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LPWA / Sigfoxの現状と最新事例 日本・グローバルの戦略 UnaBiz Co., Ltd Group Chief Technology Officer Alexis Susset 株式会社ソラコム 事業開発マネージャー 堀尾 一生

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本日のハッシュタグ #SORACOM @SORACOM_PR 使用例 他には… • #SORACOM IoTやDXの話を聞きにきた • キーノートは2日目! #SORACOM #SORACOM の検索で、最新情報が!

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自己紹介 堀尾 一生(hori) 株式会社ソラコム 事業開発マネージャー 担当領域: デバイス(委託/直販/Engineering Services) 私事: 子供が生まれました!

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消費電流 通信距離 セルラー 3G, 4G, 5G Wi-Fi PAN BLE, Zigbee Z-wave, Wi-SUN 100mA 10m 30m 1km 10km 20mA 通信速度 100bps 1kbps 1Mbps 10Mbps 450Mbps 1Gbps 500mA BLE LPWA Sigfox , LoRaWAN, LTE-M, NB-IoT NFC RFID IoT向けのコネクティビティ

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• 距離・消費電力・通信速度のトレードオフ • 距離を伸ばす ⇒ 消費電力を上げる・通信速度を下げる • 消費電力を下げる ⇒ 通信速度を下げる・距離を短くする • 通信速度を上げる ⇒ 距離を短くする・消費電力を上げる • 全てに優れた通信規格は存在しない • アプリケーションの要件と実環境に合わせて選択 IoT向けのコネクティビティ

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• 距離・消費電力・通信速度のトレードオフ • 距離を伸ばす ⇒ 消費電力を上げる・通信速度を下げる • 消費電力を下げる ⇒ 通信速度を下げる・距離を短くする • 通信速度を上げる ⇒ 距離を短くする・消費電力を上げる • 低消費電力ながら、冗長性と狭帯域により、長距離通信 • 長距離通信により、公衆回線網が成立 • 通信速度を下げることで、低消費電力の公衆回線網を実現 Sigfoxの特徴

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Sigfoxの特徴 通信速度 上り(デバイス ⇒ クラウド): 12 Byte(最大140回/日) 下り(クラウド ⇒ デバイス): 8 Byte (最大4回/日) ➢ 通信速度が低い ➢ 通信が非対称 非対称な物理NWが前提、 IP通信をサポートしない (プラットフォームが仲介し、IP通信を実現) デバイスの低消費電力・低コスト化に貢献 想定される用途:大量のデバイスをばらまいてデータ収集 通信技術の制約に合わせたシステム設計が重要

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SORACOM Airの提供形態 IoT 向けデータ通信 SORACOM Air セルラー / セルラーLPWA (2G / 3G / 5G / LTE / LTE-M) 特定地域向けIoT SIM plan-D/D-300 plan-DU plan- K/K2 SORACOM IoT SIM (※日本、グローバルに対応) カード型 SIM eSIM LoRaWAN Sigfox 日本 カバレッジ グローバル カバレッジ 所有 ゲートウェイ カード型 SIM eSIM NTTドコモ回線 plan01s plan01s-LDV planP1,planX1, X2, X3 plan-KM1 KDDI回線 アンライセンスド LPWA X3専用SIM K2専用SIM マルチキャリア

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SORACOM Air / Arc LoRa ゲートウェイ LoRa デバイス LoRaWAN SORACOM Air for LoRaWAN 3G/LTE 基地局 インターネット 3G/LTE 基地局 セルラー デバイス SORACOM Air for セルラー (Japan / Global) Sigfox デバイス SORACOM Air for Sigfox Sigfox 基地局 セルラー、Sigfox、LoRaWAN、VPNで同じプラットフォームを利用可能 SORACOM Arc Wi-Fi デバイス インターネット & WireGuard Wi-Fi アクセスポイント

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株式会社相愛 絶対に切らせない木質ペレット 燃料の残量確認を完全に自動化 し、従業員を広域に及ぶ見回り業 務の重労働やストレスから解放 利用したサービス:SORACOM Air(Sigfox、LTE- M)、Harvest、Lagoon 主なデバイス:Sigfox Shield for Arduino、 LTE-M Shield for Arduino、RTC Extension 製造 導入事例

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日本瓦斯株式会社 利用したSORACOMサービス:SORACOM Air for Sigfox、セルラー(LTE-M)、Funnel 協力パートナー:フューチャー株式会社 導入事例 ご利用シーンがわかる写真 エネルギー ガスメーターをネットワークで繋ぐ NCU を自社開発し、検針や異常検知を オンライン化。 データ活用でガス充填から配送までを 最適化し、それを同業他社にも提供する “世界初”「LPガス託送サービス」を開始。

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• セルラー ⇒ 回線契約(SIM)とデバイスが分離 • Sigfox ⇒ 回線契約はデバイスそのものに付与 Sigfoxの始め方 SORACOM IoT ストア • 回線契約が付与された状態で、デバイスを一台から購入可能 複数のセンサーが組み込まれ、 開発不要 Arduinoから通信制御し、 用途に合わせてセンサーを組込

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• ネットワーク層 • SORACOM Air for セルラー • クラウドネイティブな独自開発のコアNW • 独自のサービスを提供:Gate, Napter, Canal, etc • SORACOM Air for Sigfox • Sigfoxネットワークに依存 • アプリケーション層 • SORACOM Air for セルラー・Sigfox • 独自のサービスを提供:Beam, Funnel, Harvest, etc SORACOM Airの強み

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• 低消費電力 • 汎用的なデバイス ⇒ 強みを活かしづらい • 様々なセンサー(一部のみ使用)が組み込まれたデバイス • センサーを組み込むための様々なIF (一部のみ使用)を備えたデバイス • 専用設計されたデバイス ⇒ 強みを活かしやすい • 不要な部品を削り(専用HW)利用しない間は電源断(専用FW)など • 低コスト • 汎用的なデバイス ⇒ 強みを活かしづらい • 汎用性のためのHWリソースが全てコストに寄与する • 専用設計されたデバイス ⇒ 強みを活かしやすい • 周辺コストをslim downし、モデムのコストアドバンテージを活かせる • (量産効果の十分得られるボリュームが前提) • Sigfoxの強みを活かすため、デバイスの新規開発という選択肢が生じる Sigfoxの強みを活かすために

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提案受諾から量産初回納品まで、1年以内を想定 デバイス 要件定義 デバイス開発・量産提案 通信環境調査 既存デバイスによる feasibility study システムアーキテクティング・構築支援 EVT試作納品(削り出し) 機構設計 FW開発 外観デザイン Confirm APP仕様策定 基板設計 金型製作 DVT試作納品(金型注型) 金型 Confirm HW / FW Confirm DVT評価 / Field Trial 認証・信頼性試験 生産用治具/試験ツールなど作成 量産部材調達 PVT trial run(生産検証) 量産初回納品 量産 Deployment / Operations 支援 スケジュール策定 FW開発 機構設計 基板設計 APP仕様策定 EVT評価 / Field Trial 必要に応じて、プロフェッショナルサービスによる支援を提供 モックではなく、仕様通りに動作する試作品 この時点で量産台数を Fix します EVT試作を評価し、金型製作に入ります 見積提示 提案受諾されれば、開発に入ります 量産台数についても一定の合意が必要です 量産と同等仕様の試作品 (量産向けの生産ラインは未立ち上げの状態) DVT試作の納品時に、開発費を頂きます 量産の初回ロットが納品されます 試作の評価、仕様のConfirmationなどにあたり、お客さまのご協力も必要です 3 months ~ 4 months ~ 3 months ~ SORACOM エンジニアリングサービス

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Alexis Susset 様 UnaBiz Co., Ltd Group Chief Technology Officer

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presented by Alexis Susset Group CTO of UnaBiz FRANCE SPAIN SINGAPORE TAIWAN JAPAN

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technology in a few words 18

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Our Ecosystem Today 70+ Countries Present 11.4M Activated devices on Global 0G Network 85M Messages processed per day 1.2B People covered by Global 0G Network 800+ 0G Devices & Solutions 1,500+ Customers 6 Country Offices 200 Employees 220 Patents

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Tracking dashboard readily deployable Close ecosystem partners for optimisation insights Global Massive IoT service provider & integrator End2End Value Chain Coverage - From Any Device to Any Cloud and Data pipelines Devices Data Collection Networks Data Communication Middleware & Cloud Data Aggregator, Connector, Hosting, Mgmt & Analytics Applications Insights-drive actions/optimisation Bespoke: unique know-how for large asset fleets Off-the-shelf: In-house and third-party devices Owner of Sigfox 0G with reach in 75+ countries Tech-agnostic & global: hybrid Sigfox/LoRa/LTEM/satellite One-stop device and data integrator and management to promote interoperability Cloud based geolocation, device-level analytics with sovereign cloud option Full Portfolio of Massive IoT Solutions - Simplifying the customer buying journey Champion of Convergence & Sustainability - Building bridges over fragmented IoT technologies Global Reach - with sales channels in over 75 countries and global multi-protocol IoT connectivity coverage USP Offerings 20 Who Are We

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Featured articles & interviews In April last year, we acquired Sigfox 0G Technology

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Sigfox is the Simplest implementation of Energy Efficient radio technology which powers the World’s Largest IoT Network. fueled by 100+ Engineers & Backend Experts in LPWAN technologies, marrying best practices in Massive IoT from the East & West to support the global IoT Ecosystem.

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[compare power/range/cost/roaming] Device cost Radio Module SIM Card (including eSIM) Sub ~$1.0 None Low-medium High Medium Device maintenance cost Very low Low High High Power consumption Very low Low High Low International mobility By Default Very Complex Supported Very Complex Battery predictability Yes No No No Resistant to jamming Yes No No No Very low Sub ~$5.0 None Sub ~$10.0 Yes Sub ~$20.0 Yes Standards Open device specification (no license; no royalties) Open specification (Semtech license and royalties) 3GPP (License and royalties) 3GPP (License and royalties) UnaBiz’ Sigfox 0G technology differentiation Owned by UnaBiz Via Partnership Source: Company provided information 23

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● Leading motorbike, tyre & automotive manufacturers ● Leading Plastic Pallet Manufacturers UnaBiz & Sigfox 0G technology 4500+ Base Stations Over Leading LP Gas Distributor ● Leading IT & Electronics corporation Strategic Investors & Partners LIVE coverage 1.4M Connected Devices Over ● Leading Robotics Solutions Company

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Our mission is to accelerate Massive IoT 25 So how are we supporting the evolution of Sigfox 0G technology & IoT technologies in general? UnaBiz Sigfox-based Ultra-Low-Cost LPWAN Technology Convergence 1 2

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1 Ultra-Low-Cost Our Massive Scale devices initiative 1

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Costly part 1 Classical Sigfox vs Ultra-Low-Cost Status Volume Device Price range Technology Architecture Communication Targeted Use-case Deployed 10-20+ USD Classical Sigfox devices MCU(IC) Radio(IC) + Crystal + 50+ passive components Uplink & Downlink 5-50km+ range Generic use: LPWAN Monitoring, Logistics, tracking; Security, Metering Deployed 5-10 USD ULC Sigfox devices Soc: Low cost MCU & Radio (single IC) + Crystal 15+ passive components Uplink only 5-50km+ range Generic use: LPWAN Monitoring, Logistics, tracking; Security, Metering ,smart stickers, inventory

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12 BU 4 BU 200M Industrial Reusable packaging Pallet/ RPC/ Totes TODAY Track & Trace to optimise operations Typically re-usable assets worth >$100 each TOMORROW ‘Ultra Low Cost Tracing’ to transform service delivery. New Tracker Size Devices / Labels type <$10 Current Tracker Size Cigarette Pack $10 to $40 Opening New Markets with Ultra Low-Cost Devices BU: Billion Units 1

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1 Ultra Low-Cost Tracker SeeGALEシーゲル At a glance, you can see when, where and how much of the cardboard boxes and other transported goods have been consumed! No need for any reader! 95% population coverage for Japan Consumption detection with Sigfox communication SeeGALE Device Image By breaking the device, Sigfox communication starts *Example of unpacking image Dashboard for inventory management How can SeeGALE help you? Easily identify stock on the market Detect the opening of direct mails Minimize inventories of spare parts Can detect illegal exports

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Unified LPWAN Our Technology Convergence initiative 2

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Massive IoT requires a combination of the right technologies to achieve true positive customer outcomes That is why UnaBiz work with all technologies creating a path to a Unified LPWAN World is driving Massive IoT Total 1.4 million Sigfox & LTEM Version 800,000 Sigfox Gas Meter Reader deployed in Japan in 2 years during the pandemic. 200,000 LTE-M Version UnaConnect Middleware Received ISO 27001 for Information Security Management System. Launched on SAP Store. Partnership with Satellite Companies Sigfox Acquisition Acquired Sigfox SA (primary owner of 0G technology) & France, Spain & Portugal network. Partnership with LoRaWAN Players Global Agreement with Soracom to expand Global IoT Connectivity Portfolio with Best of Breed Cellular Connectivity Services Sigfox Open Source Library Opened Sigfox 0G technology device library code to drive technology convergence 2

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Partners providing Global 0G Network with 70+ Network Operators Global Coverage with Technology Convergence Satellite & Global Cellular Partners 2

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33 And with Sigfox Open-Source Library • *New* Ultra-Low-Cost and LPWAN Convergence chipsets will be announced this year

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What are the early Massive IoT success? 34

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Proven Massive IoT Successes in 4 Key Verticals Global use-cases including Industry Leaders & MNCs Utilities (Gas & Water Metering) Remote, 24/7 gas and water meter monitoring Benefits: Remote meter reading (↓ 50% carbon emissions), accurate billing, leak/theft detection and protection Supply Chain & Logistics (Indoor, outdoor, global tracking) Tracking of assets/people, asset monitoring (temp., movement, inclination…) Benefits: Reduced asset losses, optimised operations and asset usage, enhanced safety of workers, cold chain monitoring/food safety, auto stock management Jamming-proof technology for home alarms and vehicle theft; SOS buttons Benefits: Added safety for people and their assets, fast vehicle recovery Key Customers & Partners Key Customers & Partners Key Customers & Partners Real-time monitoring of Indoor Air Quality, CO2, humidity, ammonia and occupancy, detection of wet-floor, energy submetering Benefits: Optimisation and timely intervention, better resource and energy management, lower infection risk & safer environment Key Customers & Partners Security (Home/office security, stolen vehicle retrieval) Facilities & Building Management (Smart & green buildings) 2.6M+ 2M+ 5M+ 0.4M+

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36 How are some of these Massive IoT use-cases thriving?

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NCU Space Hotaru designed by UnaBiz Smart Gas Metering Nicigas is a gas supplier in Japan who wants to digitalise their gas consumption data collection. The Challenge Increase productivity with a 40% savings on distribution costs Delivery route optimisation Real-time billing Network Control Unit Space Hotaru is bringing these meters online: ✔ A full bespoke device created by UnaBiz ODM services ✔ Cost effective & scalable supply chain ✔ Optimised battery life leading to a TCO that is 4X better than other technologies ✔ Secure data transfer Solution • Offline LPG gas meters are costly to read manually • Lack of manpower in Japan The Results Efficient cash & inventory management Enhanced feature (to turn valve on/ off remotely) Utilities Japan

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Belgium Smart Water Metering Water-link is a Belgian water utility supplying 640,000 residents across 190,000 households in Antwerp with a focus on customer service providing reliable water supply in the easiest way possible. The Challenge Increased billed water usage by 2% Detected 4,000 leaks and 375 backflow incidents Reduced water consumption for 18% of customers Smart meters and smart valves that communicate over Belgium’s 0G Network powered by Sigfox: ● Daily meter readings ● Remotely turn on and off water ● Leak and reverse-flow detection ● Restrict supply in response to non- payment of bills or general water scarcity caused by long periods of drought. Solution It was challenge for water-link to get accurate and timely data on water consumption when meters are read manually, and to detect water loss through leakage and fraud. The Results Real-time online access to consumption data for all residential customers Utilities

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DHL is a global logistics company that deals with supply chain management that wishes to improve their inventory management The Challenge Improved customer satisfaction Reduce loss rate of Roll Cages Solution ● Handling of their Roll Cages can cost up to 10x of their $300 cost throughout their lifespan ● Inefficient data on the demand & supply of the cages increases costs and causes revenue loss ● Untracked cages sometimes results in loss of parcels and delay in deliveries The Results Improved inventory management & better asset utilisation ✔ A powerful tracking device with ultra long battery life ✔ Low infrastructure costs and speedy set up within 1 day ✔ Collects data to deliver assets efficiently reducing costs ✔ Reliable tracker that does not need to connect to WiFi to track location (sniffs surrounding WiFi SSID instead) Smart Returnable Transport Packaging Supply Chain & Logistics Germany

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Australia & New Zealand Konvoy is a beer keg rental company struggling to keep tabs on the whereabouts of its fleet. The Challenge Optimise distribution route Reduce lost and stolen kegs Reduce to 3 kegs in circulation for every keg in use Tracking of kegs within Australia & New Zealand: ✔ 7 year battery life bespoke keg trackers ○ Wi-Fi sniffing for geo-localisation ○ Temperature sensor & accelerometer Solution • Keg fleet not utilised to its full potential a.k.a. ‘Lazy Kegs’ • Loss of ~5 - 10% of kegs each year • CAP-EX issue - For every keg filled, 3 more are needed: 1 in-market, 1 in the warehouse, and 1 in storage. Total 4 in circulation. The Results Smart Returnable Transport Packaging Supply Chain & Logistics

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Cold Chain Monitoring Loca Service is a leading refrigerated furniture rental company in France who needs to monitor their refrigerators' temperature and energy consumption. The Challenge Decreased Food Wastage Lower CAPEX & less operational disruption Real-time data improving management of assets A cost-efficient, low-power industrial-grade tracker with a temperature sensor that lasts for at least 2 years allows timely intervention of anomalies while adhering to HACCP standards. Solution • Manual reading are subjected to human error, not cost-efficient and labour intensive • Readings cannot be done when retail shops are close • Improper temperature conditions can lead to food poisoning The Results Supply Chain & Logistics France

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Australia & Singapore The Challenge ● Creates visibility into air quality across all indoor spaces ● Capture CO2 levels in real-time, 24/7 ● Utility data allows Operations team to plan indoor capacity, and regular ventilation ● Enhancing productivity and end-user experience Solution ● No data collection ● Manpower intensive ● Expensive The Results Smart Facilities Management (IAQ) Reduce the risks of transmission airborne diseases such as COVID-19 Real-time optimisation & better resource management Real-time data to ensure timely interventions Facilities & Building Management

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Security Alarm Backup Connecting over 5.1M Devices Verisure is the leading provider of professionally monitored security solutions in Europe with presence in 16 countries. The Challenge 100% protection against radio frequency interference. Customers can be assured that their alarms will go off, even if their telephone networks are down. An enhanced solution at zero cost to the customers, as a simple firmware update is all that is required Differentiating product feature against other security alarm systems Verisure integrates Sigfox 0G Network in its security system as a backup to GSM network when there are outages and jamming attempts. When interference or jamming is identified, the control panel sends an alert via Sigfox which prompts the security protocol from the Verisure central command station. Solution Independent GSM networks used by most security alarm systems are threatened by jamming devices which are cheap and easy to acquire, so burglars have easy access to them. The Results “Sigfox’s communications-jamming protection is very robust compared to GSM. The RF power required to jam Sigfox communication with conventional jammers is huge and far beyond the power capability of jammers available on the market,” said Christophe Fourtet, co-founder of Sigfox 0G technology. “The security service also stays connected in the event of a network or power outage thanks to connectivity with the Sigfox network.” - Qiara Security Spain

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Stolen Vehicle Recovery COYOTE Secure is a solution which relies on IoT trackers to enable the recovery of stolen vehicles as quickly as possible. The Challenge Proven to recover 91% of stolen vehicles in less than 48 hours The COYOTE Secure tracker is autonomous and resistant to jamming, and hidden in customers’ vehicles. The autonomous tracker can operate for 4 years without maintenance and relies the low-power Sigfox 0G technology instead of a cellular, GPS or Bluetooth technologies, that are often rendered useless with jammers. Solution About 3.5 million vehicles are stolen every year worldwide, including 700,000 in Europe. One vehicle is stolen every four minutes in France, and the value of stolen vehicles is estimated to be around €1 billion. The Results Security France Coyote Secure customers pay a monthly subscription fee of 14.99€ or 179€ per year for the service.

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Smart Agriculture Monitoring Sencrop is a Sigfox partner that measures data such as air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, pests in individual plots of agriculture. The Challenge Solution ● Weather can be hard to predict and measure ● Insufficient time for contingencies can cause damage to crop and revenue loss The Results ✔ A monitoring system that provide 24/7 data to farmers so that they can decide on the best course of action for handling their plots ✔ Additional data that is provided helps to prevent and mitigate diseases and blights, increasing harvest Real-time management of plots of agricultural crops Increased control over crop management Decrease in pest related crop incidents Smart Farm & Agriculture France

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Thank You! For more information, visit Alexis Susset CTO, UnaBiz

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