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© Created & Designed by Juvo Mobile - 2019 Moving from Features to What Customers Really Care About P R O D U C T M A R K E T I N G S U M M I T – S A N F R A N C I S C O

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Josh Gosliner Director of Product Marketing Juvo

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“We just added a new feature to the roadmap that I can’t wait to tell you about”

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There are three ways this conversation is going to go…

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How Likely are each of these to happen? PRODUCT MARKETING SUMMIT – SAN FRANCISCO 8.20% 3.60% 88.20% Lloyd Christmas Billy Madison Underpants Gnome Source: I completely made this up

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Most Product Managers are Underpants Gnomes

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But what did the Underpants Gnomes get right?

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So how did the underpants gnomes do? PROFIT PRODUCT MARKETING SUMMIT – SAN FRANCISCO They knew what they had built They just didn’t know how what they built got them to where they wanted to go They knew where they wanted to go ? STEAL UNDERPANTS

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Time to put on your Product Marketing Cape!

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Benefits are the way that real people think about a feature PRODUCT MARKETING SUMMIT – SAN FRANCISCO

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What does the product/feature do for our customers? PRODUCT MARKETING SUMMIT – SAN FRANCISCO Convenience Experience Performance Business Results • Reduce workload • Fits into schedule • Personalized • Intuitive • Faster • Reduce stress • Get Promoted • Get bonused

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“WHY?” “The new customer portal is awesome” “It gives customers far more control over their deployment” “Why does that matter them?” “It reduces risk while increasing revenues” “and what does that do for their business?” “It means they can customize the end-user experience”

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What do your customers care about most?

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Write the things you wish your customer would say about the product/feature

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“The app re-design is so intuitive; it makes me feel like a pro” “Slack integration means I can automate alerts and focus on what really matters” “Enhanced uptime means that I can sleep better at night” “Sales tools increased our company revenues by 8% this year”

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Customer messaging should reflect the “things you wish they’d day”

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If successful, what does that do for us as a company? PRODUCT MARKETING SUMMIT – SAN FRANCISCO Attract new customers Retain customers New revenue sources • New customer types • More customers • Increase renewal rate • Reduce churn/abandonment • New product revenues • Increase utilization

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