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Making It as an Indie Developer Secrets of The Fire Swamp ! " " !

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“Ah, but how will you capture us? We know the secrets of the Fire Swamp. We can live there quite happily for some time.”

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Gaining knowledge and building risk tolerance can grant you access to a place most people would consider unlivable.

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# ! " "! " " " " ! ! ! ! ! "

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Traditional employment is a default we sometimes accept because the Fire Swamp seems unlivable.

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Hello! $

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❌ 10x Developer

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❌ High-Energy, High-Output

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❌ Big Risk-Taker

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The Framework &

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“Making It”

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Predictable ' ☔ ➡ Stochastic World World

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Knowing Your Why Making the Transition Managing Yourself Finding Customers Thinking Like a Business * + , - .

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Knowing Your Why *

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Schedule and location Caring for children or elders Building a business Educational or personal goals Tailoring role or tasks

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Sets a clear direction Provides clear boundaries Clarifies your story Protects your motivation

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Making the Transition +

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One Example Strategy

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1. Become indispensable

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2. Practice missing skills

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3. Land long-term client

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4. Propose transition

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Making the Transition +

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Managing Yourself ,

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1. Delivering Value

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2. Improving Performance

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3. Protecting Energy & Emotions

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Work hard Don’t complain Ignore the pain

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Work hard Don’t complain Ignore the pain

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Anxiety Loneliness Fear or Anger Disappointment or Depression Exhaustion

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Managing Yourself ,

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Finding Customers -

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Enough time in the right spots, earning attention authentically. Enough patience and persuasiveness to turn attention into engagement. Ultimately making an invitation that leads to a buying decision.

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1. Map Your Skills to Market Needs

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• Security audits for web applications • Fractional CTO to early-stage startups • Application performance improvement • Developer coaching • Salesforce integrations • Heroku to AWS migrations

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2. Go Where Customers Are

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• Social media • Private communities • Newsletters, Blogs, and Podcasts • Meetups and Conferences • Marketplaces

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3. Earn Attention & Build Trust

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“Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them. It realizes that treating people with respect is the best way to earn their attention. …when someone chooses to pay attention they are actually paying you with something precious.”

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• They don’t see it • They don’t understand it • They don’t care about it • They don’t know how to respond • They haven’t been sufficiently persuaded If People Aren’t Responding

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4. Make the Pitch

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Leads Prospects Customers

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2 The Good News

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Your Pipeline Big Co. Pipeline

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“…you only need to deliver $30/month worth of value to 500 customers to gross $180k/year.”

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Thinking Like a Business .

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First Stage

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Software Development Bookkeeping Accounting Planning Onboarding Project Management Sales Taxes Forecasting Discovery Marketing Customer Research

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• Build relationships • Share what you are doing and learning • Craft and make pitches • Stay in touch and over-communicate • Set expectations • Manage time and costs • Forecast and make projections • Celebrate successes • Advise and mentor • Do your own research and discovery • Run your own experiments • Hire and pay for your own services Being Proactive

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Second Stage

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“…if you understand the technical work of a business, you understand a business that does that technical work.”

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“How must the business work?” Business is a system for creating customer outcomes, resulting in profits Starts with vision of the future, and attempts to change present to match Envisions the business as a whole Entrepreneur Technician “What work has to be done?” Business is a place people work creating internal solutions, resulting in income Starts with vision of the present, and intends to keep future much the same Envisions the business in parts

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Thinking Like a Business .

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Beyond Making It 8

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Money 9 Capability : Interest ; Impact ❤ Watch Your Indicators

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Find Models

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The Framework Knowing Your Why Making the Transition Managing Yourself Finding Customers Thinking Like a Business * + , - .

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Takeaways =

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Why Should I Care? >

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Recommended Resources

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Thanks! Jeremy Smith @jeremysmithco HYBRD IndieRails