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Ivy Engine@ Angular Berlin A deep dive into the heart of Angular Martina Kraus

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@MartinaKraus11 • Senior Frontend Dev @inovex GmbH • Trainer @Angular.DE • ngGirls • Angular Heidelberg Martina Kraus

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Agenda ● Why do we need a new Engine? ● How does it work? ● How to use? 3 @MartinaKraus11

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Why ? 4

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A short history @MartinaKraus11 Ivy View Engine Template Engine Angular 2 Angular 4 Angular 8

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Costliest Ressource on a webpage? 6 HTML ? CSS ? JavaScript ! Not only bundle size as well parsing and execution

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7 AngularMix Keynote 2018 Public - Brad Green

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Benefits 8 @MartinaKraus11 Faster compilation Smaller Easier to debug

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And how ?

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10 @MartinaKraus11 Faster compilation Smaller Easier to debug

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ViewEngine 11 @MartinaKraus11 cat.component.ts cat.component.scss cat.component.html cat.component.js cat.component.ngfactory.js

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Ivy 12 @MartinaKraus11 cat.component.ts cat.component.scss cat.component.html cat.component.js

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13 @MartinaKraus11 Vikram Subramanian - ngIndia 2019

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How to make things smaller ● Don’t pay for framework features you don’t use 14 @MartinaKraus11 ● View Engine isn’t tree-shakable tree-shaking

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15 @MartinaKraus11 ViewEngine Kara Erickson - ngConf 2018

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16 @MartinaKraus11 ViewEngine Array of Instructions Kara Erickson - ngConf 2018

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17 @MartinaKraus11 Template Function calls elementStart() text() export function elementStart() Ivy Component definition calls Framework export function text()

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18 @MartinaKraus11 Faster compilation Easier to debug Smaller

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Faster compilation ● Compiling them only requires local information ● If Component changes, it’s dependencies doesn’t have to recompile 19 @MartinaKraus11 Locality principle

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View Engine 20 @MartinaKraus11 Vikram Subramanian - ngIndia 2019

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Ivy 21 @MartinaKraus11 Vikram Subramanian - ngIndia 2019

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Ivy 22 @MartinaKraus11 Vikram Subramanian - ngIndia 2019

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Faster compilation ● Ivy provides “stable” API to ship compiled through NPM No global compilation needed anymore Modules are already AOT 23 @MartinaKraus11

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24 @MartinaKraus11 Faster compilation Easier to debug Smaller

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Easier to Debug ● With cleaner API: improvements an Stack traces ● Setting breakpoints in Templates ○ Stepping into the instructions for the creation of the template 25 @MartinaKraus11

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26 I want to use it!

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Angular Ivy in Version 8 ● Opt-in ● Backwards compatible 27 @MartinaKraus11 ng new ivy-app --enable-ivy ng build --prod

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Inside compiler settings (tsconfig.json) 28 @MartinaKraus11 "angularCompilerOptions": { "enableIvy": true } // To get Ivy during debugging: ng serve --aot

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Summary ● Angular’s new renderer reduces bundle size significantly ● And compiles really fast ○ Only re-compiles what changed 29 @MartinaKraus11

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Want more? Come and join me and more awesome speakers at 30 @MartinaKraus11 Angular Conference Berlin • 30 - 31 August, 2019 @BOLLE FESTSÄLE here in Berlin

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31 Thank you!!!