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No content
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@dfeyer on twitter/slack Dominique Feyer
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@dimaip on twitter/slack Dmitri Pisarev
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a round trip through your presentation layer in Neos
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Logicless Templates, Smart Fusion Objects
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Secret stuff!
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secrectStuff = 'Secret stuff!'
[email protected]
= ${node.context.inBackend}
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prototype(Your.Site:BlogPostsList) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Collection) { collection = ${blogPosts} itemName = 'node' itemRenderer = Your.Site:BlogTeaser }
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Website content
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prototype(Your.Site:Page) { header = Your.Site:Header }
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{header -> f:format.raw()}
Website content
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The content
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prototype(Your.Site:MainPage) < prototype(Page) { @process.layout = Your.Site:Components.Layout }
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prototype(Your.Site:Components.Layout) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Template) { templatePath = .../Layout.html value = ${value} }
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structure is everything
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collocate component's resources
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Fusion/Components/Menu/ Menu.fusion Menu.html Menu.js Menu.css
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project directory structure
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Blog/ Blog.fusion Blog.html Blog.Document.fusion Blog.Comments.fusion Blog.css Components/Menu/ Menu.fusion Menu.html Menu.js Menu.css Override.fusion Shame.fusion Root.fusion Resources/Private/Fusion
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prototype(Neos.Fusion:Collection) { itemName = ‘node’ }
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prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) { googleAnalyticsTrackingCode = Neos.GoogleAnalytics:TrackingCode }
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select rendering based on the node type
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root { default { renderPath = ‘page’ } } { @position = ‘before default’ condition = ${q(node).is(‘[instanceof Your.Site:Blog]’)} type = ‘Your.Site:Blog.Document’ }
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root { default { type = ${q(node).property(‘_nodeType') + ‘.Document’} renderPath > } }
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prototype(Your.Site:Blog.Document) < prototype(Page) { head.stylesheets.main = … body = Your.Site:Blog } prototype(Your.Site:Blog) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Template) { templatePath = ‘…’ main = Neos.Neos:ContentCollection { nodePath = 'main' } }
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fusion prototype generator
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'Neos.Neos:Node': options: fusion: prototypeGenerator: ~
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'Neos.Neos:Node': options: fusion: prototypeGenerator: Your\Site\Generators\Generator
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opinionated template object
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prototype(Your.Site:Components.Footer) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Template) { templatePath = ‘resource://Your.Site/Private/ Fusion/Components/Footer/Footer.html’ }
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prototype(Your.Site:SimpleTemplate) { @class = ‘Your\\Site\\FusionObjects\\TemplateImplementation’ }
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prototype(Your.Site:Components.Footer) < prototype(Your.Site:SimpleTemplate) Will automatically look for template in resource://Your.Site/Private/Fusion/Components/Footer/Footer.html
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more to come
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fusion is just another language
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Your.Site:Book is not Your.Site:Book
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Your.Site:Book NodeTypes.Book.yaml
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‘Your.Site:Book': superTypes: 'Neos.Neos:Document': true ‘Your.Site:SeoMixins': true ‘Your.Site:JsonLd.Document’: true
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Your.Site:Book Book.fusion
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prototype(Your.Site:Book) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Template)
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prototype(Your.Site:Book) { title = ${q(node).property(‘title’)} }
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one node type multiple fusion prototypes
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Your.Site:Book Your.Site:Book.Document Your.Site:Book.Title Your.Site:Book.QrCode Your.Site:Book.SearchResult
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one fusion prototype multiple nodetypes
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Your.Site:Defaut.SearchResult Your.Site:Defaut.Document Your.Site:Defaut.JsonLd.Document
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composition or inheritance… again
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prototype(Your.Site:Library) { ownerName = … ownerEmail = … contactName = … contactEmail = … }
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prototype(Your.Site:Library) { owner = Your.Site:Person contact = Your.Site:Person address = Your.Site:Address }
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‘Your.Site:Library': childNodes: 'owner': type: ‘Your.Site:Person' 'contact': type: 'Your.Site:Person' 'address': type: 'Your.Site:Address'
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naming… again
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small objects are beautiful
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Neos.Fusion:Value prototype(Your.Site:Anything) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Value)
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prototype(Your.Site:AllBooks.Query) { value = ${q(site).find(...).get()} }
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prototype(Your.Site:LatestBooks.Query) { value = Your.Site:AllBooks.Query { @process.latest = ${Array.slice(value,0,3} } }
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prototype(Your.Site:Components.Article) { tagName = ‘article’ content = ${value} } prototype(Your.Site:Components.Article) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Tag)
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prototype(Your.Site:Book.Teaser) { … @process.wrap = Your.Site:Components.Article }
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Neos.Fusion:RawArray prototype(Your.Site:Anything) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:RawArray)
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prototype(Your.Site:Book.Json) { title = ${q(bookNode).property(‘title’)} price = ${Price.get(bookNode)} @process.stringify = ${Json.stringify(value)} } prototype(Your.Site:Book.Json) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:RawArray)
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Neos.Fusion:RawCollection Neos.Fusion:Tag
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take care of your domain logic
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${q(node).property('discount') > 0 ? q(node).property('price') - (q(node).property('price') * q(node).property('discount') / 100) : q(node).property(‘price’)}
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‘Your.Site:Book’: class: Your\Site\Domain\Model\Book
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start from scratch
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fusion in flow application
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workshop anyone ?
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hijack us
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demo site reboot
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No content
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in the making