Slide 36
Slide 36 text
Solving the optimal control problem
;⁄ T
L(“(s), s, –(s))ds + g(“(T)): “(t) = x, ˙
“(s) = f (“(s), s, –(s))’s œ (t, T)
and the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) PDE
ˆÏ(x, t)
+ sup
{≠Èf (x, T ≠ t, –), Òx Ï(x, t)Í ≠ L(x, T ≠ t, –)} = 0, x œ , t œ [0, T],
Ï(x, 0) = g(x), x œ .
Grid based method (e.g., Lax–Friedrichs, Engquist-Osher scheme) needs to satisfy
the CFL condition in discretization.
In this project, we provide an optimization method for solving certain HJ PDEs with
a saddle point formulation and implicit time discretization. This allows us to choose
a larger time stepsize and avoid CFL condition.
In the literature, there are some optimization algorithms for solving HJ PDE
[Darbon, Dower, Osher, Yegerov, . . . ]. Compared to these methods, the
optimization algorithm proposed in this project can handle a more general
Hamiltonian that depends on (x, t).
Partial theoretical guarantee is provided.
Meng, Liu, Li, Osher PDHG control August 4, 2024 2 / 5