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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. Responsive & Fast: Iterating Live Michael Gooding & Ellen van Keulen

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  Gives users a good experience and makes sites easy(er) to use on mobile

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  Removes expensive redirects 2 redirects, 2.5 seconds lost (23% of page load time) Each Redirect requires at least 1 round-trip

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  It’s a single code base to manage Edge Mobile Origin Desktop Origin

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  Solves the issue of single URL’s e.g. Social media sharing

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  Allows for subtle differences between LOTS of devices Akamai sees 7,000+ devices each day

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  It is more future proof than any other current solutions

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Why is responsive design so popular?  Google Tells us to do it 

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM But how does it perform? …especially on mobile

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Over-Downloading: Bytes Per Pixel Served Average RWD Bytes Served Per Pixel From testing ~500 live RWD sites Source:

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Introducing our Guinea Pig! • Magento CE 1.9 • Sample Data 1.9 • Theme: rwd • Plugins: AddShoppers, YotPo, Recommender • • Source: Builtwith

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM What this Talk is not • Mobile Performance • UI / UX Performance • How to setup a WPT

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Chrome on Cable • Doc Complete: 5.2s • Fully Loaded: 8.93s • Total Bytes: 2,951 KB • Display Cost: 2.09B/pixel

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Chrome on 3G hotspot • Doc Complete: 17.57s • Fully Loaded: 24.34s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM MotoG on 3G hotspot • Doc Complete: 18.88s • Fully Loaded: 27.96s • Total Bytes: 2,752 KB • Display Cost: 11.9B/pixel

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Strategies for Responsive & Fast Sites 1. Responsive Images 2. Hidden & Below-the-Fold Images 3. Unused CSS & JS 4. Hidden SPOF 5. RESS 6. Adaptive Images

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. Wait! That’s Adaptive, not Responsive! (I don’t care)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Spectrum of Responsive Sites • Client Side Rendering • CSS @media • Fluid Grids / Flex Images • Device decides which content to use • Server Side • Device / Situation Detection • Server decides the appropriate content for the user

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Testing • • Devices: Desktop, Moto G [] • Moto E, Nexus 7 on initial test • Network Conditions: Cable, 3G [State of the Internet] • Browsers: Chrome [] • IE 9, Firefox, Chrome on initial test • Ignore multi-geo testing • Assume adding oceans makes it worse

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Initial run [WPT Initial Run]

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Exercise in Stating the Obvious • Network Conditions (bandwidth, latency) impact performance • Mobile is slower than Desktop • Lots of Images • Lots of JS • Cost of Painting on mobile • Cost of JS on mobile

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. Images

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM How Does Our Test Compare with HTTP Archive?

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Test: No Images!

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Original and very large images!

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Problem: Same Image, Different Size

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Strategies to Reduce Image Cost • No Images! • Use SVG • Use CSS • Change formats • Increase compression • Use different sized image for different viewport (Responsive Images) • (impractical) • (impractical) • (impractical; unexpected results) • (interesting, more later) • (a different talk)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Responsive Images over 471 Websites Why do we need Responsive Images? 72% less image weight Tim Kadlec:

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Solution: Responsive Images
new Imager({ availableWidths: [200, 260, 320, 600], widthInterpolator: function(width) { return width + 'x' + (width/2); } });

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Responsive image options A rad wolf Srcset Attribute Client Hints Picture Element

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection.

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Anatomy of The president giving an award.

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Anatomy of The president giving an award.

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Anatomy of The president giving an award.

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Demo 1: Responsive Images with • Demo

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento Original

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento Updated (v1) // Picture element HTML5 shiv document.createElement( "picture" ); ...

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento Updated (v1) Linen Blazer

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Responsive Images: Results WPT Results Start Render: 6.4s Doc Complete: 18.9s Fully Loaded: 28s Start Render: 7.7s Doc Complete: 15.9 Fully Loaded: 22.7s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Responsive Images: Results

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Responsive Images: Notes & Caveats • Use polyfill (eg: Scott Jehl’s PictureFill) • Polyfill manipulates the in the DOM; Supported Browsers do not • JS Libraries that depend on may not work with (see ImageZoom) • Future of is still uncertain – Only Chrome 38 (Desktop) is committed

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Hidden Images Still Downloaded

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Solution: (Client-Side) Conditional Loading If Then

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento Original

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento Updated v2 function loadRealUpSell(img) { if (!img) return; if (img.offsetParent != null) { // Implies hidden img.onload = null; img.src = img.getAttribute("data-src"); } }

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Conditional Load CSS Hidden Images • Demo

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Conditional Load Images: Results WPT Results Start Render: 7.7s Doc Complete: 15.9 Fully Loaded: 22.7s Start Render: 7.5s Doc Complete: 14s Fully Loaded: 21.4s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Conditional Load Images: Notes & Caveats • “onLoad” only fires if the 1x1.gif exists and loaded • Make sure you don’t have broken JavaScript or no images are shown • Resizing viewport or orientation changes require special attention and additional logic • Yet more JavaScript!

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Problem: Images Below the Fold Not Shown

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento Updated v3 ... jQuery(function() { jQuery("img.lazy").unveil(); }); ... Luggage Set

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM On Demand (lazyload) Images • Demo

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM On Demand Images: Caveats & Notes • Many automated solutions offer lazyload • Eg: Google PageSpeed, Akamai FEO • Existing lazyload solutions may need to be updated may not interact with final supported browsers • Picture Polyfill + Lazyload scripts need to be careful – use solutions such as Picturefill 2 and lazyloading

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection.

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. CSS / JS / DOM

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Problem: Unnecessary CSS Loaded !=

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. grep "@media" styles.css | sort | uniq @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 4 / 2), (min-device 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi), (min-resolution: 2dppx) { @media only screen and (max-device-width: 568px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) { @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 1199px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 1279px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 320px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 420px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 450px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 499px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 530px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 535px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 599px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 620px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 670px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 699px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 770px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 799px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 850px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 870px) and (min-width: 771px) { @media only screen and (max-width: 979px) { @media only screen and (min-width: 1126px) {

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. 4a. Solution: Split CSS by Media Query

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento RWD Styles.css Breakdown Reality: Most RWD sites aren’t mobile first

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Problem: Media queries don’t prevent CSS downloads

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. 4b. Solution: More Javascript! var styles= document.getElementsByTagName("link"); for(var i=0;i<styles.length; i++) { // Test if the Media Query matches var mq = styles[i].getAttribute("data-mq"); if (mq && window.matchMedia(mq).matches) { // If so, append the new (link) element. var l = document.createElement("link"); l.rel = 'stylesheet'; l.type = 'text/css'; l.href = scripts[i].getAttribute("data-src"); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(l); } }

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection.

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. On Demand CSS: Results WPT Results Start Render: 7.5s Doc Complete: 14s Fully Loaded: 21.4s Start Render: 9.2s Doc Complete: 12.7s Fully Loaded: 20.4s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Render Blocking CSS Inline above-the-fold CSS to speed the page render. Ilya Grigorik Critical Path CSS Non Priority CSS

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Without the CSSOM, First Paint is Blocked Resources to calculate Critical Path CSS: • Chrome Bookmarklet by Paul Kinlan • Grunt task, NPM or online tool by Jonas Ohlsson

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. *, ::before, ::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } html { font-family: sans-serif; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } html, body, img, fieldset, abbr, acronym { border: 0px; } html, body { height: 100%; } body { margin: 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1; background: rgb(255, 255, 2 body, button, input, select, table, textarea { font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Verdan .wrapper { min-width: 320px; min-height: 100%; margin: 0px auto; background: rgb(255 .header-language-background { padding: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; background-c .header-language-background, .header-language-background a { color: rgb(230, 230, 23 .header-language-container, .page-header { font-family: Raleway, 'Helvetica Neue', V .header-language-background .header-language-container { max-width: 1200px; margin-l ... Linen Blazer ...

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Inline Critical CSS: Results WPT Results Start Render: 7.5s Doc Complete: 14s Fully Loaded: 21.4s Start Render: 7.2s Doc Complete: 13.4s Fully Loaded: 20.9s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM CSS Notes and Caveats • Splitting CSS by Media Query has marginal net-benefits • The Browser will still load CSS with Media Queries • Use Conditionally loaded CSS for mobile first designs • Focus on critical CSS instead

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Problem: Hidden JavaScript (just like Photos) Width Num JS Reqs Num JS Bytes 320px 11 133 KB 1600px 10 125 KB

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Problem: Hidden SPOF Regular Day (Desktop) Twitter Down (Desktop) Regular Day (Mobile) Twitter Down (Mobile)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Solution: Conditional Loading JS (& CSS) “… conditional loading can be used to ensure that small screen users don’t download a whole bunch of stuff they can’t use …” Brad Frost: var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for(var i=0;i<scripts.length; i++) { // Test if the Media Query matches var mq = scripts[i].getAttribute("data-mq"); if (mq && window.matchMedia(mq).matches) { // If so, append the new (script) element. var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = scripts[i].getAttribute("data-src"); document.body.appendChild(s); } }

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM JavaScript to Load JavaScript • Demo

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Conditional Load JS: Results WPT Results Start Render: 7.2s Doc Complete: 13.4s Fully Loaded: 20.9s Start Render: 6.8s Doc Complete: 10.5s Fully Loaded: 17.5s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. No Hidden SPoF!

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. RESS REsponsive + Server Side

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Problem: Hidden DOM impacts download

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Solution: REsponsive + Server Side (RESS) • Server conditionally assembles (remove / add) design response • Does not replace Front-End Responsive design • Tune for families of devices • User-Agent Regex • Device Characteristic Databases • Client Hints (Header, Cookie) • Other Cookie Mobile Content Removed Desktop Content Removed

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Magento RESS getChildHtml('related_products') ?> getChildHtml('upsell_products') ?>

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM REsponsive Server Side • Demo

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. RESS can reduce DOM complexity

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. RESS: Results WPT Results Start Render: 6.8s Doc Complete: 10.5s Fully Loaded: 17.5s Start Render: 6.8s Doc Complete: 10.1s Fully Loaded: 17 s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM RESS Notes & Caveats • Vary: User-Agent to avoid SEO Cloaking • Cache-Control: Private to avoid cache collision by Proxy • Pre-instruct your CDN to utilize the same RESS logic • (Otherwise your CDN will not cache or have cache collisions)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Solution: RESS with CDN ● Identify Common Devices ○ Or common properties of devices ● Optimize for those devices ○ RWD, even if not 100% Client Side ● Example: Akamai EDC & Property Manager ○ Device Properties sent as header ○ Origin returns correct content ○ Cache key includes mobile property

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. RESS & CDN (Magento Code) getChildHtml('related_products') ?> getChildHtml('upsell_products') ?>

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM OTHER TABLET Is Bucketing by ‘Characteristic’ Enough? What about? • HTML 5 vs 4? • Device Model? • Browser Family? • GPS support? • Pixel Density? • Etc… MOBILE

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Solution: ESI Conditional Loading

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Instead of 3 Sources, 1 Source with ∞ Permutations Edge Origin is_mobile is_tablet (other) decorated

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. Images (Redux)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Could we use the same design for images? Format Size vs JPEG Proggressive Transparency Support Hardware Decoding Encoder Browser Support JPEG N/A N/A No No jpegtran Everybody WebP -35% -35% Yes No cwebp JPEG XR -30% N/A In Spec, not Browsers Maybe jxrlib JPEG 2000 -30% N/A In Spec, not Browsers Maybe OpenJP EG 10+ 12.1+ 4+ 23+ 6+ 6+

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Solution: Auto Image Selection WebP JXR Jpg2000 Jpg Jpg

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Adaptive Format: Results for Chrome & WebP WPT Results Start Render: 6.8s Doc Complete: 10.1s Fully Loaded: 17 s Start Render: 6.4s Doc Complete: 9.4s Fully Loaded: 16.2 s

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Bonus: Image Transcoder

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Bonus: Image Transcoder for Resize & Compression • Deliver a browser specific version of a requested image • Reduce the “noise” in the tag • Provides backward compatibility for all browsers • Ensures all images apply best practices (remove EXIF, progressive, etc)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Bonus: Adjust Based on Network Conditions Quality: 100% Size: 101KB Average Throughput: High Size: 85KB (Q: 90) Throughput: Med Size: 35KB (Q: 40) Throughput: Low Size: 13KB (Q: 20) May be Grainy, But Stays Fast!

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Final Results

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Final Results (Bonus “unnamed” CDN)

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Final Results

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Final run

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Final Recommendations 1. Use a responsive image solution (like ) 2. Prevent downloading hidden & below the fold images 3. Inline critical css 4. Use conditional loading for CSS & JS (to avoid hidden SPOF issues) 5. Implement RESS to reduce DOM complexity • Integrate with your CDN for maximum offload 6. Adaptive Images to Browser and Network conditions

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Avoid data theft and downtime by extending the security perimeter outside the data-center and protect from increasing frequency, scale and sophistication of web attacks. Free Copy

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©2015 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Grow revenue opportunities with fast, personalized web experiences and manage complexity from peak demand, mobile devices and data collection. Thank-You @Michael_G_81