Slide 1
Slide 1 text
2023.06.07 JSAI
株式会社電通国際情報サービス X(クロス)イノベーション本部
飯干茂義 横井俊昭
- AI application to engineering chain in manufacturing industry -
The challenge of applying AI to manufacturing has been tried for many years. The application of AI to the engineering chain
is also underway and it is still far from complete. This paper describes the latest technology and examples of applications of
AI to design and development in the manufacturing engineering chain. The activities for deeper and wider application will be
presented. The use of data from thermal flow analysis and experimental results to training would be simplified evaluation of
new designs, and examples of various applications using AI based ROM (reduced order model), AI surrogate models, and deep
learning, as well as applications to vibration of large structures would be presented. Mechanisms for accumulating causal
analysis and AI training data and future efforts will also be discussed.