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How to build traditional Perl interpreters Takahiro Shimizu (id:AnaTofuZ) Perlcon 2019

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my $self = shift; • Takahiro SHIMIZU (id:ANATOFUZ) • a.k.a “anagra” • I’m from Okinawa in Japan. • I belong to • A graduate student in Ryukyu-Univ. • My graduate study was MoarVM.

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This photo in Japan • This mean “You don't touch the camel" • … I was heading to PerlCon ...

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Sponsors + many people Thanks!!!

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Perl1 Perl2 Perl3 Perl4

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This talk is… .PTU 1SPHSBNNFST 4PGUXBSFBSDI FDPMPHZ time perl versions

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This talk is… • We usually use plenv, perlbrew, homebrew, apt and yum
 when install perl5. • These commands automatically execute shell scripts and execute make command.

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This talk is… • What if you have to install Perl 
 without using package manager commands? • I think to get Perl Source Code, do compile and 
 execute install. (copy to contain PATH directory) • These processes are called “builds".

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Install Perl “Install is also interesting when it comes to Perl” by Introduction Perl 
 (1994 Shinji Kono)

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This talk is… • Let’s try to install historical Perl Versions!!!

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Contents • How to build Perl • How to build and run Perl1.0 • Perl2.0 • Perl3.0 • Perl4.0 • Perl5.0 • How to build Perl6

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This talk is Perl • I will deal with Perl written by Larry in this talk. • Perl is written by C language.

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the historical Perl version is located • At the beginning of this talk, let’s think about
 where the source code of the
 historical Perl version is located.

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the historical Perl version is located • At the beginning of this talk, let’s think about
 where the source code of the
 historical Perl version is located.

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the historical Perl version is located • At the beginning of this talk, let’s think about
 where the source code of the
 historical Perl version is located.

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the historical Perl version is located Old commits are also
 tightly tagged

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$git tag if-0.0603 if-0.0604 if-0.0605 perl-1.0 perl-1.0.15 perl-1.0.16 perl-2.0 perl-2.001 perl-3.000 perl-3.044 perl-4.0.00 perl-4.0.36 perl-5.000 perl-5.000o

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How to get a traditional Perl Source Code • Easy to download from GitHub.
 • If you want to get commit logs.
 • If you do not want to get commit logs.
 git clone -b perl-1.0 —single-branch wget

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the tarball is feel the history. ~/w/p/o/p/t/perl5-perl-1.0 » ls -la total 816 drwxr-xr-x 44 anatofuz staff 1408 Dec 18 1987 ./ drwxr-xr-x 6 anatofuz staff 192 Jan 26 05:35 ../ -rwxr-xr-x 1 anatofuz staff 27329 Dec 18 1987 Configure* -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 226 Dec 18 1987 EXTERN.h -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 224 Dec 18 1987 INTERN.h -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 5872 Dec 18 1987 MANIFEST -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 3522 Dec 18 1987 Makefile.SH -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 3386 Dec 18 1987 README -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 84 Dec 18 1987 Wishlist -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 47964 Dec 18 1987 arg.c -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 5478 Dec 18 1987 arg.h -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 3366 Dec 18 1987 array.c

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the tarball is feel the history. ~/w/p/o/p/t/perl5-perl-1.0 » ls -la total 816 drwxr-xr-x 44 anatofuz staff 1408 Dec 18 1987 ./ drwxr-xr-x 6 anatofuz staff 192 Jan 26 05:35 ../ -rwxr-xr-x 1 anatofuz staff 27329 Dec 18 1987 Configure* -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 226 Dec 18 1987 EXTERN.h -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 224 Dec 18 1987 INTERN.h -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 5872 Dec 18 1987 MANIFEST -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 3522 Dec 18 1987 Makefile.SH -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 3386 Dec 18 1987 README -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 84 Dec 18 1987 Wishlist -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 47964 Dec 18 1987 arg.c -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 5478 Dec 18 1987 arg.h -rw-r--r-- 1 anatofuz staff 3366 Dec 18 1987 array.c

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degree of difficulty 1FSM 1FSM 1FSM 1FSM 1FSM di cult easy

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degree of difficulty 1FSM 1FSM 1FSM 1FSM 1FSM di cult easy easy di cult

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How to build latest Perl • These manual methods may not be aware of so much because brew, apt, and perlbrew etc. are convenient and usable these days.

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How to build latest Perl $POpHVSF

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How to build latest Perl $POpHVSF $POpHVSFJT

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How to build latest Perl $POpHVSF NBLF

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How to build latest Perl $POpHVSF NBLF NBLFJOTUBMM

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Traditional Perl build flow. • makedpened is actually executed at also perl5
 (it is executed automatically) • Basically it is almost the same as modern perl5!! • old perl (strictly around Perl3) depends manually on make

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Configure flow $POpHVSF

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creates config.h and Makefile $POpHVSF DPOpHTI .BLFpMF4) DQI4) NBLFEFQFOE 4)

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create config.h and Makefile $POpHVSF DPOpHTI .BLFpMF4) DQI4) NBLFEFQFOE 4) DPOpH .BLFpMF

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How to create Configure • Handwriting✍
 (we must follow update OS)
 • Not use Configure
 (using Cmake, using other build tools) • create Configure from Some tools.

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How to create Configure • I think people often use so-called GNU tools such as autoconf and automake. • autoconf commands, create Configure using setting file called
 • Created Configure create Makefile using
 (It is automake to automatically generate

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Other Languages • Ruby and Python have
 (using autoconf)
 • C compiler LLVM / clang does not rely on Configure
 because it uses cmake.

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Configure in Perl • Perl does not have a at from 1.0 • First of all, autoconf was not released in Perl 1.0 era. (Autoconf 1991 release, Perl 1987 release)
 • I wondered how Larry was creating the settings.

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A.「He creates dist toolkit by himself」 • Larry creates dist toolkit by himself. • dist is create Configure using setting files. • —> create package from codes. • —> sent the package to email. • Also, the maintenance right was handed over to other people immediately after publication.

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metaconfig • Perl script named metaconfig to generate configure.
 • Older brother of autoconf (also written in wikipedia) • Not metaconfig in the current GitHub Perl 5 repository.

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metaconfig process NFUBDPOpH Run packinit to put together the information of the program to be distributed QBDLBHF QBDLJOJU

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metaconfig process NFUBDPOpH Load MANIFEST (a list of source code Perl intend to use). Load .package QBDLBHF ."/*'&45 QBDLJOJU

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metaconfig process NFUBDPOpH Generate a file that arranges programs such as cp required at build time, 
 called wanted. QBDLBHF ."/*'&45 QBDLJOJU 8BOUFE

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metaconfig process NFUBDPOpH Create a file called Obsolete that summarizes the file changes QBDLBHF ."/*'&45 QBDLJOJU 8BOUFE 0CTPMFUF

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metaconfig process NFUBDPOpH Generate Desired “Configure” QBDLBHF ."/*'&45 QBDLJOJU 8BOUFE 0CTPMFUF $POpHVSF

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present day dist/metaconfig • The dist toolkit's metaconfig is plainly maintained. • But, Perl 4 flavored source code that can run on Perl 5. • Some dist toolkits are not maintained as Perl 5 
 (eg there is code left requiring

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present day dist/metaconfig • metaconfig ins in the dist toolkit. • They are continuously maintained. • metaconfig can execute by Perl5!
 But, It is Perl4 flavor source code.

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a part of metaconfig source code sub main'profile { &auto_main'profile; } sub auto_main'profile { &main'dataload; } # Load the calling function from DATA segment and call it. This function is # called only once per routine to be loaded. sub main'dataload { local($__packname__) = (caller(1))[3]; $__packname__ =~ s/::/'/; local($__rpackname__) = $__packname__; local($__at__) = $@; $__rpackname__ =~ s/^auto_//; &perload'load_from_data($__rpackname__); local($__fun__) = "$__rpackname__"; $__fun__ =~ s/'/'load_/; eval "*$__packname__ = *$__fun__;"; # Change symbol table entry die $@ if $@; # Should not happen $@ = $__at__; # Restore value $@ had on entrance &$__fun__; # Call newly loaded function

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present-day dist/metaconfig • For historical Perl, Perl's configuration file (* .SH) required to run metaconfig can be used at that time, which is convenient.
 • Perl5's Configure is not just using dist's metaconfig, but it is becoming more and more often direct rewriting itself.

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Historical Perl rough structure • Written in C and yacc, there is no big difference between Perl 5 and other Perls. • perly.c have main function. • perl.c is a parsing phase generated by perl.y (YACC) • The names of perl.c and perly.c are replaced from Perl 5.

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Perl1.0 • 1987 release. The oldest existing Perl. • Older than IRC at historical. • Published at comp.sources.misc newsgroups. • Grammar definitions are done by yacc, 
 others are written in C

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the features of Perl1.0 • Perl1.0 has about two and a half data types • strings ( not scalar!) • arrays of strings • associative arrays [experimental]

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Perl1.0 has not… • range operator (..) • foreach • modules • use • my, our , local

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Perl1.0 has … • Replace • Basic regular expression • List operations (shift, unsift, pop, push) • @_ • String operators • chop • each • subroutine

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In Perl man page • Perl is a interpreted language optimized for scanning arbitrary text files, extracting information from those text files, and printing reports based on that information. It's also a good language for many system management tasks. •It combines (in the author's opinion, anyway) some of the best features of C, sed, awk, and sh, so people familiar with those languages should have little difficulty with it. — by Perl1 man page

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example Perl1 Scripts • can for loop!!! #!/usr/bin/env perl @array = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); for ( $i = 0; $i < $#array; $i++){ print $array[$i] ."\n"; }

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example Perl1 Scripts (subroutine) sub MAX { $max = pop(@_); while ($foo = pop(@_)) { $max = $foo if $max < $foo; } $max; } ... $bestday = do MAX($mon,$tue,$wed,$thu,$fri);

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in Perl1 subrotuine call do hello(); hello();

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measure the processing time with fizzbuzz example for ($i = 0; $i < 10000_000; $i++){ if ($i % 3 == 0 ){ print "Fizz"; if ($i % 5 == 0){ print "Buzz"; } print "\n"; next; } if ($i % 5 == 0){ print "Buzz\n"; } print "$i\n"; }

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100 order fizzbuzz • Perl1 is faster with calculate fizzbuzz for 0 to 100 than Perl5 1FSM 1FSM

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10 million order fizzbuzz • But, Perl5 is faster with 10 million fizzbuzz than Perl1!!! 1FSM 1FSM

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today Perl1.0 • PerlMonger has the habit of writing Perl 1.0 patches regularly (100% test passing version exists) • I was implementation Perl1.0 Docker Images. • You can easy execute Perl1.0 when using Docker.

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Perl1.0 structure characteristics. • SV type advance, STR type is a simple configuration that only has char * • Naturally depends on the machine environment because it depends on the char type

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Perl1.0 structure Source Code • Written in C before published K&R C second edition
 (Perl1.0 is written in C before ANSI-C) • Since C at that time did not have a standard, the return type of the library function was different depending on the processing system. • These are controlled by the macro.

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Perl1.0 main function in C main(argc,argv,env) register int argc; register char **argv; register char **env; { register STR *str; register char *s; char *index(); linestr = str_new(80); str = str_make("-I/usr/lib/perl "); /* first

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Perl1.0 main function in C main(argc,argv,env) register int argc; register char **argv; register char **env; { register STR *str; register char *s; char *index(); linestr = str_new(80); str = str_make("-I/usr/lib/perl "); /* first There is no type in the main function. Receive environment in env. The keyword register hints to compiler that a given variable can be put in a register.

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Perl1.0 main function in C main(argc,argv,env) register int argc; register char **argv; register char **env; { register STR *str; register char *s; char *index(); linestr = str_new(80); str = str_make("-I/usr/lib/perl "); /* first In the first place, the declaration of arguments is so-called K & R style

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K&R style in Perl • It is rewritten in 1997 by Nick Ing-Simmons, focusing on the miniperl part. • He corrected by protoize and handwriting.

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today Perl5 #ifdef NO_ENV_ARRAY_IN_MAIN extern char **environ; int main(int argc, char **argv) #else int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) #endif { int exitstatus, i; #ifdef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT struct perl_vars *my_vars = init_global_struct(); # ifdef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_PRIVATE int veto; main function is int type, written in perlmain.c

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Perl 1.0 process flow • First of all analyze the option • Load one file at a time with the files entered • YACC parsing while lexical analysis • I will just continue to run !!

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Structure in Perl1 TUSJOH 453 1FSM *OTUSVDUJPO "3( 6TFXIFOJO USPVCMF 45"#

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Perl2.0 is difficult… • The included Configure can be used as it is • but when make depend it is destroyed in relation to the header file of mac os ./config.h:172:19: warning: '/*' within block comment [-Wcomment] #/*undef TMINSYS /**/ ^ /usr/include/AvailabilityInternal.h:38846:2: error: #else after #else #else ^ /usr/include/AvailabilityInternal.h:38203:10: error: unterminated conditional directive #if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= __MAC_10_13 ^ /usr/include/AvailabilityInternal.h:38116:10: error: unterminated conditional

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VS Configure<1> • Remake Configure itself using metaconfig that is maintained. • The newly created Configure will export files according to your environment, which will allow you to make. • You can execute make.

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In mac os I am

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In mac os I am NBD\HDD^OFHDD

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VS Configure<2> • We try install gcc or llvm/clang. • If you try to build gcc from source code, 
 I think you need to use llvm / clang installed with brew. brew install gcc brew install llvm #should include PATH (at /usr/libexec/bin)

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fix Makefile • The Makefile was successfully generated, but it is in a situation where it can not be built subtly.

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fix Makefile • and suddenly appear in Makefile • It can not be built because it does not exist as a header file…. arg.o: /usr/include/time.h arg.o: arg.o:

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How to fix Makefile • The header file to be used is written to the Makefile after makedpend • So We want to change do not generate command-line etc. in makedepend's configuration file makedepend.SH

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makedepend.SH $egrep '^#include ' `cat .clist` `cat .hlist` >.deptmp $echo "Updating Makefile..." <.clist $sed -n \ -e '/\//{' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)/\(.*\)\.c|\2.o: \1/\2.c; '"$defrule \1/\2.c|p" \ -e d \ -e '}' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)\.c|\1.o: \1.c|p' >> <.hlist $sed -n 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)|s= \2= \1\2=|p' >.hsed <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*$|o: \1|p' | \ $sed 's|^[^;]*/||' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|o: /usr/include/\1|p' \ >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*$|h: \1|p' | \ $sed -f .hsed >>

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makedepend.SH $egrep '^#include ' `cat .clist` `cat .hlist` >.deptmp $echo "Updating Makefile..." <.clist $sed -n \ -e '/\//{' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)/\(.*\)\.c|\2.o: \1/\2.c; '"$defrule \1/\2.c|p" \ -e d \ -e '}' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)\.c|\1.o: \1.c|p' >> <.hlist $sed -n 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)|s= \2= \1\2=|p' >.hsed <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*$|o: \1|p' | \ $sed 's|^[^;]*/||' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|o: /usr/include/\1|p' \ >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*$|h: \1|p' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> I’m give up fixing it here?

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makedepend.SH $egrep '^#include ' `cat .clist` `cat .hlist` >.deptmp $echo "Updating Makefile..." <.clist $sed -n \ -e '/\//{' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)/\(.*\)\.c|\2.o: \1/\2.c; '"$defrule \1/\2.c|p" \ -e d \ -e '}' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)\.c|\1.o: \1.c|p' >> <.hlist $sed -n 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)|s= \2= \1\2=|p' >.hsed <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*$|o: \1|p' | \ $sed 's|^[^;]*/||' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|o: /usr/include/\1|p' \ >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*$|h: \1|p' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> This code is sed…

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I remember •It combines (in the author's opinion, anyway) some of the best features of C, sed, awk, and sh, so people familiar with those languages should have little difficulty with it. — by Perl1 man page

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I remember •It combines (in the author's opinion, anyway) some of the best features of C, sed, awk, and sh, so people familiar with those languages should have little difficulty with it. — by Perl1 man page

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makedepend.SH $egrep '^#include ' `cat .clist` `cat .hlist` >.deptmp $echo "Updating Makefile..." <.clist $sed -n \ -e '/\//{' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)/\(.*\)\.c|\2.o: \1/\2.c; '"$defrule \1/\2.c|p" \ -e d \ -e '}' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)\.c|\1.o: \1.c|p' >> <.hlist $sed -n 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)|s= \2= \1\2=|p' >.hsed <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*$|o: \1|p' | \ $sed 's|^[^;]*/||' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|o: /usr/include/\1|p' \ >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*$|h: \1|p' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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makedepend.SH $egrep '^#include ' `cat .clist` `cat .hlist` >.deptmp $echo "Updating Makefile..." <.clist $sed -n \ -e '/\//{' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)/\(.*\)\.c|\2.o: \1/\2.c; '"$defrule \1/\2.c|p" \ -e d \ -e '}' \ -e 's|^\(.*\)\.c|\1.o: \1.c|p' >> <.hlist $sed -n 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)|s= \2= \1\2=|p' >.hsed <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include "\(.*\)".*$|o: \1|p' | \ $sed 's|^[^;]*/||' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|c:#include <\(.*\)>.*$|o: /usr/include/\1|p' \ >> <.deptmp $sed -n 's|h:#include "\(.*\)".*$|h: \1|p' | \ $sed -f .hsed >> We have a Perl1!!!!!!!!

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Forced resolution • But, We have a Per1!!!! • I use Perl1 “one liner”!!! • Of course you can do it with Perl5 !!! $./perl -ni -e 'print unless /(built-in)|(command line)/;’ Makefile

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Forced resolution • But, We have a Per1!!!! • I use Perl1 “one liner”!!! • Of course you can do it with Perl5 !!! $./perl -ni -e 'print unless /(built-in)|(command line)/;’ Makefile

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fix YACC • An error is generated by stabval for which nothing is described in YACC %type prog decl format %type %type block lineseq line loop cond sideff nexpr else

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fix YACC • Comment out!!!!!!! %type prog decl format /*%type */ %type block lineseq line loop cond sideff nexpr else

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fix YACC • sprintf separates char pointer or int ... • Currently int type • It is not necessary because sprintf includes header files in the first place #ifdef CHARSPRINTF char *sprintf(); #else int sprintf(); #endif

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fix YACC • remove !!!!!!!! undef;

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correct C language Source • unkown type name UIDTYPE…!? Really…!? ./perl.h:235:1: error: unknown type name 'UIDTYPE' UIDTYPE getuid(); ^ ./perl.h:236:1: error: unknown type name 'UIDTYPE' UIDTYPE geteuid(); ^ ./perl.h:237:1: error: unknown type name 'GIDTYPE' GIDTYPE getgid(); ^ ./perl.h:238:1: error: unknown type name 'GIDTYPE' GIDTYPE getegid();

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correct C language Source • Modified typed!!!!!!!! NAME geteuid, getuid -- get user identification SYNOPSIS #include uid_t geteuid(void); uid_t getuid(void);

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correct C language Source • modify all typed to uid_t uid_t getuid(); uid_t geteuid(); uid_t getgid(); uid_t getegid();

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correct C language Source • conflicting types …!!! In file included from arg.c:10: ./perl.h:275:14: error: conflicting types for 'times' long time(), times(); ^

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correct C language Source • modify only times function to long type long times();

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correct C language Source • It is heartbreaking that errors increase.... arg.c:934:43: error: incomplete definition of type 'struct tms' apush(ary,str_nmake(((double)timesbuf.tms_utime)/HZ)); ~~~~~~~~^ ./perl.h:226:12: note: forward declaration of 'struct tms' EXT struct tms timesbuf; ^ arg.c:935:43: error: incomplete definition of type 'struct tms' apush(ary,str_nmake(((double)timesbuf.tms_stime)/HZ)); ~~~~~~~~^ ./perl.h:226:12: note: forward declaration of 'struct tms' EXT struct tms timesbuf; ^ arg.c:936:43: error: incomplete definition of type 'struct tms' apush(ary,str_nmake(((double)timesbuf.tms_cutime)/HZ));

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correct C language Source • morecoer is not defined as static, etc… malloc.c:155:1: error: static declaration of 'morecore' follows non-static declaration malloc.c:126:5: note: previous implicit declaration is here morecore(bucket); ^ malloc.c:164:5: error: non-void function 'morecore' should return a value [- Wreturn-type] return; ^ malloc.c:181:5: error: non-void function 'morecore' should return a value [- Wreturn-type] return; ^

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correct C language Source • I will put a word of magic! • If you do something with Gcc, it will automatically enter but not clang static morecore(register); static findbucket(union overhead*, int);

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Summary up to here In gcc, it is possible to build with the correction point introduced just now! (Let’s try!!)

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Perl4.0 • There is a problem of conflict with C library that function name includes • We have Perl 5 so replace to other function's name with using one-liner.

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Perl5.0 • Perl5.0 is most difficult build to historical Perl versions. • Even if Configure is recreated with metaconfig, 
 Makefile cannot be created.

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about Perl6 • The current Perl 6 is mainstream Rakudo • Rakudo is a three-stage configuration of VM + NQP (NotQuitPerl) + Perl 6 (made by NQP) • Traditional Perl 6 is probably like Pugs and Parrot

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dependency Perl2 Perl5
 (git clone) Perl6

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dependency Perl2 Perl5
 (git clone) Perl6

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dependency Perl2 Perl5
 (git clone) Perl6

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dependency Perl2 Perl5
 (git clone) Perl6

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So, I think… Perl2 Perl5

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Next • I have 3 projects related to traditional Perl. • rewrite Perl1 sourcecode C to Rust. • Implementing Inline::Perl1 as Perl5 CPAN. • Implementing scripts to run all Perl versions with one liner

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Conclusion • Perl5 is greatness. • We can build all Perl versions. • Let’s try build old Perl versions!

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Thank you for Listening!

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How to build Perl6 $POpHVSFQM NPBS NQP +7. Set which VM to use as an option

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How to build Perl6 .PBS#ZUF$PEF /21 NQP NBLF NPBS Pass the pre- bytecoded NQP interpreter to the MoarVM binary

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How to build Perl6 .PBS#ZUF$PEF /21 NQP NBLF NPBS aORQ Provide as input NQP source code describing the NQP interpreter

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How to build Perl6 .PBS#ZUF$PEF /21 NQP NBLF NPBS aORQ ORQ

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How to build Perl6 NQP NBLF NPBS aORQ ORQ
 TUBHF This is often called nqp

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How to build Perl6 Rakudo $POpHVSFQM ORQ

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How to build Perl6 Rakudo ORQ

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How to build Perl6 Rakudo ORQ