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Dailymotion Elasticsearch June 10, 2014 Meetup Elasticsearch France #7 Cédric Hourcade Core developer at Dailymotion

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> video search @ Dailymotion 1 > cluster overview and indexation 2 > query and score 3 > sharding 4 > benchmarks, tuning 5 > questions?

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elasticsearch cluster cluster and indexation

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search cluster cluster and indexation > 10 nodes for video search _ one main video index _ 5 shards with 1 replica _ nodes : 32 cores, 48 gb RAM, 15k disks > 600 to 1000 search requests per second > end-to-end response time < 40 ms

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search cluster cluster and indexation elasticsearch cluster 10 nodes mysql farm index constantly

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search cluster cluster and indexation elasticsearch cluster 10 nodes mysql farm elasticsearch indexer 2 nodes index constantly filter data for search update if hash changed hash data

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search query and score

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"query" : { "function_score": { "query": { "custom_common": { … } }, "script_score": { "script": "custom_scorer", "lang": "native" }, "scoring_score": "multiply" } } search query and score > custom query x > custom scorer = > score

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search query and score Scorer > custom scorer _ only slightly alter the query score _ take into account: recency, popularity, etc. > boosted filters and scripts when testing > native java for performance

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search query and score Query > we need to keep control of the query base score > problem is our text content is thin _ short title, a few tags _ a more or less relevant description > bare bones TF-IDF may not be suitable _ TF not that relevant to us

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search query and score > BM25: reduce importance of document length > why common terms query _ increase performance _ ignore popular terms when searching _ but still use them for scoring _ like a real time specialized stop words list similarity: my_bm25: type: BM25 b: 0.001

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> ignore inexistent terms in query > boost repeated terms (TF) only if repeated in query a doc titled “A A A game” has a better score than “A game” only when explicitly searching for “A A A” > boost term by position in query and documents search query and score brown fox zerzer brown fox zerzer the quick brown fox jumps. ^1.1 ^1.07 ^1.05 ^1.03 ^1.02

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> keep both stemmed and original terms > score them with dis_max (tie_breaker = 0) > disable coord factor for consistent scoring I like dogs i like dogs dog token 1 2 3 position search query and score "field": "dogs" "dis_max": { "tie_breaker" : 0, "queries" : [ { "term": { "field": "dogs" } }, { "term": { "field": "dog" } } ...

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sharding what suits us

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sharding what suits us > less shards make a query slower > but not 16 times slower (112 ms vs 12 ms) index / 16 shards index / 1 shard 1 ms request handling 1 ms request handling 10 ms shard 0 (9ms) shard 1 (10ms) shard 2 (6ms) shard 3 (9ms) 110 ms shard 0 shard 4 (10ms) shard 5 (10ms) shard 6 (9ms) shard 7 (10ms) shard 8 (10ms) shard 9 (8ms) shard 10 (5ms) shard 11 (10ms) shard 12 (7ms) shard 13 (7ms) shard 14 (10ms) shard 15 (10ms) 1 ms return result 1 ms return result 12 ms 112 ms

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sharding what suits us > takes more resources > everything runs at 100 % for each query > less requests per second for the same hardware 9 ms + 10 ms + 6 ms + (…) = 140 ms shard 0 (9ms) shard 1 (10ms) shard 2 (6ms) shard 3 (9ms) 110 ms shard 0 shard 4 (10ms) shard 5 (10ms) shard 6 (9ms) shard 7 (10ms) shard 8 (10ms) shard 9 (8ms) shard 10 (5ms) shard 11 (10ms) shard 12 (7ms) shard 13 (7ms) shard 14 (10ms) shard 15 (10ms) 140 ms spent by the shards 110 ms spent

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sharding what suits us Before > we used to have 40 shards on 18 nodes _ ~2 millions docs per shard _ 3 gb by shards _ ~ 120 gb total index size > cluster was very loaded _ every single query was hitting all the nodes _ response times could have been better

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sharding what suits us After > we now have 5 shards on 10 nodes > cluster run smoother, less load _ only 5 nodes involved per query _ it handles many times more requests

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sharding what suits us less data! _ ~10 millions docs per shard _ 4 gb by shards _ ~ 25 gb total index size > only data we need right now _ { "_source" : false } _ round numbers and dates _ { "precision_step" : 2147483647 } > less updates, faster indexation, rebalance, merges...

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sharding what suits us drawbacks > queries taken individually are slower… > but only marginally slower _ eg: 7 ms instead of 5 ms > but some slower queries became more noticeable

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning load test _ benchmark with Tsung _ dedicated test cluster _ run real queries, lots of them _ aim for our expected load _ monitor everything _ reshard, change schema _ set masters, data-only nodes... repeat

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning use warmers > warm segments after each merge _ prevent slow first queries > set it up to build cache for the filters we use > zero reasons for not using them

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning "constant_score": { "filter": { "term": { "visible": "yes" } } } "constant_score": { "filter": { "bool": { "_cache": true, "must": [ { "term": { "visible": "yes" } }, { "range": { "age": { "from": 18, "to": 30 } } } ] ...

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning query testing > to test a particular query raw performance _ one index, one shard _ millions of simple documents _ merged in one segment _ with some deletes

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? how do we test benchmarks, tuning { "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "match": { "title": "some very popular terms" } }, "filter": { "term": { "user": "cedric" } } } } }

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! how do we test benchmarks, tuning { "query": { "filtered": { "strategy": "leap_frog", "query": { "match": { "title": "some very popular terms" } }, "filter": { "term": { "user": "cedric" } } } } }

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning > we also use Elasticsearch to just filter and sort > these queries match millions of documents _ they are slow _ even when terms are cached _ iterating, scoring and sorting is tedious

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning query "sort": { "created": "desc" }, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "public": true } } ] } }

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning query result "sort": { "created": "desc" }, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "public": true } } ] } } "took": 695 "hits": { "total": 79582599 }

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning > we know our data > we can help our query

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning query "sort": { "created": "desc" }, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "public": true } }, { "range": { "created": { "from": "2014-06-03" } } } ] ... > with a range filter on the sorted field

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning query result "sort": { "created": "desc" }, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "public": true } }, { "range": { "created": { "from": "2014-06-03" } } } ] ... "took": 15 "hits": { "total": 92312 } // Same top docs // returned

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how do we test benchmarks, tuning > what if there are not enough hits? _ re-run the query without the filter > we use a custom query to do just that! _ breaks once it matches enough hits _ runs at segment level _ no round-trips

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"sort": { "created": "desc" }, "query": { "break_once": { "minimum_hits": 100, "query": { { "term": { "public": true } }, "filters": [ { "range": { "created": { "from": "2014-06-03" } } }, { "range": { "created": { "from": "2014-05-03” } } }, { "range": { "created": { "from": "2014-01-03" } } } ] } } how do we test benchmarks, tuning stop once there are enough hits

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No content

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thank you > index only what you need now > shard today, reshard tomorrow > benchmark to find what suits you best > test and optimize your queries

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thank you > questions?