Slide 3
Slide 3 text
T&S Matrix transformations
Definition 1 (Fundamental Tuning). Strings 1, 2, . . . , 6 are tuned
F4,C4,G3,D3,A2,E2, rather than standard tuning E4,B3,G3,D3,A2,E2.
Definition 2 (Pitch Block). B is a symmetric matrix (Fig. 5)
, i, j = 1, 2, . . . , 6, of contiguous fundamental pitches between any 6
frets. B1
spans fret O (open) to fret V, across all 6 strings.
Definition 3 (Virtual Block). B is a 6 × 6 matrix of complementary
pitches that are unseen in B1
. They appear incrementally under the
twisting action of Theorem 6.
Definition 4 (Superblock). Superblock Q is a 12 × 6 matrix
Q =
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