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A sprint, not a stroll

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Refinements Experimental scope-limited monkey patching

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module FloatDivision refine Fixnum do def /(other); self.to_f / other; end end end class MathFun using FloatDivision def self.ratio(a, b) a / b end end p MathFun.ratio(6, 8) THE OLD IDEA (no longer works)

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module FloatDivision refine Fixnum do def /(other); self.to_f / other; end end end class MathFun using FloatDivision def self.ratio(a, b) a / b end end p MathFun.ratio(6, 8)

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module FloatDivision refine Fixnum do def /(other); self.to_f / other; end end end using FloatDivision class MathFun def self.ratio(a, b) a / b end end p MathFun.ratio(6, 8) Main context is OK

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Keyword Arguments definitely a: “pretty”, good: “addition”, to: “the language”

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def some_method(options = {}) defaults = { x: 10, y: 20, z: 30 } options = defaults.merge(options) p options end some_method x: 1, y: 2

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def some_method(x: 10, y: 20, z: 30) p x, y, z end some_method x: 1, y: 2, z: 3

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def some_method(x: 10, **rest) p x, rest end some_method x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, c: “x”

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Enumerator::Lazy Lazy enumeration, finally made easy.

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infinite_range = (0..Float::INFINITY) { |num| num % 74 == 0 }

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infinite_range = (0..Float::INFINITY) e = { |num| num % 74 == 0 } puts puts puts

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module Bar def my_method "inside the module" end end class Foo include Bar def my_method "inside the class" super end end x = p x.my_method 1 2

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module Bar def my_method "inside the module" super end end class Foo prepend Bar def my_method "inside the class" end end x = p x.my_method 1 2

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INCLUDE PREPEND Foo class Bar module x object NEITHER Foo class x object Object class Object class Foo class Bar module x object Object class

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ABI Breakage Changes to the Application Binary Interface

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Regex engine changed From Oniguruma to Onigmo

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%{this\r\nis\n\ncool\vhello!}.gsub(/\R/, '')

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RubyGems 2.0 Lots of refactoring, initial support for stdlib gemification, gem search is now remote, arbitrary metadata support & more.

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RDoc 4.0 Adds Markdown support & ri can now show pages (e.g. READMEs with ri rdoc:README)

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%i and %I To form arrays of symbols, like %w does for words and arrays

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%i{a b c} == [:a, :b, :c] %I{ #{(rand(26) + 65).chr} } == [:Y]

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UTF-8 is default source encoding No more # encoding: utf-8 (if you don’t want)

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Bitmap garbage collector Faster, more efficient

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CSV.load and CSV.dump gone Not considered such a good idea in light of the early 2013 YAML vulnerabilities

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String#chars, #lines, #codepoints, etc. Now return arrays rather than enumerators. Use #each_char, #each_line, etc. instead if you need enumerators.

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TracePoint A more object oriented alternative to set_trace_func

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tracer = lambda do |event, file, line, id, binding, klass| to_display = [event, File.basename(file), line, klass, id] puts "%10s in %s at line %-2d %s:%s" % to_display end set_trace_func tracer # .. normal code here ..

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tracer = do |tp| to_display = [tp.event, File.basename(tp.path), tp.lineno, tp.defined_class, tp.method_id] puts "%10s in %s at line %-2d %s:%s" % to_display end tracer.enable # .. normal code here ..

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respond_to? respond_to? against a protected method now returns false

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Method transplants with define_method Now accepts UnboundMethods

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module M def foo; "foo"; end end define_method :foo, M.instance_method(:foo) p foo

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Array#bsearch Range#bsearch Binary search for monotonic collections

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[1, 4, 9, 13, 14, 22, 40].bsearch { |i| p i; i >= 6 } # 13 # 4 # 9 # => 9 (1..1000).bsearch { |i| i > 372 }

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__dir__ Like __FILE__ but for the current source file’s directory Equivalent to File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))

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to_h and Hash() A new convention. The hash equivalent to #to_a A key use is with Struct and OpenStruct

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User =, :age, :status) me ="Peter", 31, :admin) me.to_h ENV.to_h Hash(nil) # => {} Hash([]) # => {}

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