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  1 / 66 Connected Services Trends & Enablers Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA

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Outline Ecosystem Trends Devices & Involving Tech Moving Forward 2 / 66

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  Past & Present Ecosystem Trends 3 / 66

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4 / 66 Users

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5 / 66 Users Perspectives & Facts 1. Reachability 2. Usage & Roles 3. New (Smartphone) Culture

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Subscription Numbers (Ericsson) 6 / 66

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8 / 66 Golding's Story Mobile 1.0, 2.0, 2.0+ Not so long ago we didn't need mobiles ... But now, look around you, mobiles are everywhere! Indoors and outdoors, they consume attention ... And we need them like a sh needs water! Mobile 1.0 Early Mobile 2.0 A Global Communication Phenomenon 6 Billions Global Text Messages (2010) 200,000 Messages/Sec Average teen sends/receives 3,339 messages every month. This is equivalent to 14 hours of attention (15 s/msg). The rise of social network -> Gen Y 2010: 9 hours/month

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In 59 Countries (2011) A device most of us have most of the time ... 9 / 66

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A Central Part of Our Daily Lives 11 / 66

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Always On - Always with You 12 / 66

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Mobiles are Used Everywhere 13 / 66

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Yes.. It changes (almost) everything 15 / 66

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Mobile - Consumer 16 / 66

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Mobile - Bussiness 17 / 66

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Mobile 2.0 Mobiles involve in many real-life aspects ... 18 / 66

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19 / 66 Immersive Fish don't know water exists... until beached Marshall McLuhan (via Golding)

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20 / 66 Mobiles Become Part of a New Culture With Every New Opportunity Comes New Threat ... With Every Good Thing There is A Bad Side ...

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21 / 66 Mobiles Become Part of a New Culture With Every Fun Thing There Might be A Serious Danger ...

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22 / 66 Mobiles Become Part of a New Culture Please... always be a Human!

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23 / 66 More.. Go Google Yourself! smartphone culture smartphone habits smartphone negative impacts smartphone anti social gadget addiction sel e culture dangerous sel e

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24 / 66 What Happens in A Minute? Ericsson 2012 

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25 / 66 Devices

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26 / 66 Smartphone Era Mobile 1.0 Mobile 2.0

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27 / 66 2007 iPhone 1 Mobile 2.0 Milestone Smartphone Era

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2008 28 / 66 HTC Dream T-Mobile G1

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Smartphone Subscriptions Retrieved 2/2016 - Ericsson Tra c Exploration 31 / 66

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Smartphone Sales As of 2014 - Statista 33 / 66

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Market Share of Sales As of Q3/2015 - Based on OS/Platform - Statista 34 / 66

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36 / 66 Applications

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Number of Apps As of July 2015 - Statista 37 / 66

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Cummulative Downloads - App Store As of June 2015 - Statista 38 / 66

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Cummulative Downloads - Google Play As of July 2013 - Statista 39 / 66

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40 / 66 Apps in Numbers What do You Want to Do? There's an App for That! 

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  Devices & Involving Tech [Golding] 41 / 66

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42 / 66 Devices

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43 / 66 Smartphone Era Mobile 1.0 Mobile Telephony Network: 2G First Internet-Capable Mobile Relatively, Poor User Experience Mobile 2.0 Mobile Computing Network: 3G, 3G+ First Internet-Centric Mobile Usable, Can Do Things 100x Processing Power

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44 / 66 The Transformation From Mobile 1.0 to Mobile 2.0 More data-friendly tari s Increased device usability = smartphones/pads Faster/fatter networks (3G+) Greater Web 2.0-centricity Social networks are mobilizing (FB 40%) App stores -> new consumption habits Greater user participation Money - apps goldrush

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45 / 66 Smartphone Era Mobile 2.0+ First Internet-Friendly Mobile Productive Can Do More, Faster Mobile 3.0, 3.0+ IoT 4G, 4G+, 5G .. when most of our digital services will have become mobilized

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46 / 66 Telco Transformation The Telecoms Transformation is Now - SAP 

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Mobile 1.0 + Early Mobile 2.0 In Our Pockets ... 47 / 66

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Hidden Engine of the Revolution Millions of Transistors... 48 / 66

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Two Computers Computers Everywhere 49 / 66

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Not Just Computers But Those with Senses ... 50 / 66

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Not Just Computers But Those with Senses ... To Augment the Reality ... 51 / 66

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Not Just Computers But Those with Senses ... To Interact with the Real World ... 52 / 66

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Mobile 2.0+ In Our Pockets ... Everything Included ... 53 / 66

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  Moving Forward [Golding] 54 / 66

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Internet of Things - IoT The Rise of Open HW Platform ... 55 / 66

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Internet of Things - IoT URIs Everywhere ... 56 / 66

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Computer at the Center Hub and Gateway Global Connectivity 57 / 66

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Big-Data Streaming Sensor Data to the Cloud Creating Values from Big-Data 58 / 66

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Right-Time Stream Right Info - Right Person - Right Time - Right Place 59 / 66

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Cloud Connectivity - Connected to Streams in the Cloud 60 / 66

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Augmented Cognition Augmented Human - Smartphone, Smart Devices - Smarter People 61 / 66

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Where are We Headed? The Not-So-Distant Future Just Imagine the Possibilities .. 100 GHz - 100 GB - 100 Mbps - 100 Sensors 62 / 66

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63 / 66 Keywords [Golding] Right-Time Augmented Cognition Digital Immersion Person + Right-Time Computer != Personalized Computing Person + Right-Time Computer = New Person

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  Refs 64 / 66

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References 1. From Apples to Augmented Cognition 2. VisionMobile - Business Models of Mobile Ecosystems 3. Paul Golding, Connected Services: A Guide to the Internet Technologies Shaping the Future of Mobile Services and Operators, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011, ISBN 978-0-470-97455-1 4. Apple iPhone Revenue by Quarter 2007-2016 | Statistic 5. ITU - ICT Facts and Figures 2015 6. Ericsson Mobility Report 7. The Mobile Playbook 65 / 66

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  66 / 66 END Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA