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time “Safety-I”

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time “non-incident” time continual preventing and catching of incidents “Safety-II”

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There is no “one weird trick” to understand Resilience Engineering and that’s ok! John Allspaw Adaptive Capacity Labs

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Resilience Engineering is a FIELD Cybernetics Ecology Safety Science Biology Control Systems Human Factors & Ergonomics Cognitive Systems Engineering Complexity Science Cognitive Psychology Sociology Operations Research

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Resilience Engineering is a COMMUNITY Rail Maritime Surgery Intelligence Agencies Law Enforcement Aviation/ATM Space Mining Construction Explosives Firefighting Anesthesia Pediatrics Power Grid & Distribution Military Agencies Software Engineering

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Resilience Engineering is a COMMUNITY Rail Maritime Surgery Intelligence Agencies Law Enforcement Aviation/ATM Space Mining Construction Explosives Firefighting Anesthesia Pediatrics Power Grid & Distribution Military Agencies Software Engineering

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resilience is not these things • redundancy • robustness • high-availability / fault-tolerance • Chaos Engineering • anything about software or hardware!

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people are the source of adaptation activities to sustain adaptation

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unforeseen unanticipated unexpected fundamentally surprising resilience plays out in the…

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situational surprise Buy a ticket and win

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Buy a ticket and win Don’t buy a ticket and win fundamental surprise situational surprise

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“…proactive activities aimed at preparing to be unprepared” ability to handle fundamental surprises

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Resilience is already present and happening in your org! it’s just difficult for us to “see”

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example “in the wild” it’s needed for handling fundamental surprises we continually invest in the ability to deploy to production when it’s needed

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• automated tests • availability of (and expertise involved) peer code review • availability (and familiarity with using) feature/config flags • people available and looking for signs of trouble, focusing attention • the ability to contact others who can help if necessary

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“too academic?!” we can do this! it’s already happening

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Understanding Resilience Engineering will take time the concepts are not intuitive and also critically important

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Change Is Afoot 2018 2019 J. Paul Reed 2018 Nora Jones Casey Rosenthal 2020 Jessica DeVita Chad Todd Tim Tischler 2021 Learning From Incidents In Software

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