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Write a Song
 In JavaScript Daijiro Wachi / @watilde UtrechtJS - 14th Jan, 2016

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$ whoami Daijiro Wachi / @watilde Relocated here ! from Japan " Lead JS Developer @BoosterMedia Kapsalon

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I <3 JS and OSS

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Write a song
 in JavaScript ❓

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Music Score in a JSer eyes

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No content

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Large application

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No content

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Spaghetti code

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Less is more
 Simple example

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Main song data

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Musical interval Note value

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 Time Signature

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Meta data + Title + Description + Author

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{ “name”: “Super Mario Bros”, “description”: “Main Theme Song”, “author”: “Koji Kondo”, “main”: “Main-Song-Data” } 1 2 3 4 5 6 Music Score is……

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Main song data

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Main song data

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Main song data 8th note

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Main song data E F# D 8th note

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Octave number

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Main song data E5 F#4 D4 8th note

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Main song data E5 F#5 D5 8th note 
 [E5,F#5,D5], 1/8 

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func([E5, F#5, D5], 1 / 8, 200); // => Convert to Audio and Play it! 1 2 Notes Phonetic
 value Tempo in JavaScript

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[E5,F#4,D4] => [87, 78, 74] texts => Note Number

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[87, 78, 74] => 660.7534209026169 370.83531912688807 294.3321878444925 => Audio frequency

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60 / tempo * Phonetic value * 44100(sampleRate) Phonetic value => Sine wave length

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var data = buf.getChannelData(0); for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { data[i] = Math.sin( (2 * Math.PI) * nn * (i / sampleRate) ); } => Sine wave

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currentTime += 60 / tempo * Phonetic value Current time++

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Demo time

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beeplay({bpm: 50, volume: 0.5}) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(null, 1/8) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(null, 1/8) .play(["C5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(null, 1/8) .play(["G5", "B4", "G4"], 1/8) .play(null, 3/8) .play(["G4", "G3"], 1/3, "p"); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Enjoy watilde/beeplay on GitHub

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Coming soon: MAJOR UPDATE

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beeplay({bpm: 50, volume: 0.5}) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8) .play(null, 1/8) .play(["E5", "F#4", "D4"], 1/8); 1 2 3 4 5 Song == JavaScript

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Remember the score data is…… { “name”: “Super Mario Bros”, “description”: “Main Theme Song”, “author”: “Koji Kondo”, “main”: “Main-Song-Data” } 1 2 3 4 5 6

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{ “name”: “Super Mario Bros”, “description”: “Main Theme Song”, “author”: “Koji Kondo”, “main”: “Main-Song-Data.js” } 1 2 3 4 5 6 We are JSer

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== package.json

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$ npm install awesome-song beeplay $ emacs index.js var beeplay = require("beeplay"); var song = require("awesome-song"); beeplay({song: song}); $ node index.js => play music

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3 plans 1.Support Node.js w/ the sox 2.Support Johnny-five syntax 3.Generate a scaffolding from package.json

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