The overhead of calling many methods of various standard
library classes implemented in C has been significantly reduced
by porting more code to use the METH_FASTCALL convention.
01 ӝࠄ ݫࢲ٘ ഐ
Various optimizations have reduced Python startup
time by 10% on Linux and up to 30% on macOS.
bpo-31333: Implement ABCMeta in C
bpo-29585: site.py imports relatively large `sysconfig` module
02 ॆ द दр
Method calls are now up to 20% faster due to the bytecode
changes which avoid creating bound method instances.
bpo-26110: Speedup method calls 1.2x
03 ੋझఢझ ݫࢲ٘ ഐ
asyncio.sleep() is now up to 2 times faster
when the delay argument is zero or negative.
bpo-32351: Use fastpath in asyncio.sleep if delay<0
04 asyncio.sleep
The asyncio.get_event_loop() function has been
reimplemented in C to make it up to 15 times faster.
bpo-32296: Implement asyncio._get_running_loop() and get_event_loop() in C
05 ߮ ܖ оઉয়ӝ
bpo-33505: Optimize asyncio.ensure_future by reordering if conditions
Optimize asyncio.ensure_future() by reordering
if checks: 1.17x faster.
07 asyncio.ensure_future
As a result of PEP 560 work, the import time of typing
has been reduced by a factor of 7, and many typing
operations are now faster.
bpo-32226: Implement PEP 560: Core support for typing module and generic types
08 typing ݽٕ оઉয়ӝ
sorted() and list.sort() have been optimized
for common cases to be up to 40-75% faster.
bpo-28685: Optimizing list.sort() by performing safety checks in advance
09 ܻझ ۳
Optimized case-insensitive matching and searching of
regular expressions. Searching some patterns can now be
up to 20 times faster.
bpo-30285: Optimize case-insensitive regular expressions
11 ӏഅध