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JavaScript on Scala AdTech ✕ Scala MeetUp Fringe81 Co., Ltd. @petitviolet

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Nashorn 㱺 +7.

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What is Nashorn? • JavaScript runtime on JVM 㱺 JavaScript on Scala!!! • Project Nashorn •

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Example object NashornExample extends App {
 val ENGINE_NAME = "nashorn"
 val engine = new ScriptEngineManager()
 .asInstanceOf[ScriptEngine with Invocable]
 val fName = "func"
 val f = s"function $fName(a, b) { return a + b; };"
 val argments = Seq(1, 2) map { _.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] }
 val result = engine.invokeFunction(fName, argments:_*)
 println(s"result => $result")

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object NashornExample extends App {
 val ENGINE_NAME = "nashorn"
 val engine = new ScriptEngineManager()
 .asInstanceOf[ScriptEngine with Invocable]
 val fName = "func"
 val f = s"function $fName(a, b) { return a + b; };"
 val argments = Seq(1, 2) map { _.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] }
 val result = engine.invokeFunction(fName, argments:_*)
 println(s"result => $result")
 } Preparation Example

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object NashornExample extends App {
 val ENGINE_NAME = "nashorn"
 val engine = new ScriptEngineManager()
 .asInstanceOf[ScriptEngine with Invocable]
 val fName = "func"
 val f = s"function $fName(a, b) { return a + b; };"
 val argments = Seq(1, 2) map { _.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] }
 val result = engine.invokeFunction(fName, argments:_*)
 println(s"result => $result")
 } Compilation Example

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object NashornExample extends App {
 val ENGINE_NAME = "nashorn"
 val engine = new ScriptEngineManager()
 .asInstanceOf[ScriptEngine with Invocable]
 val fName = "func"
 val f = s"function $fName(a, b) { return a + b; };"
 val argments = Seq(1, 2) map { _.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] }
 val result = engine.invokeFunction(fName, argments:_*)
 println(s"result => $result")
 } Execution Example

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Procedure • Preparation • create ScriptEngine • Compilation • compile String as a JavaScript function • Execution • feed AnyRef arguments to ScriptEngine

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↑↑↑ʘ(^o^)ʗ↑↑↑ • Store JavaScript functions in DB as Strings • Use stored functions as Scala function! • Enable replacing algorithms dynamically • e.g. Scoring, Sorting, Selection, …

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↓↓↓ʗ(^o^)ʘ↓↓↓ • Static typing(Scala) <=> Dynamic typing(JS) • lose type information • Unexpected input causes unexpected output • e.g. null, NaN, Infinity, ReferenceError, … • Cannot avoid such results with compilation • Runtime!!!

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Lose type information? • No • Can use Java types in JavaScript • Java.Type(“”) • • Enable casting a result of execution • asInstanceOf[T] •

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