ▸ Deployment strategies & Infra 🐳☁

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Machine Learning Engineers are technically proficient programmers who research, build, and design self-running software to automate predictive models. An ML Engineer builds artificial intelligence (AI) systems that leverage huge data sets to generate and develop algorithms capable of learning and eventually making predictions. - ML Engineer Machine Learning Engineer คือ นักพัฒนาโปรแกรมที่วิจัย สราง และออกแบบ ซอฟตแวรที่ สามารถรันโมเดลทํานายผลได และสรางระบบ AI โดยใชประโยชนจากขอมูลจํานวนมาก

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ML Engineer MLE / DS / DE แตกต่างกันอย่างไร Data Engineer Data Scientist DATA MODEL MODEL In PROD E.g. Data pipeline Stats, Accuracy, Business value Performance, Throughput, Automation

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ML Engineer MLE / DS / DE แตกต่างกันอย่างไร (2) Data Engineer Data Scientist Automate ʻem all!

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มารู้จัก ML System ML System Users Business Requirements ML System Developers ML System Deployment, monitoring, updating of logics Feature engineering ML algorithms Chip Huyen, “Designing Machine Learning Systems” Evaluation Data Infrastructure Data Scientist Feature engineering ML algorithms Evaluation

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Rule of Machine Learning Martin Zinkevich

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To make great products: do machine learning like the great engineer you are, not like the great machine learning expert you aren’t. Martin Zinkevich - Rule of Machine Learning -

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Thank you! กมลพรรณ ลิ้วประเสริฐ (ฝน) PhD Student @ Chula Google Developer Expert - Cloud Women Techmakers Ambassador CP39

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Image slides IG: @wtmbkk

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Upcoming: International Women’s Day 2024 9 March 2024 16 March 2024 @wtmbkk