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如何建立自己的開源專案 40 歲的我會給 20 歲的自己 關於軟體開發的 7 個建議 LINE Developer Relations Evan Lin 2024.12

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Evan Lin Lead of LINE Taiwan Developer Relations LINE Platform evangelist Internal LLM evangelist TECH FRESH People Manager GDE of Golang and AI/ML

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Evan Lin My Job History • 華夏⼯專(EE) -> 東吳⼤學(CS) -> 元智⼤學 (MBA) • InterVideo (Corel Corp.) • 群光電⼦ • 新創公司 • LINE Taiwan

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SECTION 1. (更早) 參與 Open Source

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Who Am I? (Github)

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How to Create a Popular Open-Source Project •Don’t start from scratch. •Begin with something small. •Work on it every day.

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SECTION 2. 持續寫作

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Writing - From Today I Learn •Total Post: • 1440 •Since: • 2002 •System: • Movable Type • WordPress • Jekyll

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Your blog will help you.

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How to write a tech blog • Start today. • Don’t worry about the readers. • Remember, you are the reader. • Write about everything. • Learn through writing.

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From Zero to Hero

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SECTION 3. 更早參與技術研討會

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Tips for Attending a Tech Conference • Try to ask questions to the speakers. • Engage in conversations with other participants. • Building connections is the most important aspect of a tech conference.

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SECTION 4. 更早參與分享

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How to become an Expert? Crafting Blogging Communicate Sharing

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Sharing: Technical Communication • Consider your audience. • Practice, practice, practice! • Explain concepts simply. • Provide background information. • Describe the current problem. • Highlight what's new in your approach. • Remember, it helps you learn (again).

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Sharing: By Teaching, We Learn!

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SECTION 5. Keep Learning

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How I Learn a New Programming Language

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LLM Tools

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SECTION 6. 更好的時間管理

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Time Management • 上班時: 專注⼒是你的重要資產 • 專注在「只有⾃⼰能做」 • 要求在短時間內完全專注(蕃茄鐘) • 排程回覆信件與 SNS • 儘量不加班,下班時間⽤來學習 • 讓加班變得有價值 • Put your life as the first priority.

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Self-discipline • 健⾝永遠會是⼀個好習慣 • 持之以恆的⼩事給你⾃信⼼ • 健康的⾝體保持活⼒與專注度

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SECTION 7. 多認識夥伴

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Software Development = Program + People + Time

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展開你們新職涯與學習的起點 • 盡可能參與實習 • 多 Face-to-Face 溝通 • 視訊會議請務必開鏡頭 • 別錯過認識同事(學)的機會 • 20 歲看學歷 • 30 歲看經歷 • 40 歲看⼈脈

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Thank you!

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