(without introducing more risk)
Centralising and
Gareth Rushgrove
Waves of change in technology and teams
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(without introducing more risk)
Gareth Rushgrove
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What we’ll cover
This talk
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- Modern software architecture
- Modern software organisations
- Reasons for the current zeitgeist
- Science and literature
Gareth Rushgrove
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concentrate (control of an activity or
organisation) under a single authority.
Gareth Rushgrove
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to distribute the administrative powers or
functions of (a central authority) over a less
concentrated area
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
Talking of centralisation goes back a way
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Gareth Rushgrove
Talking of decentralisation is more recent
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(without introducing more risk)
The technology story
Modern Software
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Gareth Rushgrove
From Mainframe to Microservices
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From app servers to embedded servers
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
From WORA to polyglot programming
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Gareth Rushgrove
From ESB’s to adhoc HTTP services
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
From data warehouse to data lake
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Gareth Rushgrove
From SQL and schemas to NoSQL
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Gareth Rushgrove
From rules engines to machine learning
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The current direction of travel is to more
decentralised systems
Gareth Rushgrove
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Pushing responsibility from singular
technologies to individual components
Gareth Rushgrove
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And from upfront decisions to determinations
made closer to the data or users
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Most of these technology changes have
been driven bottom up, by virtue of adoption
by individual software developers
Gareth Rushgrove
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The organisation story
Modern Software
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From outsourcing to insourcing
Gareth Rushgrove
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From waterfall to agile
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
“Expecting one of the usual greetings like
"pleased to meet you," I was surprised that
the first thing he said was "I think that
architects are obsolete
Joseph Hofstader, Microsoft Software Architect, Architecture Journal 2008
From ivory towers to no architects
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Gareth Rushgrove
You build it, you run it
Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO
From operations to devops
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From specialists to generalists
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
From specialists to generalists
full stack engineers
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Spotify Squads, Tribes and Guilds
Gareth Rushgrove
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Again, the current direction of travel appears
to be to more decentralised teams
Gareth Rushgrove
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Context for the current direction
Why Decentralise
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Gareth Rushgrove
State of DevOps Report
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(without introducing more risk)
Gareth Rushgrove
More frequent
Faster lead times
than their peers
2015 State of DevOps Report
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(without introducing more risk)
Gareth Rushgrove
success rate
Faster mean
time to recover
2015 State of DevOps Report
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No content
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(without introducing more risk)
It’s not all about decentralising
Counter Examples
Is Agile in practice really a centralising or
decentralising force?
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
Scaled Agile Framework
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Gareth Rushgrove
“I consider the need for some level of
centralised control the main reason
for using SAFe
Thomas Karlsson
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Gareth Rushgrove
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(without introducing more risk)
Gareth Rushgrove
Dev SRE Ops
From http://web.devopstopologies.com/ by Matthew Skelton
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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A current example of the zeitgeist
Containers as a
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Gareth Rushgrove
Is Docker centralising or decentralising?
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Decentralising the act of packaging software
Gareth Rushgrove
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Centralising the unit of running software
Gareth Rushgrove
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Facilitating the decentralisation of
software development teams
Gareth Rushgrove
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By centralising the platform on which
all software runs
Gareth Rushgrove
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Some of the underpinning theory
From Taylorism to
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Gareth Rushgrove
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A production efficiency methodology
that breaks every action, job, or task
into small and simple segments which
can be easily analysed
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
- Separates execution of work from work planning
- Separates direct labor from indirect labor
- Replaces rule of thumb productivity estimates
with precise measurements
- Introduces time and motion study for optimum
job performance and cost accounting
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Sidebar Who thinks I just described Agile?
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
- Aims to achieve maximum job
fragmentation to minimise skill requirements
and job learning time
- Makes possible payment-by-result method of
wage determination
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Sidebar Who thinks I just described
the gig economy?
Gareth Rushgrove
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Taylorism has been widely discredited,
but influences a great deal of
management theory and practice
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
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Scientific Management is a system that
is excellent for achieving highly efficient
execution of known, repeatable
processes at scale
Gareth Rushgrove
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
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Gareth Rushgrove
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
“Efficiency is no longer enough
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Complexity produces a fundamentally
different situation from the complicated
challenges of the past
Gareth Rushgrove
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
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Complexity means that, in spite of our
increased abilities to track and measure,
the world has become, in many ways,
vastly less predictable
Gareth Rushgrove
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
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Gareth Rushgrove
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
“ Developing resilience, learning how to
reconfigure to confront the unknown, is a
much more effective way to respond to a
complex environment
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Gareth Rushgrove
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The field of Sociotechnical Systems
suggests that all human systems
include both a technical system
and a social system
Gareth Rushgrove
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Better outcomes are usually obtained by a
reciprocal process of joint optimization,
through which both the technical system and
the social system change
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
Conway’s Law as a classic example
Organisations which design systems ... are
constrained to produce designs which are
copies of the communication structures of
these organisations
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Gareth Rushgrove
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If all you remember is
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Do we build distributed systems because we
seek decentralised teams?
Gareth Rushgrove
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Or do we desire decentralised teams so we
build distributed systems?
Gareth Rushgrove
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You’re probably centralising and decentralising
different things at the same time
Gareth Rushgrove
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Beware local optima
Gareth Rushgrove
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To be an agile enterprise you need to be
conscious and transparent about where
you are centralising and decentralising
Gareth Rushgrove
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- Team of Teams General Stanley McChrystal
- The New Kingmakers Stephen O’Grady
- Designing Delivery Jeff Sussna
- Antifragile Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Gareth Rushgrove
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Gareth Rushgrove
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
“Surprisingly, that change was less about new
technology than it was about culture – in
other words, our approach to management
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(without introducing more risk)
And thanks for listening