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Dysfunctional Programming

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Immuteability: The property of functional programmers that prevents them from shutting up about pure functional programming. – Reg Braithwaite @raganwald

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php λ

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procedural Object- Oriented functional logic

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Imperative Declarative

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Structure Time & State

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it’s not about the money

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• Message passing • Interfaces • Composition • (Not inheritance)

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Actor model: Asynchronous

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f g h

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tools and materials

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• Value semantics • Higher-order functions • Lazy evaluation

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The Garbage Overfloweth

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$numberCollection = new NumberCollection(); $numberParser = new SimpleNumberStringParser(); $firstParsedNumber = $numberParser->parse('1'); $firstNumber = new SimpleNumber($firstParsedNumber); $firstNumberProxy = new CollectionItemNumberProxy($firstNumber); $numberCollection->add($firstNumberProxy); $secondParsedNumber = $numberParser->parse('1'); $secondNumber = new SimpleNumber($secondParsedNumber); $secondNumberProxy = new CollectionItemNumberProxy($secondNumber); $numberCollection->add($secondNumberProxy); $addition = new AdditionOperator('SimplePHPEasyPlus\Number\SimpleNumber'); $operation = new ArithmeticOperation($addition); $engine = new Engine($operation); $calcul = new Calcul($engine, $numberCollection); $runner = new CalculRunner(); $runner->run($calcul); $result = $calcul->getResult(); $numericResult = $result->getValue();

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1 + 1

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c a b a b

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a b c

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Higher-order functions

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Dependency Injection

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Inversion of control is really just a pretentious way of saying “Taking an argument”. – Rúnar Óli @runarorama

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Taking an argument

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g g’

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0 1 2 3 4 even? 0 2 4

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0 1 2 3 4 #(+ 5 %) 5 7 9 6 8

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3 6 7 9 + 0 9 25 3 16 acumulator

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Number 42 String "Hello, cruel world." Map {:foo "bar", :baz "qux"} List [:a :b :c] Set #{"Arthur Dent" "Ford Prefect"}

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function is a means of abstraction

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data is a means of abstraction

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Structure Time & State

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Time & State

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Place-Oriented Programming

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new Foo("x") !== new Foo("x")

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defensive copy

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$users = new UserList(); $users->add(new User("Igor")); notify($users);

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while (count($users)) { $user = $users->shift(); notifyUser($user); }

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notify(clone $users)

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Value Object

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date address money response request

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Objects are forgetful

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2013-09-13 01:01:47 Sophie 2013-09-13 01:02:25 Joanna 2013-09-13 01:05:31 Caroline

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$joanna = $sophie->setName("Joanna")

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98ca9 34ac2 f30ab master Snapshot A Snapshot B Snapshot C

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Epochal Time Model

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v1 v2 v3 v4 f f f identity states events

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Lazy evaluation

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Iterator Generator Stream

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a b c d a’ b’ c’ d’ consume

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Order of execution becomes implicit

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๏ filter ๏ map ๏ reduce

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What about I/O?

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Filesystem Database Network }is a place

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Separate I/O from computation

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What about testing?

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But I heard static methods are untestable and evil

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You cannot mock functions

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Why do we mock?

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Functions are fast

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Impure parts are mocked by passing functions

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my_beautiful_program(function () { return do_evil_shit(); })

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Pure functions are inherently testable

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But functions make code look awkward!

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$data |> get_user |> get_name |> strlen

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pipeline('get_user', 'get_name', 'strlen')

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But PHP does not properly support functions!

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use function igorw\edn\parse; $data = parse($edn);

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PHP 5.6 will hopefully get function autoloading

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Applicability of the functional paradigm

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f g h i j k l

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A foo foo foo foo B foo foo C foo foo D foo foo E foo foo

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๏ Value semantics ๏ Higher-order functions ๏ Lazy evaluation

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pure functions

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Questions? •{ 9471, 9472 } • • • @igorwesome

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References • The Paradigms of Programming by Robert W. Floyd • Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns by Steve Yegge • The Value of Values by Rich Hickey • Are we there yet? by Rich Hickey