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2023.04.21 ਆݪ ݈Ұ (@korodroid) Writing better Flutter Code 
 with Flutter Lint / Part2 shibuya.apk #41

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ࣗݾ঺հ •ۀ຿ɿϞόΠϧΞϓϦ։ൃ/ٕज़ࢧԉ/จԽৢ੒׆ಈ •ߨԋɿΠϕϯτొஃ(ւ֎14ճɺࠃ಺100ճ+) •ࣥචɿ7࡭ •झຯɿϥϯχϯά/ӳձ࿩/ΞϓϦ։ൃ ਆݪ ݈Ұ (NTTςΫϊΫϩε/ΤόϯδΣϦετ) @korodroid

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About my Flutter product (Private works) Sekaiphone Pro(Flutter/Kotlin/Swift) MyToDo(Flutter)

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Lintπʔϧ(੩తղੳ)Λ׆༻͢ΔϝϦοτྫ 1. જࡏతͳόάͷݕग़ 2. ϨϏϡʔ࡞ۀͷෛՙܰݮ 3. ΞϓϦͷύϑΥʔϚϯεվળ 

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Flutter޲͚Lintπʔϧ( fl utter_lints) fl utter_lints

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Walking through “ fl utter_lints” ↑ඞཁʹԠͯ͡ɺ࠷৽൛ʹߋ৽

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Walking through “ fl utter.yaml” # Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins. include: package:lints/recommended.yaml linter: rules: - avoid_print - avoid_unnecessary_containers - avoid_web_libraries_in_ fl utter - no_logic_in_create_state - prefer_const_constructors - prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables - prefer_const_declarations - prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables - sized_box_for_whitespace - sort_child_properties_last - use_build_context_synchronously - use_full_hex_values_for_ fl utter_colors - use_key_in_widget_constructors

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Walking through “Linter for Dart” productionίʔυʹ͓͚Δprint཈੍

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Example: “avoid_print”

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Customizing Rules fl utter/samples

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Walking through “Sample Rules” include: package: fl utter_lints/ fl utter.yaml analyzer: language: strict-casts: true strict-inference: true linter: rules: avoid_types_on_closure_parameters: true avoid_void_async: true cancel_subscriptions: true close_sinks: true directives_ordering: true package_api_docs: true package_pre fi xed_library_names: true test_types_in_equals: true throw_in_ fi nally: true unawaited_futures: true unnecessary_statements: true use_super_parameters: true include: package:analysis_defaults/ fl utter.yaml ֤sampleͷanalysis_options.yaml

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include: package: fl utter_lints/ fl utter.yaml analyzer: language: strict-casts: true strict-inference: true linter: rules: avoid_types_on_closure_parameters: true avoid_void_async: true cancel_subscriptions: true close_sinks: true directives_ordering: true package_api_docs: true package_pre fi xed_library_names: true test_types_in_equals: true throw_in_ fi nally: true unawaited_futures: true unnecessary_statements: true use_super_parameters: true include: package:analysis_defaults/ fl utter.yaml ֤sampleͷanalysis_options.yaml Walking through “Sample Rules”

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Customizing static analysis

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Customizing Rules ↑ඞཁʹԠͯ͡ɺΧελϚΠζ

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Example1 analyzer: errors: avoid_print: error ྫ.avoid_printҧ൓ΛΤϥʔʹ

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Example2 linter: rules: avoid_print: false ྫ.avoid_printҧ൓ΛνΣοΫର৅֎΁

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Example3 analyzer: exclude: - “**/*.g.dart" - "**/*.freezed.dart" - test/*.dart ྫ.ର৅ύεͷϑΝΠϧΛνΣοΫର৅֎΁

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·ͱΊ •ެࣜϦϑΝϨϯεͷϓϥΫςΟεΛࢀߟʹʂ •Linter for Dart͸ɺݴޠֶशͷಡΈ෺ͱͯ͠΋͓͢͢Ίʂ •ඞཁʹԠͯ͡ɺϧʔϧΛదٓΧελϚΠζ

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Please let me know if you have any requests 
 such as technical speeches, technical writings and so on. Facebook: Twitter:@korodroid LinkedIn: Thank you so much