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Chaperones and curfews Minimising 3rd party impact Photo by Spenser on Unsplash

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Who am I? Ryan Townsend @ryantownsend

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• What are third parties? • Why are they problematic? • Why use them at all? • What can I do to mitigate against their impact?

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What are third parties?

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Any infrastructure or service on a separate origin that you don’t control

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Why are third parties a problem?

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Rewind back to Velocity 2011…

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The web lived happily ever after.

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Except it didn’t.

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• Social media buttons • Tag managers • Ads • A/B testing tools • Personalisation • Analytics & Event Capture • Independent Customer Reviews • Retargeting • Affiliate trackers • Live chat • Hosted webfonts • Comment platforms • Videos • Developer Utilities

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Source: Steve Souders / HTTP Archive

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Source: Yottaa Average # of 3rd Parties 2015 2016 2017 2018 85 60 37 15

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“Can I bring a +1?”

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But it’s not just the volume…

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“There is zero performance overhead to using our synchronous script […] our typical response time is around 200ms” – Popular Third Party Provider

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Source: Steve Souders / HTTP Archive

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And it’s not just the network…

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Continual JavaScript execution 1 second

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“Third party script execution is the majority chunk of the web today” – Patrick Hulce, Lighthouse

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The average execution time per third-party is 225ms

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85 third-parties x 225ms = 19s

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It’s not even just the visitors who are affected…

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• Inaccurate development & QA experience • Unable to perform commit/build-time linting • Governance processes in the hands of the 3rd party

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Why use third parties?

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• You can’t build it all yourself • You shouldn’t build it all yourself • You’re hacking around technical limitations • You’re hacking around organisational limitations

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So, what can we do?

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Identify your third parties

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Long-running JavaScript Large payloads

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• It’s My (Third) Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To
 Harry Roberts (@csswizardry) • AB Testing, Ads & Other 3rd Party Tags
 Andy Davies (@andydavies) • Performance Audit (Live)
 Tim Kadlec (@tkadlec) • Raiders of the Fast Start
 Katie Sylor-Miller (@ksylor)

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Consider your loading strategy

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1. Where/when do you need to load it?

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2. How critical is it?

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Progressive enhancement isn’t just for first-party JavaScript

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3. Do we need ALL of it?

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• Check for GZIP/Brotli compression • Subset fonts • Centralise data capture (e.g. Segment) • Disable loading libraries

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You can’t all bring jQuery as your +1!

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Check for image transformation

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Avoid tech debt

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Optimise your 3rd party scripts

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4. Can you load it asynchronously / deferred?

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“But what about the flicker!?”

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font-display: fallback

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Implement this one NASTY trick… you’ll never believe what happened next

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function showBody() { = 'block'; } setTimeout(showBody, 3000) ... when the script loads/fails: show the body hide the whole body after 3 seconds: show the body regardless

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function timeout(delay){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function() { resolve(new Response('', { status: 408, statusText: 'Request timed out.' })) }, delay) }) } self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) { // if the request is not for, serve requests normally if (!event.request.url.includes('')) { return } return event.respondWith(caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) { return response || Promise.race([ timeout(2000), fetch(event.request) ]) })) }) attempt the request force a 2-second timeout

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5. Can you self-host the resources?

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• No DNS lookup • No connection setup • No SSL negotiation • “Better” HTTP/2 prioritisation • You can fingerprint and use far-future expiry • Plays nicer with Content-Security-Policies *

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What about changes?

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Dual-phase loading

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6. Can we preconnect or preload?

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Choose your friends

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The Windows 95 launch really got out of hand

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Protect your site from 3rd parties

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Kill Switch

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sync-xhr, document-write, legacy-image-formats, max-downscaling-image, unsized-media, image-compression, font-display-late-swap, lazyload, unoptimized-images

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Protect your site from your company

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Tag Managers

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It’s all our fault

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• Embed manually and maintain a clear release runway • Migrate long-term scripts to core site • Server-side tag management

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Remember you have leverage

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Everybody wins…

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“Huge props to WordAds for reducing their impact from ~2.5s to ~200ms on average!” – Patrick Hulce, Lighthouse

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32,000 sites benefitted.

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• You don’t make friends taking toys away • Understand really how your third parties are used • Work with what you’ve got and optimise • Assume third parties will burn you • Protect yourself • Work with them for the better of the whole web

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Thank you! Ryan Townsend CTO, SHIFT – @ryantownsend