Mob review at
3+ (wo)men, 1 laptop
presented by Ju&Ju
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2013 - no or optional code review
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2014 - systematic peer review
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Systematic & public
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Good To Merge
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OK, problem solved?
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Well… nope :)
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2015 - team/product growing
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Problems - A lot of comments
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Problem - Not focused on what’s important
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Problems - Long exchanges
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Problems - Misunderstandings with non verbal
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Github + many people => code review
(not for us)
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Interactions >>> Tools
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2016 - introducing mob review
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Mob programming is a software development approach where the
whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same
space, and at the same computer.
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Mob programming review is a software development approach
where the whole team works on reviews the same thing, at the same
time, in the same space, and at the same computer.
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Informal & public
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No content
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Used only for “specific” topics
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Pros & cons
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● Easy to setup
● 0€ to setup
● Exchanges facilitated, less frustration
● Merge faster, less returns
● Knowledge is really shared
● Focus on what really matters
● Share a common technical vision
● Responsibility even more shared
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● Beware to not talk about something else
● Can’t put GIF anymore in the PRs :’(
● Sometimes hard to find reviewers
● Sometimes too much to review