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Cloud-Native Thorsten Hans @ThorstenHans Generative AI mit Fermyon Serverless AI

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Cloud-Native Business Applications Day Uhrzeit Titel Sprecher 09:00 – 10:00 Cloud-Native-all-the-Things: Definition, Praktiken und Patterns Christian Weyer Thorsten Hans 10:30 – 11:30 Containerbasierte Entwicklung für .NET-Entwickler Tobias Fenster 12:00 – 13:00 Cloud-Native Generative AI mit Fermyon Serverless AI Thorsten Hans 15:15 – 16:15 Cloud-Native Microservices, on-premises oder in der Cloud – mit Dapr Christian Weyer 16:45 – 17:45 Mega Mergers: Cloud-Native-Architekturen mit Containern und WebAssembly Thorsten Hans

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Consultant @ Thinktecture #Azure #Containers #CloudNative #Wasm @ThorstenHans Microsoft MVP | Docker Captain Thorsten Hans

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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WebAssembly will change the way we architecture distributed systems in the future

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• Cloud-vendor interest: • They can put more apps on a compute resource as today • Wasm and WASI give them a strict security and isolation model • Wasm workloads are way smaller than everything else • They can scale to zero due to super-fast bootstrapping < 1msec Intro Why will Wasm have such a big impact?

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• Developer interest: • They can use any language that compiles to wasm32_wasi • They can ship just the app • They can reduce cloud spendings • Same workloads will be cheaper because they consume less resources and execute faster Intro Why will Wasm have such a big impact?

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Wasm on the server relates to containers in the same way containers related to virtual machines 10+ years ago

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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Fermyon Spin is: • A serverless runtime build using Wasm, WASI, and the WebAssembly Component Model (leveraging wasmtime internally) • A collection of SDKs for many popular languages • A super focussed developer tooling Intro Let’s get everybody on track! 🦀

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Dive into Fermyon Spin Demo

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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Give application developers sophisticated generative AI capabilities with no-ops and maintain developer productivity Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud

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• Fermyon Serverless AI empowers developers to use AI inferencing in their apps with no additional setup • Encapsulate inferencing capabilities into two methods • Local developer story (independent from your hardware / operating system) Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud

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• Frictionless AI offering by Fermyon • Execute inferencing against LLMs (currently Llama 2 and CodeLlama with 13b parameter variants) with no-ops • Generate sentence embeddings (all-minilm-l6-v2) for your data using a no-ops vector database • Support for additional models coming soon Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud

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Hello Serverless AI Demo

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Deploy the Spin application to Fermyon Cloud for speeding it up 🚀 and use GPU powers Demo

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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• Intro • What is Fermyon Spin • Serverless AI with Fermyon Cloud • Conclusion Agenda

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• With Spin, Fermyon demonstrates how WebAssembly will change the way we build software for the next wave of cloud-computing • Serverless AI allows application developers to add generative AI capabilities to their apps in “no-time” • Although we have access to Llama2 and CodeLlama now, we will see more models in Fermyon Cloud soon Conclusion

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Thanks for your attention @ThorstenHans @Thinktecture