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Be The Loop You Want To See In The World

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H’allo there… I’m Allison. ◎ Feminist. Writer. Lover of guacamole. ◎ Front-end developer at WebDevStudios ◎ @allisonplus

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We’re going to go over... ◎ What is The Loop? ◎ The power of customizing WP_Query(); ◎ Examples of customizations

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1. AHHHHHHHHH! The Loop. Let’s start with taking a deep breath.

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“ The loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts.

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What does it do? ◎ It’s the thing that goes and gets your content from the database. ◎ Loops over posts to bring in data. ◎ Makes our lives easier!

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The Loop is Lovely because it... ◎ Saves time ◎ Keeps your code condensed & tidy ◎ Efficient!

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The Loop in real talk. If there are any posts And only while there are still posts, Give me the post! (if not, do something else)

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What can the Loop output? ◎ Template Tags ◎ HTML your content is wrapped in ◎ Customizations (if any)

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Every Loop has a query. The query is the request for the information your Loop will have access to.

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In the regular ol’ Loop... WordPress automatically loads a global variable to get the appropriate content.

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What if I want more? What if that loop isn’t good enough?

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WP_Query() Blah blah blah.

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There’s a few different ways to go about this ● WP_Query() ● pre_get_posts() ● query_posts()

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Custom Post Types For use within plugins &/or widgets Posts by multiple authors Why would we need a custom query?

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WP_Query Ingredients ◎ Define what you’re asking for ◎ Arguments for the query ◎ The Loop ◎ Leave no trace.

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Arguments Define it. Loop Clean-up!

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Arguments Your arguments feed the query. The query feeds The Loop.

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Define Your Query $fancy_new_query = new WP_Query( $args );

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The Loop

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Leave No Trace.

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wp_reset_postdata(); Resets the global $post data we’ve been messing with after a custom query.

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Display a sticky post I can do anything?! Grabbing a random selection from a Custom Post Type

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Random Team Member

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Display a Sticky Post

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Thanks! Any questions? Come hang out with me online at: ◎ @allisonplus ◎ [email protected] ◎ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival