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Harnessing the Real-Time Web With Phoenix Channels & Presence

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Introductions 2

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Hello! I’m Sophie I’m an engineer and sometimes teacher at The Flatiron School where I build education and business tools in Elixir and Ruby. @sm_debenedetto 3 *and this is my dog

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And... I’m Michael I’m a lead engineer at RentPath, where we build websites to help people find a place to live. @michaelstalker 4 *and this is my family

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Elixir School A free, open-source Elixir curriculum Through the hard work of many volunteers around the world, we’ve developed and translated content covering everything from intro topics to deep dives. 5

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Get Involved! Help us grow the Elixir School community Write a lesson, contribute a TIL (or longer!) blog post or provide a translation. Open an issue here describing your idea or simply open a PR with your work to get started. 6

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Today’s Goals 7

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What We’ll Learn ○ Part 1: ● WebSockets ● Intro to Phoenix Channels ● Phoenix PubSub ○ Part 2: ● Phoenix Presence ● Complex, Real-Time UI Changes 8

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What We’ll Build A real-time ticket estimation tool ○ Users can see other users in the “estimation room” in real-time ○ Users can vote on tickets ○ Users can see the winning vote tallied in real-time and move on to the next ticket 9

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Pointing Party A collaborative ticket estimation tool for your team 10

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User Starts Estimation Round When I click “start pointing!” Then the first card for estimation appears for all users in the room And I become the “driving user” Features Real-Time User Presence When a new user joins/leaves Then I see the list of present users update in the UI 12

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Displaying the Next Card When the “driving” user picks a clicks the “next card” button Then the next card to be estimated is displayed for all users Features Winner is Calculated When the last user submits a vote Then all users see the winning vote And the “driving” user can click “next card” 13

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Part 1: WebSockets, Channels and PubSub

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Application Starting State Log In with a username We built some dummy authorization flows See the static ticket estimation page Oh no you can’t estimate a ticket! 15

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We Need Real-Time! In the current state of our app, users cannot collaborate on ticket estimation. 16

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What is the Real-Time Web? Users receive new information from the server as soon as it is available—no request required This represents a significant departure from traditional HTTP communication Made possible by WebSockets 17

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18 WebSockets

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What are WebSockets? A protocol built on top of TCP that allows for bi-directional, "full-duplex" communication between the client and the server by creating a persistent connection between the two. 19

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20 Server Client Request GET Response

Welcome to Elixir School!

HTTP Protocol

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21 Server Client Step 1. Request to initiate WS connection Client Client GET / Host: Upgrade: websocket Connection: upgrade

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22 Server Client Step 2. Open and maintain WS connections Client Client

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23 We’ll use WebSockets to maintain a persistent, bi-directional and stateful connection between our ticket estimation clients and the server with the help of Phoenix Channels

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Harnessing the Real-Time Web Part 2: Phoenix Presence

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25 We Have A Problem

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26 How can teammates collaborate in a super fun pointing party if they can’t see who is participating?

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27 How can we sync and share stateful info, like who is present?

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Don’t Do This: ● Store present user info in the DB ● Roll your own user presence data store with Agent ● Replicate socket state across channels and keep it in sync ● Leverage Mnesia 28

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Do This ● Use Phoenix Presence! 29

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30 Phoenix Presence

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What is Phoenix Presence? The Phoenix.Presence module allows us to: ● Register and expose topic-specific info to all of the channel processes subscribing to that topic. ● Store that info in a decentralized and resilient data store. ● Broadcast presence-related events and handle them on the front-end with ease. 31

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32 Phoenix Presence + Distributed Elixir =

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Phoenix Presence Uses a CRDT A CRDT (Conflict-free Replicated Data Type) backs Phoenix Presence. What’s so special about a CRDT? Unlike centralized data stores like Redis, Phoenix Presence… 33

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“ …gives you high availability and performance because we don't have to send all data through a central server. It also gives you resilience to failure because the system automatically recovers from failures. - Chris McCord 34

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35 How It Works

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36 Channel topic chats:1 Step 1. User joins the channel and registers their presence PubSub Client “user 1 is present”

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37 Channel topic chats:1 Step 2. User presence broadcast to subscribers Channel topic chats:1 Channel topic chats:1 PubSub Client Client Client “user 1 is present”

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38 Channel topic chats:1 Step 3. Client handles broadcast and updates UI Channel topic chats:1 Channel topic chats:1 PubSub Client Client Client “user 1 is present” > > >

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39 A Closer Look

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Roadmap 2. Broadcasting Presence Events 3. Presence on the Front-End 1. Registering User Presence 40

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41 1. Registering User Presence

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42 Define your app’s Presence module

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43 defmodule PointingPartyWeb.Presence do use Phoenix.Presence, otp_app: :pointing_party, pubsub_server: PointingParty.PubSub end

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44 Add your Presence module to the supervision tree

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45 # application.ex def start(_type, _args) do children = [ PointingPartyWeb.Endpoint, PointingPartyWeb.Presence ] opts = [ strategy: :one_for_one, name: PointingParty.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end

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46 User joins a channel

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47 Track the user presence in Presence’s data store

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48 def join("room:lobby", _payload, socket) do send(self(), :after_join) {:ok, socket} end def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do username = socket.assigns.username {:ok, _} = Presence.track(socket,username, %{}) {:noreply, socket} end

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The Presence.Tracker Behavior Presence.track/4 is used to register the channel's process as a presence for the socket's username, with a map of metadata. 49

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50 { "sophiemaria" => %{ metas: [%{phx_ref: “xxxx"}] }, “mstalker" => %{ metas:[%{ phx_ref: "xxxx"}] } }

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Roadmap 2. Broadcasting Presence Events 3. Presence on the Front-End 1. Registering User Presence 51

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52 2. Broadcasting Presence Events

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53 Tracking user presence triggers the “presence_diff” event

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54 This event is broadcast to all channels for a given topic, which are being tracked by Presence

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Roadmap 2. Broadcasting Presence Events 3. Presence on the Front-End 1. Registering User Presence 55

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56 3. Presence Events on the Front-End

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57 Connecting to the Presence on the front-end

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58 import { Presence } from 'phoenix' const presence = new Presence(channel)

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59 presence.onSync(() => { // coming soon! })

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60 Fetching the updated list of present users

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61 presence.onSync(() => { renderUsers(presence.list(listBy)) })

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62 Using a listBy function

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63 You can give presence.list() a listBy function to specify which metadata to collect for each user

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64 const listBy=(username, {metas: [{points}, ..._rest]}) => ({username, points})

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65 But Wait!

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66 We have another problem

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67 How can we display the list of already-present users to anyone who joins the channel?

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68 Fetching present users on channel join

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69 Presence.list(socket)

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70 Pushing present users to the newly-joined client

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push vs. broadcast Broadcasting messages sends messages to all channel processes that share a given topic, triggering a callback on each channel’s front-end. Pushing a message sends that message only that channel’s socket, triggering a callback for on that channel’s front-end only. 71

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72 users = Presence.list(socket) push(socket, "presence_state", users)

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73 Putting it all together

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74 # room_channel.ex def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do users = Presence.list(socket) push(socket, "presence_state", users) username = socket.assigns.username {:ok, _} = Presence.track(socket, username, %{}) {:noreply, socket} end

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75 But Wait!

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76 What happens when a user leaves the pointing party?

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77 Do we need to write more code?

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78 Nope!

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79 What happens to a channel process when the user navigates away from the page?

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80 It dies

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Phoenix Presence handles user leaving for free! ● When a user navigates away from the webpage, their channel process terminates ● Presence knows that one of its tracked processes terminated ● Presence updates list of present users and broadcasts the “presence_diff” event ● Still-alive channel subscribers already know how to handle that event via presence.onSync on the front-end 81

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Your Turn!

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Feature Roadmap 2. Users see list of present users 3. All votes are tallied, displayed 1. User initiates pointing round 83

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Users see list of present users 85 Sync present users on the front-end ● Use onSync and presence.list() to display lists of users Display existing users for new user ● In your after_join function, fetch the list of present users and push them down to the client Register user presence on channel join ● Use Presence.track/3 to register the user’s presence

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We provided 86 RoomChannel starter code ● Some hints in the RoomChannel module about where and how to leverage Presence user.js file ● With some JS starter-code you can use to update page with presence data

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Harnessing the Real-Time Web Part 3: Complex UI Updated with Channels and Presence

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Your Turn

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Feature Roadmap 2. Users see list of present users 3. All votes are tallied, displayed 1. User initiates pointing round 89

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More features! 91 Tally All Votes ● Once all of the present users have voted, calculate the winning vote ● Broadcast and display the winning vote Update to the next card ● Once the winning vote is displayed, the “driver” can select “new card” ● UI updates to show the new card for voting Users can cast votes ● User casts a vote ● Store their vote in Presence state ● Broadcast a message and update the UI to indicate a given user voted

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We provided 92 socket.js and user.js files ● Some JS starter-code you can use to update the page with the winning/tied votes ● Some JS starter-code you can user to update user votes on the page VoteCalculator module ● A module that contains the vote calculation logic. The RoomChannel ● With some start-code to indicate where and how to hook into certain events

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Before we jump in...

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94 Gotcha: Updating presence across channels

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96 The Presence list stores each user’s vote

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97 When all the users have voted, and we want to display the next card, then we need to clear out these votes from Presence

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98 Only ONE user––the driver––sends the “next_card” message to their channel to display the next card

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99 This is when we want to clear the votes for all users from Presence

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100 But! A channel can only update metadata for its own tracked process in Presence

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101 We need to tell all of the subscribing channels to clear their votes from Presence when the “new_card” message is broadcast

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102 We need handle_out/3

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103 handle_out/3 allows all subscribing channels to intercept an outgoing broadcast and do some work

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104 # room_channel.ex intercept ["new_card"] def handle_out("new_card", payload, socket) do Presence.update( socket, socket.assigns.username, %{points: nil}) push(socket, "new_card", payload) {:noreply, socket} end

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Okay, now it’s really your turn :)