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Testing an IA Donna Spencer - Maadmob (@maadonna)

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About me • User experience freelancer – information architecture, interaction design etc • Far too long (10+ years) • Run UX Australia & other conferences • @maadonna Card%sor(ng How%to%write%great% copy%for%the%web A%prac(cal%guide%to% informa(on%architecture

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What is IA testing (or tree testing)?

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Test your information architecture

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But do it before it’s built!

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Do it as early as you can Research Design IA Design navigation Prepare content Launch

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How does it work?

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In person

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Or online

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Or both

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Preparing & running the test

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Preparation: The IA • Need a simple hierarchy • Or two... • OK to put some items in two places • Can test just subcategories, or to pages

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Preparation: The tasks • Figure out what you want to test • Write tasks • In general, user-friendly language • OK to have a long list of tasks for good coverage

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Preparation: The people • Standard issues for recruitment! • If using online, offer an incentive • For online, you need volume to get good results • As you can’t probe to find out what people are thinking

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Preparation: The tool • Write out cards for face-to-face • Online • Enter the IA (Treejack: paste from a spreadsheet) • Enter tasks • Identify ‘correct’ locations

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Preparation: The tool • Settings • Randomise tasks to avoid a consistent learning effect • 6-8 tasks per person maximum

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Recording results: Tool

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Analysing the results

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Analysis • Check what happened with each task • Check what happened in each part of the IA • Identify tasks/IA sections that worked: • Well • Badly • OK

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The important part: Analysis

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The important part: Analysis Legend - Pies Legend - Lines Went down the right path Went down the wrong path Went back This is the correct answer Skipped question Correct path Incorrect path Soft furnishings Participants came here 1 time and clicked: Home Home décor Soft furnishings Interior Decorative Bowls & Plates Kitchen Cookware Curry Pots Servingware Coasters & Mats Dinner Plates & Bowls Serving Bowls Trays & Platters Cups, mugs & glasses Kitchen Accessories Kitchen Accessories Food & drink Food

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The important part: Analysis

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The important part: Analysis

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The important part: Analysis

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Analysis • Check what happened with each task • Check what happened in each part of the IA • Identify tasks/IA sections that worked: • Well • Badly • OK • Can be hard to figure out why things happened

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Find scented candles - Christmas? Legend - Pies Legend - Lines Went down the right path Went down the wrong path Went back This is the correct answer Skipped question Correct path Incorrect path Home Participants came here 40 times and clicked: Correct path 34 (85%) Incorrect path 6 (15%) Back from here 0 (0%) Nominated answer 0 (0%) Skip task 0 (0%) Home Home décor Soft furnishings Interior Candles & Holders Relaxation Essential Oils Incense & Holders Office Kitchen Christmas Christmas Catalogue Christmas Decorations

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Tips • Test your test • Easy to make mistakes with the tree, correct answers and tasks • Test two versions • Easier to interpret results • Tweaks to one version • Entirely different approaches

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No content

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Tips • Test your test • Easy to make mistakes with the tree, correct answers and tasks • Test two versions • Easier to interpret results • Tweaks to one version • Entirely different approaches • Tweak & re-test

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Resources • Card-based classification evaluation (Donna Spencer: http:// • Tree testing (Dave O’Brien): • Card Sorting + Tree Testing : The Science Of Great Site Navigation (Jeff Sauro): • Julian’s 5 tips for Tree Testing (Julian Apatu): http:// • Making the most of Optimal Treejack (Nick Bowmast): http:// treejack/

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Tools • Treejack: • PlainFrame: • User zoom tree testing: • C-inspector:

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Thanks • • +61 409-778-693 • • Twitter etc: maadonna