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Scene 1 Duration 00:23 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I made the wrong call at work and CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 1/48

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Scene 2 Duration 01:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE the fans reacted with a hurtful chant. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 2/48

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Scene 2 Duration 01:22 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST Beings can certainly be overly passionate about their foot orb teams. I doubt their intention was to make you feel bad. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 3/48

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Scene 3 Duration 03:20 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST They were most likely expressing perceived injustice. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 4/48

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Scene 3 Duration 03:20 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST We should explore your pain further. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 5/48

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Scene 3 Duration 03:20 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 6/48

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Scene 3 Duration 03:20 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST Can you talk more about that? CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 7/48

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Scene 4 Duration 04:19 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I think I felt scared and that their voices were not dissimilar to my own. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 8/48

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Scene 4 Duration 04:19 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE It was like they were articulating my own inner insecurities. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 9/48

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Scene 4 Duration 04:19 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE That I have bad judgement. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 10/48

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Scene 4 Duration 04:19 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE That I am regularly wrong. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 11/48

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Scene 4 Duration 04:19 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE Now my bosses are making me take a test that determines the future of my employment. I'm not entirely confident about it. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 12/48

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Scene 5 Duration 05:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST That makes a lot of sense. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 13/48

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Scene 5 Duration 05:18 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Action Notes nod during any "Mhmms" in the scratch CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 14/48

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Scene 5 Duration 05:18 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST It is not uncommon for beings to question their adequacy. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 15/48

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Scene 5 Duration 05:18 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST It is important to remember that you worked hard to achieve employment as a professional referee CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 16/48

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Scene 5 Duration 05:18 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Action Notes nod during any "Mhmms" in the scratch CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 17/48

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Scene 5 Duration 05:18 Panel 6 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST and that you would not have been hired if you were not qualified. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 18/48

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Scene 6 Duration 04:19 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST No being is perfect. We all make mistakes. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 19/48

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Scene 6 Duration 04:19 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST No being is perfect. We all make mistakes. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 20/48

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Scene 6 Duration 04:19 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST No being is perfect. We all make mistakes. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 21/48

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Scene 6 Duration 04:19 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST No being is perfect. We all make mistakes. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 22/48

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Scene 6 Duration 04:19 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I Guess. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 23/48

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Scene 7 Duration 01:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST Isn't that part of the appeal of orb games? CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 24/48

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Scene 7 Duration 01:22 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 25/48

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Scene 8 Duration 00:23 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I Guess. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 26/48

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Scene 9 Duration 03:20 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST Well what interests CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 27/48

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Scene 9 Duration 03:20 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST you about foot orb? CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 28/48

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Scene 9 Duration 03:20 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 29/48

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Scene 9 Duration 03:20 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST What made you want to be a referee? CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 30/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I guess I do love that footorb is unscripted and unpredictable. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 31/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE That beings are performing miraculous physical feats live right before your eyes. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 32/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 33/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 34/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE From the time I was a young being, I knew I wanted to be apart of professional foot orb. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 35/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 6 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I watched the matches with my Super Lifegiver and I remember being enamored with the black and white striped beings making sure both teams played fairly. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 36/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 7 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE The impartial keepers of the rules and the peace. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 37/48

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Scene 10 Duration 07:16 Panel 8 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE They were just as physically capable as the players, and ensured balanced orchestration on both sides of the orb. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 38/48

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Scene 11 Duration 01:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 39/48

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Scene 11 Duration 01:22 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST It is amazing that you realized your dream. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 40/48

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Scene 12 Duration 02:21 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE Ha, CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 41/48

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Scene 12 Duration 02:21 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE it wasn't easy. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 42/48

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Scene 12 Duration 02:21 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST I want you to remember this explanation, and in times of self- doubt, remind yourself of your achievements. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 43/48

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Scene 13 Duration 04:19 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Dialog THERAPIST I believe you have the necessary tools to pass your test. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 44/48

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Scene 13 Duration 04:19 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE Thank you. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 45/48

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Scene 13 Duration 04:19 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 46/48

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Scene 13 Duration 04:19 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog REFEREE I think I'm ready. CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 47/48

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Scene 13 Duration 04:19 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 CP108 SQ 150 MP V02 Page 48/48