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Pains Need a lot of setup Hard/impossible to customize Complex codebase Heavy and slow * * * *

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Zero config and easy ⚡ Blazing Fast Easy to customize MDX Based Pluggable Typescript and Flow Support Solution

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More info '

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Join our community

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We are growing Numbers and facts about us

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95 Pull requests 241 Issues closed 77 Releases 11k+ Stars on Github 72k Downloads onNPM 58k Page visits

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releases with great audience always

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We are shinning What the community think about us

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We are trusted Projects and companies using

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OSS Open Source Software

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Open source as we know it has changed

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Free doesn’t means at no cost “ Richard Stallman

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But why build oss? "I already have a lot of things to do”

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To learn new things * To show your skills * To help and build communities * To meet people * To create experiments *

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9 tips and tricks

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You’re better than you know Always look at the highest * Don’t think that you can’t do something big * 1

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Let your open source senses tingle You can only build things you use yourself * Try to find a company that support you * Small and focused projects can perform better * 2

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Be professional Manage your project like it was your startup * Choose a good name * Create a logo * 3 Setup a baddass repo (readme, guideline, issue templates) * Licenses matter *

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Reinventing the wheel Think out of the box * You don’t need something new. You need something different. * 4

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Simplicity, Always! Create something simple is complex * Try to explain why you're important is the first impression * 5 Don’t be so technical *

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Improve your project constantly Try to release versions frequently * Use semantic version with a clearly changelog * 6

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Learn about marketing Twitter is one of the best places to release * Use videos and gifs to make your releases * 7 Find communities related to your project * Tag relevant people. Don’t be ashamed. * Contact some newsletters. People still see email. *

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Learn english If you want to reach a lot of people you need to learn english. * 8

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Have someone who ♥ and supports you Find people to put by your side who really care about you and the community, not just about your project or stars * 9

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