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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout & Motion Editor Animation made easy John Hoford @johnhoford Nicolas Roard @camaelon

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DroidconSF 2019 So, what is Motion Layout ?

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Viewgroup

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout ConstraintLayout

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout ConstraintLayout Relative Constraints Center Constraints Dimension Constraints Chains Virtual Layouts Guidelines Barriers Flow Circular Constraints Helpers

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DroidconSF 2019 What does it do?

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Position views Animation Touch Handling State

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Position views Animation Touch Handling State

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Position views Animation Touch Handling State

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Position views Animation Touch Handling State

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DroidconSF 2019 How?

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Transition between states

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Transition Start State End State

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout Transition Start State End State Keyframes

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DroidconSF 2019 Multiple States State A State B State C State D

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DroidconSF 2019 Organization xml/ layout/

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DroidconSF 2019 States Base State MotionLayout States Position with constraints All view attributes Position with constraints Transform view attributes Custom properties Motion attributes (layout file)

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Constraint Set Motion Layout

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Transition •OnClick/OnSwipe Integrated touch handling •KeyFrameSet Modify the transition Motion Layout

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Keyframes KeyPosition KeyAttribute KeyTrigger KeyCycles KeyTimeCycle Motion Layout

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KeyPosition Motion Layout parentRelative Coordinate Systems

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KeyPosition Motion Layout deltaRelative Coordinate Systems

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KeyPosition Motion Layout pathRelative Coordinate Systems

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KeyCycle Motion Layout Making properties oscillate

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KeyTimeCycle Motion Layout Oscillate in time

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DroidconSF 2019 Demo

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DroidconSF 2019 Where to use it

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DroidconSF 2019 Integrate with existing components

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Coordinator Layout + Collapsible Toolbar

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DroidconSF 2019 Coordinate Views

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Nested MotionLayout

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Start End MotionLayout 2 MotionLayout 1 Start End MotionLayout 2 MotionLayout 1

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DroidconSF 2019 Programmatic Control

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DroidconSF 2019 RecyclerView

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RecyclerView + MotionLayout

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RecyclerView + MotionLayout

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ConstraintSet set = parentMotion.getConstraintSet(; set.clear(; set.constrainWidth(, getWidth()); set.constrainHeight(, getHeight()); int dx = bounds.left - motionBounds.left; int dy = -; set.connect(, ConstraintSet.LEFT, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.LEFT, dx); set.connect(, ConstraintSet.TOP, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.TOP, dy);

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ConstraintSet set = parentMotion.getConstraintSet(; set.clear(; set.constrainWidth(, getWidth()); set.constrainHeight(, getHeight()); int dx = bounds.left - motionBounds.left; int dy = -; set.connect(, ConstraintSet.LEFT, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.LEFT, dx); set.connect(, ConstraintSet.TOP, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.TOP, dy);

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ConstraintSet set = parentMotion.getConstraintSet(; set.clear(; set.constrainWidth(, getWidth()); set.constrainHeight(, getHeight()); int dx = bounds.left - motionBounds.left; int dy = -; set.connect(, ConstraintSet.LEFT, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.LEFT, dx); set.connect(, ConstraintSet.TOP, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.TOP, dy);

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RecyclerView + MotionLayout

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RecyclerView + MotionLayout

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RecyclerView + MotionLayout

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DroidconSF 2019 Dynamic Histogram

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Motion Layout From Code 1. Create a Transition() 2. Create ConstraintSet() x 2 and set on the transition 3. Update ConstraintSets as needed 4. Trigger the MotionLayout animation from the start to end motionLayout.transitionToEnd() Tutorial coming soon!! Dynamically updated histogram

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout List

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Start Next Previous

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if (state == { if (counter < myImgDataset.length -1) { counter++; motionLayout.setProgress(0); updateImages(counter); if (counter < myImgDataset.length - 1) { goNextPosition(); } } else if (counter >= myImgDataset.length - 1) { motionLayout.setProgress(0); } }

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if (state == { if (counter < myImgDataset.length -1) { counter++; motionLayout.setProgress(0); updateImages(counter); if (counter < myImgDataset.length - 1) { goNextPosition(); } } else if (counter >= myImgDataset.length - 1) { motionLayout.setProgress(0); } }

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All together…

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MotionLayout List

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MotionLayout List

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DroidconSF 2019 Motion Editor

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Overview Panel

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Overview Panel 1. Creation Icons 2. Overview Graph 2 1

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Overview Panel + Constraint Set 1. Creation Icons + Transition + Gesture

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Overview Panel Creation in action

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Overview Panel 2.Overview Graph

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Motion Layout Constraint Sets Transition Gesture 2.Overview Graph Overview Panel

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Overview Panel Motion Layout Constraint Sets Transition Gesture

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Overview Panel … …

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... ... ... Overview Panel

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Overview Panel Overview Graph as State Control Unit

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Overview Panel

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Selection Panel

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Selection Panel Selection Panel 1. Motion Layout selected 2. Constraint Set selected 3. Transition selected 1 2 3

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Selection Panel 1. Motion Layout Selected

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Selection Panel 1. Motion Layout Selected What Component? Properly Constrained?

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Selection Panel 2.Constraint Set Selected

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Selection Panel 2.Constraint Set Selected Constrained? Where? What Component?

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Selection Panel

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Selection Panel 3.Transition Selected

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Selection Panel 3.Transition Selected Timeline & Scrubber Animation Toolbar Keyframes + Keyframe

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Attributes Panel

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Attributes Panel Attributes Panel 1. Reflecting Selection 2. Showing Inheritance 3. Authoring Constraints 4.Adding Custom Attributes

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Attributes panel reflects declared & potential attributes of whatever is selected Attributes Panel 1. Reflecting Selection

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Inherited Declared Attributes panel reflects inherited v.s. declared attributes with greyed-out & black values 2.Showing Inheritance Attributes Panel

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Attributes Panel 3.Authoring Constraints

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Attributes Panel 4.Adding Custom Attributes

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DroidconSF 2019 Demo !

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Andrew Watson @creativedrewy

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DroidconSF 2019 Wrap up

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DroidconSF 2019 Check it out Android Studio 4.0 Canary 4 ConstraintLayout 2.0 Beta 3

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DroidconSF 2019 Layout Editor Navigation Editor Resource Manager Compose Tooling Multi Preview Layout Inspector Motion Editor Android Studio Design Tools

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DroidconSF 2019 Android Public Tracker > App Development > Jetpack (androidx) > ConstraintLayout > Android Studio > Design Tools > Motion Editor ConstraintLayout component Motion Editor component

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DroidconSF 2019 ConstraintLayout & MotionLayout Workshop when? where? Android Studio ConstraintLayout 5:10 PM Fisher East 4.0 canary 4 2.0.0-beta3

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DroidconSF 2019 Thank you! John Hoford @johnhoford Nicolas Roard @camaelon

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DroidconSF 2019 MotionLayout workshop motion-layout