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yohei SUGIGAMI Realm Centered Design RxSwift+RxRealm w/ RealmNotification Sep. 29, 2016 @ SanSan Realm meetup #19

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Yohei SUGIGAMI ID susieyy TwitterˍGithub & Qiita

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γΰτͰίίϩΦυϧ Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008

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γΰτͰίίϩΦυϧ WWDC 2014 Swift Developer since Day1

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γΰτͰίίϩΦυϧ Working in a Wantedly

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Our issues in iOS development

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Our issues in iOS development Complex

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Our issues in iOS development State and data management Complex

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Our issues in iOS development Asynchronous processing Complex

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Our issues in iOS development Massive delegate pattern Complex Apple MVC Apple MVC

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Reactive program paradigm Observable Asynchronous data streams Functional program paradigm No side effects function Immutable structure Higher-order functions Lambda expression, monads Asynchronous friendly Unidirectional Data Flow Single source of truth The approach avoids complicated to simplify Redux RxSwift Reactive Cocoa simplify

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Hoping between RxSwift and ReSwift Redux Rx ??? w/ MVVM (RxSwift) (ReSwift) Unidirectional 
 Data Flow

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Approaching based on Rx with Realm Redux Rx Realm + w/ MVVM (RxSwift) (ReSwift) Unidirectional 
 Data Flow Unidirectional 
 Data Flow (RxRealm)

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Realm Centered Design View ViewModel Model Rx ( Local state ) Store ( App state ) Rx w/ MVVM

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Unidirectional Data Flow Transaction ( atomic ) Notification Subscribe Realm Centered Design

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Key technologies Realm Notification RxRealm RxSwift w/ MVVM

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Realm Notification Notifications section Collection Notifications, since ver 0.98 Fine-grained change notifications, since ver 0.99

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Do you know the Realm Notification?

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 You can be notified whenever a Realm, Results, List or LinkingObjects is updated by calling the addNotificationBlock method. a.k.a. Observe What Realm Notification

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Realm Notifications Collection Notifications Fine-grained change Points

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Realm instances send out notifications to other instances on other threads every time a write transaction is committed: Realm Notifications

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Realm Notifications, e.g.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Collection Notifications Notified of updates to query results or to specific objects.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 ( should keep a strong reference ) Collection Notifications, e.g.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Fine-grained level changing This change parameter describes including the indices of objects that have been inserted, deleted, or modified since the last notification.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 notified indices with deltas Fine-grained change, e.g.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 In the case of Core Data let notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(managedObjectContextDidChange:), name: NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification,
 object: privateManagedObjectContext) Can not observe with filtering.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 In the case of Core Data func managedObjectContextObjectsDidChange(notification: NSNotification) { guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else { return } if let inserts = userInfo[NSInsertedObjectsKey] as? Set where inserts.count > 0 { } if let updates = userInfo[NSUpdatedObjectsKey] as? Set where updates.count > 0 { } if let deletes = userInfo[NSDeletedObjectsKey] as? Set where deletes.count > 0 { } } Received changed objects, instead of changed indices

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Notified timing When notifications can’t be delivered instantly, multiple write transactions may be coalesced into a single notification. t Tx COMMIT Tx COMMIT Tx COMMIT Tx COMMIT Tx COMMIT t Notice Notice Write Notification

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 It is also notified being monitored relation destination of the change of the Object. Observable relations ( linking objects )

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Observable relations ( linking objects ) UserObject name avatar_url registered deleted_at profile ProfileObject company position working_histories academy_records emails EmailObject email Observe Change Change Notified

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Model View B View A Notification Notification WriteTx Absolutely separation logic and views Singleton PreFetch BackgroundFetch

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 View A View B Notification WriteTx Absolutely separation logic and views

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e.g. WriteTx Notification Notification ➜ ➜

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 RxSwift RxRealm x meets

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 What RxRealm Rx wrapper for Realm's collection types.

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 Observing collections Adds to Results, List, LinkingObjects and AnyRealmCollection these methods: - asObservable() - asObservableArray() - asObservableChangeset() - asObservableArrayChangeset() returning an Observable, RealmChangeset?>

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 try! Realm().objects(ContactRealm) .asObservableChangeset() .subscribeNext { [weak self] results, changeset in guard let tableView = self?.tableView else { return } self?.results = results if let changeset = changeset { tableView.beginUpdates() tableView.insertRowsAtIndexPaths(…, withRowAnimation: .Automatic) tableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths(…, withRowAnimation: .Automatic) tableView.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths(…, withRowAnimation: .Automatic) tableView.endUpdates() } else { tableView.reloadData() } }.addDisposableTo(disposeBag) e.g.

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- rx_add() - rx_delete() Write transactions // Simple Create [MessageRealm("hello"), MessageRealm("world")] .toObservable() .subscribe(Realm.rx_add()) // With API let request = API.Endpoint.MessagesRequest().request() Session.rx_response(request) .subscribe(Realm.rx_add())

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B Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 RxSwift MVVM Realm Centered Design RxRealm

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 View ViewModel View A Subscribe Holding - The state of a screen-specific (Requesting, etc) - The main data of a screen RxSwift w/ MVVM It is difficult to handle the screen cross-data. View B View C

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 View ViewModel Subscribe Singleton RxSwift w/ MVVM and Singleton Global ViewModel View A View B View C Holding - The state of a screen-specific (Requesting, etc) - The main data of a screen (Rx Variable) The state of cross over screens

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Launch iPhone3G iOS Developer since mid 2008 View ViewModel Observable Store Subscribe The state of a screen-specific Singleton RxSwift+RxRealm w/ MVVM (RxRealm) View A View B View C (Rx Variable) The main data of screens The state of cross over screens

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Conclusion Simple ( is not easy ) Complex

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